Rooted in its origins as a Naming firm, WANT Branding has broadened its capabilities over the years to provide a holistic suite of branding services. Today, the agency is celebrated not just for their expertise in naming, but also for their prowess in brand strategy, brand identity, and brand research. Their relentless pursuit of excellence, combined with a tireless work ethic, allows them to deliver solutions at an unmatched pace, enabling businesses to stay one step ahead in rapidly evolving markets.

But what truly sets WANT Branding apart from its contemporaries is the agency's unique methodology and approach to branding. The firm operates on the principle of 'Simple is Smart', which means they eschew complex jargon and convoluted textbook strategies in favor of straightforward, easily comprehensible ideas. This simplification not only makes their work more accessible to clients but also ensures that their ideas can be quickly and efficiently implemented, a trait they believe is key to penetrating the minds of consumers. The agency's branding strategy is built upon three core pillars: Definition, Messaging, and Architecture.

Services Offered by WANT

1. Brand Strategy:
WANT Branding’s strategy services are anchored by three core offerings. They help define what your brand stands for through their unique Brand Definition process, which includes crafting key adjectives that describe your brand, creating a powerful brand positioning statement, and writing a compelling brand manifesto. As mentioned before, they also assist in developing Brand Messaging, which builds upon the foundational work of the Brand Definition, creating powerful copy that clarifies the brand’s benefits for each core audience. Lastly, their Brand Architecture service organizes the way your brand(s) go-to-market from a customer-based perspective, ensuring clarity and consistency in naming and optimizing customer decision making.
2. Brand Naming:
WANT Branding’s Naming services include name development, trademark evaluation, linguistic analysis, and consumer research. They provide powerful, memorable names that stand the test of time. For larger brands, they offer retainer agreements for ongoing naming support.
3. Brand Identity:
The Identity services offered by WANT Branding ensure your brand visually stands out, not just with your logo, but consistently and coherently across every single brand touchpoint and customer experience. They create unique and differentiating visual identities and deliver smart brand guidelines, workshops, and communication tools.
4. Brand Research:
Their Research services deliver data-driven insights in two main areas – discovery and validation. They use multiple tools to gather deep understanding of consumer loyalty, brand awareness, brand strengths, consumer needs, attitudes, motivations, preferences, and expectations. They also provide ongoing tracking studies to monitor brand health and effectiveness.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Naming
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Research
  • Offices:
    Brands we have worked with: