16 Top Instagram Followers Tracker Tools

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Over time, you can build a large number of followers on Instagram.

You may not be in the realm of Selena Gomez or Cristiano, both of whom have over 120 million followers. But it can be difficult for even a casual Instagram user to keep track of who followed and unfollowed them.

The native Instagram app doesn't provide easy ways to manage your followers and keep track of who followed you and who didn't. Because of this, developers have created many applications that offer an improved user interface to help you manage your followers.

Many of these Instagram follower trackers have similar names and almost identical capabilities. Some focus more on Instagram stats. We previously took a closer look at the apps that provide insight into your Instagram analytics.

Most of the apps we look at here are basic (and free). They can make the life of anyone with more than a few followers decidedly more relaxed.

To help you effectively manage your Instagram followers and track your engagement, Influencer Marketing Hub has partnered with HypeAuditor to offer the Instagram Follower Growth Analyzer. This tool provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of monitoring who follows and unfollows you, making it easier to maintain and grow your audience over time.

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Instagram Followers Tracker

instagram followers tracker tools

1. Follower Analyzer (Instagram)

Follower Analyzer (Instagram)


Follower Analyzer provides you with relevant analytics about your Instagram followers. You can see who unfollowed you & who unfollowed you back, tracking new followers, find friends and view fans. You can see which followers have never liked or commented on your posts and followers who have always liked or commented on your friends’ posts. You can see your most liked and top commented states and people who are often tagged in your posts.

An optional premium purchase allows multiple accounts registration, unlimited profile analyzer and ads removal.

2. Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)

Followers & Unfollowers Analytics for Instagram (WowMaking)


Diese App macht es extrem einfach, Menschen zu followen und unzufollowen. Sie können den Insta-Tracker verwenden, um eine Reihe von Analysen über Ihr Instagram-Konto zu erhalten. Die App enthält Ads und In-App-Käufe für die erweiterten Funktionen.

Sie können Ihre Follower und Unfollower entdecken, Ghostfollower finden, herausfinden, welcher Teil Ihres Publikums echt ist und nicht nur Bots, und herausfinden, welche Ihrer Beiträge am erfolgreichsten sind.

Sie können die Popularität Ihrer Posts einfach überwachen und verwalten und untersuchen, wie Ihr Publikum auf Ihre gemeinsamen Inhalte reagiert.

3. Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)

Followers for Instagram! (Component Studios)


Mit Followers for Instagram können Sie herausfinden, wer Ihnen followed und unfollowed und wen Sie nicht zurückfollowen. 

You can access the main features for free, but there are some in-app purchases such as showing blocked Instagram followers, deleted comments and likes from your followers, a Perception upgrade pack, an Involvement upgrade pack, and a Monitoring upgrade -Package.

It is user friendly and you can follow and unfollow people from within the app. You can also use it to find and remove fake followers…

4. Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)

Followers Insights for Instagram (MonoMosaic)


This is another popular app that has more than 150,000 people giving it a 5-star rating – resulting in an overall rating of 4.5.  

Although you get some features for free, you have to pay extra for a number of other premium features.

The app allows you to:

  • Discovering the followers they’ve gained and lost.
  • See who blocked you.
  • Unfollow people who have unfollowed you.
  • Keep track of your most loyal followers.
  • Monitor multiple Instagram accounts.
  • Discover your spies, potential spammers and inactive users.
  • Shoutouts to your best followers. 

The app contains a lot of advertising.

5. Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)

Followers Tools for Instagram (CC Soft)


Followers Tools for Instagram provides you with a wealth of information to help you better manage your Instagram account. Like most of the apps reviewed here, you can get a basic level of functionality for free (although there are ads) and then buy additional features as add-ons.

In the core application, you can follow, unfollow, block and unblock your followers without any restrictions. You can also set it to auto unfollow with a separate list. You can also keep track of all your new followers and lost followers/unfollowers. You can also see who you’ve blocked and who blocked you.

The app also provides many statistics such as your total number of posts, preferences, comments, followings and followers and trends.

One of the premium features is the photo/video analysis. This includes statistics about your most popular and least popular media items by likes and/or comments. Another premium feature focuses on user engagement. This provides data on who your most active and least active supporters are in terms of preferences and/or comments. It also gives you a list of ghost followers to quickly unfollow…

6. FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)

FollowMeter for Instagram (BeakerApps)


FollowMeter for Instagram has an attractive interface to help you manage your Instagram followers. You get the following insights for free:

  • Number of followers gained
  • Number of lost followers
  • Number of non-followers
  • Your most and least liked pictures and videos
  • The total number of your likes 
  • Die Gesamtzahl Ihrer Kommentare
  • Wie viele Likes Sie durchschnittlich erhalten
  • Wie viele Kommentare Sie durchschnittlich erhalten

Wenn Sie einen optionalen Premiumkauf tätigen, werden Sie im Discover-Bereich der App angezeigt, wo alle Benutzer Sie sehen (und hoffentlich auch folgen) können.

7. Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)

Ghost Unfollowers for Instagram & Fake I.G. Clean (Prakash Desai)


Mit dieser App können Sie Ihre Ghostfollower entfernen – Lurker, die auf Instagram inaktiv bleiben und an keinem Engagement teilnehmen. Ghostfollower können entweder von Personen oder von social Bots erstellt werden. Sie tun nichts, um die Leistung Ihres Instagram-Kontos zu verbessern. Häufig erzeugen Betrüger Ghostaccounts mit fiktiven Profilen.

