Prometheus PPC Overview

Boston-based agency, Prometheus PPC, is renowned for its expertise in the spheres of Marketing Strategy, Advertising, and Digital Strategy. They have a reputation for transforming medium-sized enterprises by delivering highly successful marketing campaigns. With demographics mainly focused around medium-scale businesses, they uphold their reputation by engaging in campaigns of $4999 at the very least. It's a clear indication that they are committed to comprehensive, high-impact projects. Though their average hourly rate and company size have not been revealed, their unwavering dedication to tailor efficient strategies for their clients speaks volumes about their experience and expertise. Like Viral Nation, Prometheus PPC too connects their clientele with dynamic marketing opportunities, empowering them to harness technology and culture at the zenith. If you're in the Evaluation of Choices stage, this could be a promising choice to consider in your hunt for optimal marketing agency services.


Business Services
Financial Services
Information Technology
Company Size
Company Size
10 employees
Min. Campaign Size
Min. Campaign Size