Top Eco-Friendly Marketing Strategies for a Greener Future

These days, shoppers prefer environmentally and socially responsible brands. This paradigm shift in consumer behavior prompts businesses to adopt eco-marketing strategies, with eco-friendliness now a vital component that can give your company a competitive edge. A well-executed approach can build trust, enhance brand reputation, and appeal to eco-conscious consumers. Social media is crucial in this process, enabling brands to engage with eco-conscious consumers directly.

Eco-Marketing 101

Eco-Marketing tactics

Eco-marketing involves strategically integrating environmental and social responsibility into your business operations. It connects you with green customers who support businesses committed to a healthier planet and society. It acknowledges the power of consumer preferences in driving change. The numbers don't lie: 

  • 55% of shoppers will pay extra for environmentally friendly brands.

  • 84% of customers are deterred by poor environmental practices in a brand or company.

  • 78% of consumers say sustainability in their purchases is a top priority.

  • Sustainable products outpace non-sustainable ones by 2.7 times in growth.

Eco-marketing practices are implemented to ensure that environmentally conscious choices are made across various business aspects:

  • Product Development

  • Marketing Strategies

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Consumer Education

Engaging in eco-marketing also presents an opportunity to demonstrate your brand's personality. By supporting a significant cause, you can enhance your digital storytelling to emotionally connect better with your audience. Ultimately, this aligns with customer expectations and benefits your business.

Eco-Marketing Vs. Greenwashing

Greenwashing is when a company fraudulently claims its products are eco-friendly to appeal to sustainability-minded consumers. Several brands have been found guilty of greenwashing. While some escape scrutiny, others face significant reputational damage when exposed.

Conversely, eco-marketing prioritizes honesty, transparency, and accountability. Effective environmental marketing presents factual claims that are easily verifiable and provide all relevant information. 

Common green claims like "made with 25% recycled materials" can be misleading, especially if using recycled materials is an industry standard and the brand isn't actively reducing its environmental impact. The context is crucial, and eco-marketers must tread carefully. Proper environmental marketing occurs when companies market themselves as eco-friendly and genuinely adhere to it.

To ensure you’re practicing eco-marketing right, avoid these six sins of greenwashing:

  • Hidden trade-off: Don't suggest a product is "green" based solely on one environmental aspect.

  • Irrelevance: Avoid claiming to avoid materials or practices that are already illegal or non-standard.

  • Lack of proof: Ensure all environmental claims can be backed up.

  • Fibbing: Don't make false environmental claims.

  • Vagueness: Be specific about your operations and materials.

  • Lesser of two evils: Don't label environmentally unfriendly products as "do-good."

9 Eco-Marketing Strategies to Try

 Eco-Marketing Strategies

Try implementing these small yet impactful changes across your business to make a difference:

1. Adopt Digital Marketing

Digital marketing presents significant environmental benefits compared to print-heavy marketing methods. By adopting digital marketing, you promote paper reduction. Like a domino effect, this also lessens the environmental impact of transportation and shipping physical marketing materials. Digital tools can also help you target demographics interested in sustainability, enhancing efficiency and campaign success.

  • Focus on Your Website: Optimize your digital storefront for energy efficiency and user experience. Share educational resources and impactful stories alongside your products.

  • Harness Email Marketing: Educate your audience and promote sustainable products/practices without paper or distribution-related emissions.

  • Social Media Power: Create engaging content for eco-conscious consumers. Foster meaningful interactions, educate, and participate in sustainability conversations.

  • Leverage Eco-Influencers: Partner with influencers who align with your sustainability values to reach a wider audience.

Dandelion Branding

You can hire a reputable sustainable marketing agency to help you facilitate a seamless transition. For instance, Netherlands-based Dandelion Branding offers holistic content marketing strategies and website optimization services for eco-friendly brands. They prioritize social good, environmental impact, health, and inclusivity, utilizing environmentally conscious techniques to minimize their clients' digital footprint.

2. Be Transparent With Your Carbon Footprint

Sharing your products or services' carbon footprint is a valuable marketing asset, though it may open your business to scrutiny. However, being upfront helps identify waste areas and educates customers about their own footprints. Highlighting reductions in carbon footprint is an excellent way to show your target audience how the business is making sustainable strides. Internally, calculating your footprint identifies emission-heavy operations, allowing you to prioritize reduction efforts effectively.

  • Determine Scope: Decide whether to calculate the footprint for each product, a product line, or the entire company.

  • Follow Standards: Use recognized protocols like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for accuracy and consistency.

  • Consider Third-Party Verification: Independent verification boosts credibility.

