Djanan Kasumovic

Djanan Kasumovic

德贾南·卡苏莫维奇(Djanan Kasumovic)是数字营销领域的活跃力量,目前担任Influencer Marketing Hub的增长主管。他的杰出职业生涯包括在SnappCar(欧洲领先的汽车共享公司)、Travelbird、Kids Luxury Group和B&S等知名公司担任重要职务。德贾南在创新数字营销流程的前沿,精通人工智能内容生产、人工智能营销和人工智能影响者营销等领域,确立了自己在这些领域的先驱地位。

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Djanan Kasumovic, Head of Growth at Influencer Marketing Hub and a Master of Science in International Marketing and Management from the Copenhagen Business School, is a distinguished reviewer known for his strategic insights into digital strategy transformation. With a keen eye for leveraging digital marketing trends, Djanan evaluates IMH content with an analytical and purpose-driven approach, ensuring every piece is optimized for maximum impact. His expertise ensures content not only goes live but thrives in a competitive digital landscape, allowing readers to make the right choice while contributing significantly to Influencer Marketing Hub’s position as a leader in influencer marketing education. His incisive critiques and deep understanding of digital marketing are instrumental in driving content that resonates, engages, and informs while fostering continuous growth and innovation.

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Chloe West
Chloe West
克洛伊·韦斯特(Chloe West)是一位数字营销专家和自由撰稿人,专注于社交媒体、内容和数字营销相关的主题。她住在南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿,工作之余,您会发现她在阅读爱情小说或给植物浇水。
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