Djordje Pajkanovic

Djordje Pajkanovic


Djordje Pajkanovic is a Product Owner and UX/UI Designer with a solid background in tech product development. He’s deeply involved in optimizing user experiences through data-driven design and has a special interest in design and animation. Djordje values teamwork and approaches every project with an eye for detail, ensuring that the technology not only serves its purpose but also delivers a user-friendly interface. His work reflects a blend of technical skill and a practical understanding of what makes a tech product successful in today’s market.

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Dave Eagle
Dave Eagle
Dave Eagle é um escritor que vive em Vermont, EUA. Ele escreve para a IMH desde o primeiro dia. Ele lida com as análises de plataformas e ocasionalmente escreve artigos de opinião, e suas opiniões têm alterado o curso do marketing de influenciadores muitas vezes nos últimos anos. Pelo menos, ele parece realmente acreditar nisso, e não temos coragem de dizer o contrário.
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