Sie können diese App verwenden, um zu sehen, welche Follower überhaupt nicht mit Ihren letzten 100 Posts interagiert haben.

You can also use the app to see and unfollow your Instagram unfollowers. You can unfollow en masse – up to 60 users per hour.

8. Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)

Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram (Mobile X)


Reports+ offers a range of features to enhance your Instagram experience in the free version. This includes:

  • Key Account Analyzes
  • See how many followers you’ve gained and lost
  • your post performance
  • Commitment 
  • Optimizing and scheduling your posts.
  • Find out who your top Instagram fans are and which of your followers often like your posts. 
  • See your unfollowers

You can get additional information if you subscribe to a premium add-on.

9. Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)

Tracker for Instagram (Appyfurious LLC)


Tracker for Instagram allows you to see gained and lost followers. You can see how well your posts are performing, your most popular posts, and your most commented photos and videos.

You can also use Tracker for Instagram to see the engagement of your followers.

Although the app is free, you can pay for premium access ($9.99 per month) which gives you access to additional insights such as your most popular media posts, your “stalkers”, ghost followers, blockers, the best “Likers” and the best “Commentators”.

It might be worth checking the ratings for the app before downloading it, as users are polarized – the most common ratings are five stars and one star.

10. Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)

Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers (Quadro Tools)


Der Name dieser App, Tracker for Instagram Followers & Unfollowers, ist eine gute Beschreibung dessen, was sie tut. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, mehr über die Menschen herauszufinden, die Ihnen followen (oder Sie kürzlich unfollowed haben). Auch die Bewertungen dieser App sind polarisiert – 878 Personen geben eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung ab, 383 Personen geben eine 1-Sterne-Bewertung. Sie werden es wahrscheinlich zuerst ausprobieren wollen, bevor Sie sich für einen In-App-Kauf entscheiden.

Wie die meisten dieser Apps müssen Sie Werbung aushalten.

Es bietet einen detaillierten Insta-Bericht über Ihre Follower, Unfollower, geheimen Bewunderer, Ghostfollower, Stalker, Vorlieben und Analysen. Die Statistiken enthalten Details zu Ihren beliebtesten Posts (Likes und Reposts), Follower / Unfollower, Kommentaren, Likes, Profilansichten und mehr.

11. Unfollow for Instagram - Unfollowers & Fans (Unfollow App)

Unfollow for Instagram - Unfollowers & Fans (Unfollow App)


Dies ist eine einfache App, mit der Sie Personen sehen können, die Ihnen auf Instagram nicht zurückfollowen. Es ermöglicht auch das Unfollowen von einzelnen oder mehreren Personen. 

Obwohl diese App einfacher ist als viele andere Apps hier, tut sie genau das, was sie sagt. Sie können Ihre Unfollower sehen oder selber unfollowen, alles mit ein paar einfachen Klicks.

12. Unfollow Users for Instagram (Xiuxin Soft Team)

Unfollow Users for Instagram (Xiuxin Soft Team)


Dies ist eine weitere einfache kostenlose App, die das tut, was sie wirbt. Die Startseite zeigt die Personen, denen Sie folgen, die Sie aber nicht zurückfollowen. Sie können sie direkt aus der App heraus unfollowen, entweder eine Person nach der anderen oder in Zehnergruppen.

13. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers – Follower Insight

Unfollowers & Ghost Followers – Follower Insight


Unfollowers & Followers Analytics for Instagram ist mit 4,5 Punkten bei Google Play offensichtlich bei seinen Nutzern beliebt, wobei mehr als 40.000 Menschen eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung abgegeben haben.

It has a comparatively strong feature list including:

  • Listing of your unfollowers, ghost followers, mutual followers, recent unfollowers 
  • Ability to be included in a global shoutout.
  • The chance to be part of a media shoutout.
  • Ability to add users to a whitelist.
  • Can follow/unfollow from within the app.

The app is free but ad-supported.

14. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram (Follow Cop)

Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram (Follow Cop)


A little confusingly, this app is listed as Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram on Google Play, but is labeled as Follow Cop on the salespage (and in the app itself).

It aims to be a comprehensive Instagram management tool: “With Follow Cop you become a cop of your Instagram profile.”

It is a free, ad-supported app. Its characteristics include:

  • Your non-followers
  • Ability to make global shoutouts.
  • Supports up to 3 Instagram accounts.
  • People you don’t follow back
  • Recent unfollowers
  • Ghostfollowers
  • Can create a whitelist of your favorite users so you don’t accidentally unfollow them.
  • Your top likers and commenters
  • Sprachlose Likes
  • Can unfollow up to 20 people with a single click (no hour limit).
  • Ability to filter Fakefollowers, Fakefollowings and Mutual Follows.

15. Unfollowers for Instagram Lost (Elegant)

Unfollowers for Instagram Lost (Elegant)


Free Unfollowers for Instagram Lost helps you find your unfollowers (both nonfollowers and lost followers) in your Instagram account. The app recognizes and tags the people you follow who don’t follow you. You can also set it to mark the people you forgot to follow.

16. Who Unfollowed (Webilisim)

Who Unfollowed (Webilisim)



Who Unfollowed is a free app, but you can pay to promote yourself to all 200,000 users on the app.

You can find out who unfollowed you on Instagram for any number of accounts. It will also list your recent unfollowers and ghostfollowers. It offers you some customization options so you can personalize it to your liking.

Unlike some of the other apps here, there are no hour limits. You can unfollow as many people as you like in one session.

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