Over time, one can build a large number of followers on Instagram. You may not reach the same league as Selena Gomez or Cristiano, who both have more than 120 million followers. But it can be difficult even for a regular user of Instagram to keep track of who has followed or unfollowed someone.
The original Instagram app does not make it easy to manage your followers and keep track of who follows and unfollows someone. As a result, developers have built many apps that provide an extended interface that can help manage the consequences.
Many of these Instagram follower trackers have similar names and almost identical capabilities. Some place more emphasis on Instagram statistics. We have previously taken a closer look at the apps that provide insight into one's Instagram analytics.
Most of the apps we look at here are simple (and free). They can make life significantly easier for anyone who has more than just a few followers.
To simplify the process of managing your Instagram followers and tracking engagement, Influencer Marketing Hub has partnered with HypeAuditor to introduce the Instagram Follower Growth Analyzer. This tool offers valuable insights into your follower activity, making it easier for you to monitor who follows and unfollows you and helping you effectively grow your audience.
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Trackers for Instagram Followers:
- 1. Follower Analyzer (Instagram)
- 2. Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)
- 3. Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)
- 4. Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)
- 5. Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)
- 6. FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)
- 7. Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)
- 8. Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)
- 9. Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)
- 10. Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)
1. Follower Analyzer (Instagram)
Follower Analyzer provides relevant analysis about one's Instagram followers. You can see who unfollowed someone and who unfollowed someone, track new followers, find mutual friends and see fans. You can see which followers have never liked or commented on your posts, and who have always liked and commented on your friends' posts. You can see which of your posts have received the most likes and comments, and the people who are often tagged in your posts.
It is possible to buy a Premium version which allows many accounts to be logged on, which provides an unlimited profile analysis and which is without ads.
2. Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)
This app makes it extremely easy to follow or unfollow people. You can use their Insta Tracker to find a selection of analytics about your Instagram account. The app contains ads and in-app purchases for the more advanced features.
You can keep an eye on your followers and unfollowers, find ghost followers, discover which of your audience is real and not robots and see which of your posts are the most successful.
You can easily monitor and manage the popularity of your posts by studying how your audience reacts to the content you share.
3. Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)
You can use Followers for Instagram to discover who has followed or unfollowed you, who is following back, and who you are not following back.
You can use the main features for free, but there are a few in-app purchases, such as showing blocked Instagram followers, deleted comments and likes of your followers, a Perception upgrade pack, an Involvement upgrade pack and a Monitoring upgrade pack.
It is user-friendly and you can follow and unfollow people from within the app. You can use it to find and remove fake followers that have slipped into the list.
4. Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)
This is another popular app that more than 150,000 people have given a 5 star review and has an average of 4.5 stars.
Although you get some of the features for free, you have to pay extra for a selection of the more advanced features.
The app makes it possible to:
- See the followers you have gained and lost
- See who has blocked one
- Unfollow people who have unfollowed you
- Keep track of your most loyal followers
- Monitor multiple Instagram accounts
- Detect spies, potential spammers and inactive users
- Give your best users a shout-out
The app does not have many ads
5. Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)
Followers Tools for Instagram provides a wealth of information to help better manage the Instagram account. As with most of the apps covered here, you can get a basic level of features for free (although there are ads) and then purchase additional features as addons.
In the core app, you can follow, unfollow, block or unblock your followers without limitation. One can also set it to unfollow from a separate list. You can also keep track of all the new accounts you follow, your new followers, lost followers and who you have stopped following. You can also see who you have blocked and who you have been blocked by.
The app provides lots of statistics, such as the total number of posts, likes, comments, how many you follow, how many followers you have and also trends.
One of the paid functions is analysis of photos and videos, including statistics about one's most and least liked media based on likes and/or comments.
Another paid feature focuses on user engagement. Here you get data on who are the most and least active followers in terms of likes and/or comments. A list of ghost followers is also offered, which you can quickly unfollow.
6. FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)
FollowMeter for Instagram has a nice interface that helps manage followers on Instagram. They provide the following insight for free:
- number of followers you have gained
- number of followers you have lost
- number of non-followers
- the most and least liked photos and videos
- the total number of likes
- the total number of comments
- average of likes
- average of comments
Hvis man køber den frivillige Premium udgave, vil man blive vist i appens Discover sektion, så alle brugerne kan se én (og forhåbentligt følge én)
7. Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)
Man kan bruge denne app til at fjerne sine ghost followers - folk, der bare lurer på Instagram, er inaktive og ikke bidrager med noget engagement. Spøgelses-konti er enten oprettet af mennesker eller bots på sociale medier. De gør intet for at hjælpe med, hvor godt ens Instagramkonto præsterer. Det er ofte scammere, der opretter spøgelses-konti med fiktive profiler.
Man kan bruge denne app til at overvåge sine 100 seneste opslag i forhold til følgere, der overhovedet ikke reagerer.