  • Communicate Clearly: Break down the footprint into understandable steps and make information readily available on your website or marketing materials.

Most young consumers, including 77% of Gen Z and 72% of Millennials, are willing to pay extra for sustainable products. Similarly, around 76% of parents prioritize sustainability. You should capitalize on this by openly promoting sustainability, especially if offering greener alternatives than competitors.

Maje French design brand

Maje, a French design brand, showcases on its website its commitment to reducing the environmental impact of garment production. They update their progress toward becoming more environmentally friendly, including their carbon footprint reduction efforts.

3. Offer Green Alternatives

Eco-conscious consumers seek greener alternatives, reflecting their desire to prioritize sustainability. Proactively creating solutions empowers consumer action, helping enhance your brand's reputation. Developing sustainable alternatives fosters innovation, potentially unlocking new product categories and revenue streams. 

  • Start Small: Identify a product where a greener alternative would resonate, considering materials and end-of-life options.

  • Prioritize Impact: Evaluate potential alternatives without compromising ethics or performance. 

  • Highlight & Educate: Promote your "greener" option across marketing channels, explaining its sustainability advantages clearly.

Fashion brand Eileen Fisher

Fashion brand Eileen Fisher offers Renew, a program that allows customers to return used clothes for recycling and resale. This initiative provides an eco-friendly alternative to waste, offering shoppers a responsible option along with classic pieces that don’t go out of style.

4. Attain B Corp Certification

B Corp certification shows that your business is committed to sustainability and social responsibility. This process verifies your performance and improves your credibility in eco-marketing. By adhering to a structured framework of guidelines, you showcase tangible efforts to your commitment to social and environmental causes in an official capacity.

  • Meet Eligibility: Ensure your business structure and size qualify for B Corp certification.

  • Impact Assessment: Complete the comprehensive online assessment measuring your social and environmental impact.

  • Verification and Validation: B Lab reviews your assessment and conducts further interviews and verification processes.

  • Legal Amendment: Implement necessary legal changes to formalize your sustainability commitments.

  • Pay Annual Fees: Contribute to maintaining certification based on your revenue.

Ben & Jerry

In September 2012, Ben & Jerry's became the first wholly-owned subsidiary to attain B Corp Certification with a remarkable overall score of 96.0 on the B Impact Assessment, surpassing the median score of 50.9.

5. Choose an Eco-Friendly Email Service

While email marketing may seem inconsequential in sustainability discussions, the energy required to power servers and send billions of daily emails has an impact. Each email contributes about 26 grams of CO2 emissions to the carbon footprint. Though seemingly small, the cumulative effect becomes significant when considering the average person sends and receives around 100 emails daily. Switching to an eco-friendly email provider can significantly reduce your marketing's carbon footprint.

  • Research: Seek companies that report their sustainability standards transparently.

  • Consider Features: Evaluate your emailing needs, such as storage and automation, to ensure the platform aligns with your requirements.

  • Transition: Most providers offer straightforward guidance for the transition process.

eco-friendly email platform EcoSend

An excellent eco-friendly email platform like EcoSend operates servers powered by renewable energy. Engineered for minimal energy consumption, it facilitates email campaigns and requires less energy for creation, processing, sending, and storage. Additionally, it assists with audience migration and data management, all while enhancing the sender's reputation.

6. Set Up a Company Recycling Initiative

Start an in-house recycling program to reinforce your commitment to sustainability. By utilizing technology, your company can educate staff, customers, and website visitors about the implemented recycling program. Educating others about recycling may inspire them to follow suit, extending beyond just employees.

  • Assess Your Waste: Conduct a waste audit to identify the most generated materials, guiding your recycling targets and choice of hauler.

  • Choose What to Recycle: Use common recyclables like paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans. Consult your local municipality for accepted materials.

  • Educate Your Team: Communicate the new program, explain its benefits, and provide guidance on recyclable and non-recyclable items.

Lush's Green Hub in-house recycling initiative

Lush's Green Hub is an excellent example of an in-house recycling initiative, reflecting the brand's commitment to a circular economy. This program processes materials often deemed 'waste,' such as packaging and water, and repurposes them. Additionally, the Green Hub includes community spaces for staff and local groups to learn and engage in sustainable practices, aligning with Lush's strategy to design for zero waste.

7. Incorporate Sustainability Gamification

Transform eco-friendly actions into an enjoyable game to increase employee engagement and demonstrate your dedication to the environment. Gamification utilizes elements like points, rewards, and friendly competition to inspire action.

  • Choose Your Focus: Determine which sustainable behaviors you want to promote, such as reducing energy consumption or biking to work.

  • Set Up a System: Use a simple spreadsheet, an app, or a dedicated platform to track participation and award points.

  • Offer Rewards: Incentivize participation with small prizes, charitable donations in the employee's name, or additional time off.

  • Add Competition: Foster engagement through individual contests or team-based challenges, creating a sense of friendly rivalry.

JouleBug employee engagement mobile app

JouleBug, an employee engagement mobile app, simplifies involving your team in reaching sustainability goals. Its challenges blend collaboration and competition to further your mission using play, education, and collective action. You can customize actions to encourage participation in local initiatives, like community events or reducing waste in break rooms.

8. Change or Adapt Your Product Packaging

Non-recyclable packaging defeats the purpose of eco-marketing. Paper packaging made from recycled materials is a worthwhile option, effectively communicating your eco-friendly stance. Another great approach is naked packaging, whenever applicable.

  • Assess Your Current Packaging: Evaluate the materials used and their environmental impact. Determine the necessity of each component.

  • Explore Sustainable Alternatives: Prioritize recycled materials, compostable options, and packaging that customers can reuse.

  • Think Minimalism: Aim to reduce overall packaging while maintaining product protection.

  • Communicate Change: Highlight packaging updates on your website, product labels, and marketing materials.

Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation, a household and personal care product company, champions sustainability in its packaging. They use post-consumer recycled materials to implement zero-plastic solutions.

9. Ensure Accountability

Don't just claim you'll plant trees or switch to recyclable plastic for your latest products—prove it. Show consumers you're pursuing goals and allow them to hold you accountable. This translates to authenticity, improving brand perception.

  • Set Measurable Goals: Quantify your environmental commitments (e.g., reduce waste by 20% in 2 years).

  • Track Your Progress: Regularly assess metrics related to your goals, showcasing successes and areas for improvement.

  • Report Transparently: Share updates on your sustainability efforts with customers and stakeholders through reports or your website.

  • Seek Third-Party Certifications: Obtain reputable sustainability certifications, if possible, to validate your commitments.

Footwear brand Allbirds

Footwear brand Allbirds discloses all of their sustainability initiatives on their website. This comprehensive, transparent approach highlights their serious commitment and solidifies their position as an eco-leader.

3 Eco-Marketing Success Stories and Their Key Takeaways


Hunderunde is a social business

Hunderunde is a social business focused on animal welfare, offering eco-friendly products like bracelets, dog bowls, and apparel. They prioritize eco-friendly solutions and donate a portion of sales to support animal activists in Romania. With many consumers favoring products with positive environmental or social impacts, Hunderunde's success is undeniable.

Key Takeaway: To maximize impact, consider implementing a give-back system and collaborating with existing eco-marketing campaigns.

Pokémon Go's Sustainability Week

Pokémon GO Sustainability Week

Pokémon GO Sustainability Week rewards you for helping the environment. The game's developer partners with environmental groups to get players involved in cleanups, recycling, and saving energy. This campaign teaches players about important issues and inspires them to make a difference in their communities. 

Key Takeaway: Make sure the environmental campaigns are easy and fun to join. Interactive methods are more memorable and encourage word-of-mouth sharing among participants.

Priority Direct

Priority Direct eco-friendly packaging company

Priority Direct isn't just the UK's top eco-friendly packaging company—they're also committed to educating customers about sustainability. That's why they've partnered with global organizations like Rainforest Trust UK, which works to protect endangered rainforests. When you spend £30 or more, Priority Direct will preserve 1000 m2 of rainforest on your behalf.

Key Takeaway: Encourage customers to contribute to planet preservation. While £30 may not seem significant, it motivates buyers to spend more, aiding both the environment and your bottom line.

Final Thoughts

Eco-marketing is the future of responsible business. The growing threat of climate change and environmental issues drives consumers to seek companies that genuinely care. From updating packaging to embracing transparency, explore these effective strategies. Additionally, leverage digital marketing to share your sustainability efforts and expand your reach. Adopting eco-marketing can enhance customer loyalty, elevate brand reputation, and positively impact your business and the planet.

About the Author
Geri Mileva, an experienced IP network engineer and distinguished writer at Influencer Marketing Hub, specializes in the realms of the Creator Economy, AI, blockchain, and the Metaverse. Her articles, featured in The Huffington Post, Ravishly, and various other respected newspapers and magazines, offer in-depth analysis and insights into these cutting-edge technology domains. Geri's technological background enriches her writing, providing a unique perspective that bridges complex technical concepts with accessible, engaging content for diverse audiences.