19 Social Media Post Ideas for Christmas Campaigns

Social media has over 3.484 billion users. This roughly translates into about 40% of the world’s population. This makes it an amazing spot for marketing your brand and products. Additionally, Christmas Holiday sales are expected to cross the $1 trillion mark this year in the US alone. 

People often look at social media for purchasing tips and sales. You can use this to your advantage to market your brand and give a boost to your sales. 

Here are some social media post ideas that you can use to promote your brand and get customers. 

Social Media Post Ideas for Christmas:

1. Christmas Ideas

One of the best ways of promoting your products on social media is by using Social Media Scheduling Tools and posting a list of Christmas ideas. Come up with a huge list of easy-to-implement ideas for Christmas and cleverly promote your products through those ideas. If you own a B2B business, you could post a list of Christmas ideas for offices as well. 

2. How-to Posts

How-to posts can get instant engagement on social media. People love to decorate their homes all by themselves, and posting helpful content, you’ll be able to catch people’s attention. Show your followers how they can create Christmas decorations from scratch, innovatively wrap gifts, etc. 

3. Recipes

People prepare all sorts of different dishes during Christmas to celebrate the holidays. You can tap into this audience to generate engagement by writing recipe posts. Even if your business isn’t related to food, it can help increase your reach. 

Additionally, you can put up a call-to-action at the end of the posts asking your followers to share their Christmas recipes. This can generate significant engagement on your posts. 

4. Gift Ideas

Shoppers continuously look for gift ideas for the holidays, and many of them turn to social media for ideas. You can reach out to these shoppers by writing posts on gifting ideas and include your products in the list. This can get you valuable traffic and generate sales too.

For instance, BuzzFeed Ladylike posted a list that showed what people are purchasing on Amazon during the holidays. 

5. Safety Tips

Holidays also mean loads of celebrations, including firecrackers, candles, sparklers, and more. As people handle all of these materials throughout the holidays, you can show that your brand cares about their safety. This can be done through posts on safety tips on social media. 

6. Photo Tips

During the holidays, people often get-together with their close ones and celebrate. They’ll naturally want these moments captured in the form of photos and videos. You can create posts on photography tips that can help them click memorable shots that are visually stunning too. 

To make things even more interesting, you could host photo contests and ask them to post their photos with your branded hashtags. Those pictures with the most likes can be declared the winners, and you can send them some gifts. This can help generate buzz on social media, and you can boost your sales through this. 

7. Playlists

One of the best ways of generating engagement is through audio and video content. You could create playlists of Christmas songs on YouTube and share it with your subscribers. Through the video, you’ll be able to improve your brand awareness. 

8. Holiday Videos

You can come up with holiday-themed videos and post on your social media profiles. Even when you’re just creating a video of your product, you could base it around the holiday theme and attract more views. 

9. Personalised Greetings

One of the best ways of having an impact on the minds of your followers is through personalised greetings. You could either send images or create personalised videos to greet your followers. This will make them feel that your brand cares about them. Some of them may even check out your products and purchase from you. 

10. Countdowns

Countdowns can work wonders on social media. They can be catchy, and people may keep coming back to your profile to view the countdown daily. You can upload a different image or video each day of the countdown and catch the attention of your followers. 

To make things even better, you can host daily competitions as a part of the countdown to Christmas. All those who’re interested in winning gifts will surely engage with your posts, and this can help you expand your reach and engagement. 

11. Memes

When we’re talking about social media, we can’t avoid memes. Tons of memes are shared daily on social media, and they usually generate a lot of buzz. You can start creating holiday-themed memes and share them through your social media accounts. The timeliness of the memes will help them gain traction, and you can generate significant engagement through them. 

12. Creative Caption Contest

You can post a photo or video related to Christmas and ask your followers to give an appropriate caption to it. Choose the best captions and reward them with goodies. This will help generate a lot of engagement in the form of comments. Through this, you can reach a wider audience as well. 

13. Wish Come True Contest

People have all sorts of wishes during the holidays. You can create a contest around these wishes and ask your followers to write their wishes as comments on your post. From those, you can pick out the lucky ones and give them what they wished for.

You can make the contest very specific by asking your followers to wish for one of your products.

14. Holiday Stories 

You can share your holiday stories through posts on social media. At the end of these posts, you can add a call-to-action asking your followers to share their holiday stories as well. 

15. Quizzes

Quizzes can not only be fun but can also be a great way of generating engagement on your social media profiles. You can ask questions related to Christmas and give rewards to those who get the right answers. 

For instance, The Key Safe Company launched a contest where their followers had to answer the question correctly to win a hamper. 

While designing these quizzes, do keep in mind that the questions shouldn’t be difficult. The goal of the quizzes must be to generate engagement and not to test the knowledge of your followers. 

16. Polls

You can post polls on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In them, you can ask simple questions related to Christmas and ask your followers to vote. You could even ask them questions about what they want your brand to do on social media during the holidays. 

This way, you’ll be able to generate a lot of engagement on these posts. Additionally, their input on what they want your brand to do will help you craft your marketing strategy during those days as well. This, in turn, will help increase your sales. 

17. Influencer Collaborations 

One of the best types of social media posts are ones involving influencers. These posts typically get a better response as you’ll get access to your influencer’s audience, as well. You can partner with influencers and create content related to Christmas with them. 

You can create videos with them talking about their Christmas plans and subtly promote your products through them. Alternatively, you could let them take over your account for a day and post content to generate engagement. You can even ask them to create posts related to Christmas and weave your products into them. This can get you significant engagement and sales. 

18. Podcast Interviews

Podcasts are great forms of content to post on social media. You can conduct interviews of popular personalities in your industry and upload them to your accounts. Base the interviews around how they intend to celebrate Christmas and give a personal touch to them. This can help you catch the attention of your followers. 

19. Hacks and Tricks 

Everyone loves tricks and hacks that can help them finish their tasks with ease and with finesse. You can come up with posts on various hacks and tips related to Christmas and put them up on social media. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the types of posts that you put up. You can create videos, explain the hacks through podcasts, or even upload images and infographics. 

Final Thoughts 

The holidays are almost upon us, and if you haven’t started planning your social media strategy and calendar, it’s high time that you begin. Come up with unique and creative ideas for your social media posts to generate engagement. Host contests and quizzes related to Christmas. 

Create informational videos with DIY tips, hacks, and more. Partner with the top influencers and produce high-quality content with them. Use polls and memes to generate even more engagement. Incorporate the ideas mentioned above into your social media strategy and drive engagement and sales this Christmas season!  

About the Author
The Influencer Marketing Hub Team brings together a diverse group of experts with a passion for influencer marketing, digital trends, and social media strategies. Each piece of content crafted by this team is researched and written to provide valuable insights, tips, and updates for our readers. Our authors are dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative, and engaging articles that help businesses and influencers thrive in this rapidly changing digital world.