You can also use the app to track down and delete your Instagram Unfollowers. You can unfollow many people at once, up to 60 per hour.
8. Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)
Even in the free version, Reports + has a large selection of functions that can improve the experience of Instagram. Below:
- Key analyzes of the account
- Track how many followers are gained and lost
- Track the performance of the postings
- Track engagement
- Optimize and schedule posts
- Find out who your best Instagram fans are and which friends have given your posts the most likes
- Find unfollowers.
You can get more information about your account if you subscribe to a Premium addon
9. Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)
Tracker for Instagram allows you to track followers you have gained or lost. You can monitor how well your posts are performing, your posts with the most likes as well as the photos and videos with the most comments.
You can also use Tracker for Instagram to track the engagement of followers.
Although the app is free, you can pay for Premium access ($9.99 per month), which gives access to more insights such as one's best posts with media, one's "stalkers", ghost followers, those who have blocked one, the , who like the most and those who comment the most.
It's worth checking out the reviews for the app before downloading it, as users are divided - most reviews are either five stars or one star.
10. Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)
The app's name, Trackers for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers, is a good description of what it does. It allows you to find out who has recently started following someone (or unfollowed someone). The reviews of this app are also split with 878 people giving 5 star reviews but also 383 giving just 1 star. You should try it out before possibly committing to an in-app purchase.
As in most of these apps, you have to accept ads.
It provides a detailed Insta report about one's followers, unfollowers, secret admirers, ghost followers, stalkers, likes and analytics. The statistics contain details of the most popular posts (likes and reposts), followers/unfollowers, comments, likes, profile views and more.
11. Unfollow for Instagram - Unfollowers & Fans (Unfollow App)
Dette er en enkel app, hvor man kan spore de folk, der ikke følger én tilbage på Instagram. Den giver også mulighed for at holde op med at følge folk, enten individuelt eller i bundter.
Selvom denne app er mere ligetil end mange af de andre apps her, så gør den præcist det, den siger. Man kan finde sine unfollowers eller selv holde op med at følge folk, simpelthen bare med et par klik.
12. Unfollow Users for Instagram (Xiuxin Soft Team)
Dette er endnu en enkel og gratis app, der holder, hvad den lover. Forsiden viser de folk, man følger, men som ikke følger én tilbage. Man kan holde op med at følge dem direkte fra appen, enten 1 ad gangen eller i bundter.
13. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers – Follower Insight
Unfollowers & Followers Analytics for Instagram er tydeligvis populær blandt brugerne med et gennemsnit på 4,5 stjerner på Google Play, heraf flere end 40.000 5-stjernede anmeldelser.
Den har en ret stærk liste af funktioner, herunder
- At lave lister over ens unfollowers, ghost followers, gensidige følgere, seneste unfollowers
- Mulighed for at blive en del af et overordnet shout-out
- En chance for at blive del af et medie shout-out
- Mulighed for at tilføje brugere til en hvidliste
- At følge/holde op med at følge inde fra appen.
Appen er gratis, men den har reklamer.
14. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram (Follow Cop)
Det er temmeligt forvirrende, at denne app står opført på Google Play som Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram, samtidig at der i sidekopien (og inde i selve appen) refereres til navnet Follow Cop.
De vil gerne være et omfattende administrationsredskab til Instagram: “Med Follow Cop bliver man en strømer på sin Instagramprofil.”
Det er en gratis app med annoncer. Den indeholder følgende:
- Ens ikke-følgere
- Mulighed for at lave overordnede shout-outs
- Understøtter op til 3 Instagramkonti
- Folk, der ikke følger tilbage
- De seneste unfollowers
- Ghost followers
- Man kan oprette en hvidliste med sine yndlingsbrugere, så man ikke ved et uheld kommer til at holde op med at følge dem
- De der liker og kommenterer mest
- Tavse likes
- Kan holde op med at følge op til 20 mennesker med et enkelt klik (uden begrænsning pr. time)
- Mulighed for at filtrere falske følgere og gensidige følgere.
15. Unfollowers for Instagram Lost (Elegant)
Det gratis Unfollowers for Instagram Lost hjælper med at finde unfollowers (både ikke-følgere og mistede følgere) på ens Instagramkonto. Appen opdager og fremhæver de mennesker, man følger, men som ikke følger tilbage. Man kan også indstille den til at fremhæve de mennesker, man har glemt at følge tilbage.
16. Who Unfollowed (Webilisim)
Who Unfollowed er en gratis app, men man kan betale for at promovere sig selv i appen til de 200.000 brugere.
Man kan finde ud af, hvem der holdt op med at følge én på Instagram på så mange konti, det skal være. Den laver også en liste over de seneste unfollowers og ens ghost followers. Den indeholder nogle tilpasningsmuligheder, så man kan sætte den op, som man ønsker.
I modsætning til andre apps her, er der ingen begrænsning pr. time. Man kan holde op med at følge så mange mennesker, der skal være på én gang.