
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium-sized Businesses
On request
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium-sized Businesses
On request

Social Commerce is rapidly reshaping the way consumers shop and interact with brands, creating a thriving new frontier for businesses to conquer. Introducing Grip, a cutting-edge live commerce platform that empowers SMBs and brands to create immersive live shopping experiences. Despite their platform’s “immaturity”, Grip has with over 6.2 million downloads and 6 million hours of accumulated live shopping broadcasting time, started to become the go-to solution for social commerce. This comprehensive review will provide you with an in-depth look at Grip's key features, target audience, and pricing, helping you make an informed decision about whether this platform is the right fit for your business. Grip boasts an impressive set of features tailored to enhance user engagement and simplify the live shopping process. These features include mobile-friendly live streams, seamless purchasing experiences, and a diverse range of product categories. Additionally, the platform offers innovative ways to upload and manage products during live sessions, making it a highly attractive choice for SMBs.

Furthermore, Grip has incorporated interactive game functions that maximize customer engagement during live events. This includes True or False games, raffle games, and first-come-first-served deals that not only entertain viewers but also encourage them to actively participate in the live shopping experience.

Grip Review:


Grip offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to create an engaging and user-friendly live shopping experience for both sellers and viewers:

1. Mobile-friendly live features: Enjoy seamless viewing and shopping on-the-go with a platform optimized for mobile devices.

2. Portrait orientation: Experience live streams tailored to the portrait orientation of smartphones, ensuring easy access and navigation.

3. Follow channel: Stay updated on your favorite channels by following them, receiving notifications for new live events.

4. Engagement features: Foster deeper connections between live streamers and viewers through interactive elements and real-time communication.

5. Shoppable video: Streamline the purchasing process with an integrated watch-select-order system in a single page.

6. Register product during live: Simplify product management for SMBs with the ability to add products while streaming.

7. Mass market appeal: Caters to a wide audience with a platform offering full product categories and pages, ensuring a diverse range of items and shopping experiences for all users.

Grip features

IMH furthermore picks these features as truly unique qualities within the Social Commerce Vertical:

1. Invite VIPs for Exclusive Lives and Offers

Grip allows you to create an exclusive experience for your most valued customers by inviting VIPs to special live events and offers. This feature lets you host new product showcases, secret fan meeting events, and exclusive flea markets, where your VIP customers can enjoy a personalized and interactive shopping experience. By engaging with your most loyal audience members, you can deepen your connection with them and drive customer loyalty.

Grip inviting VIPs

2. Innovative Product Upload Experience

Grip revolutionizes the product upload process with its innovative approach, making it easier and more efficient for sellers. With Grip, you can:
a. Upload a new product in just 10 seconds, saving valuable time and effort.
b. Upload products during a live session, providing a seamless experience for both sellers and viewers.
c. Enjoy a ready-to-sell experience, eliminating delays between product upload and selling.

Product Upload Experience

3. Maximize Customer Engagement with Game Functions

Grip offers various interactive game functions to keep viewers engaged and entertained during live shopping sessions. These functions include:
a. True or False Game: Test your viewers' knowledge and spark their interest by quizzing them on product-related facts.
b. Raffle Game: Encourage participation and excitement by offering the chance to win prizes through random draws.
c. First-Come-First-Served: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by offering limited-time deals or special offers to the first few customers who act quickly during the live event.

Grip Maximize Customer Engagement

Target Audience

Grip's target audience primarily consists of female millennials as mentioned (born between 1981 and 1996) and aims to cater to a wide range of interests and preferences. The platform's main categories include Fashion, Infant goods, Beauty, Food, and Tickets/online vouchers, with the flexibility to target the mass market. Grip solutions in various areas such as Interior, Books and Music, Digital/Home Appliances, Pet, Beauty, Vintage/Second-hand items, Living/Kitchen, Sports/Leisure/Cars, Foods, Travel, E-Tickets/Coupons, Jewelry, Baby & Kids, Hobbies, Fashion Apparel, Fashion Accessories, and Overseas procurement services.
By focusing on a diverse range of categories, Grip has positioned itself as a versatile live commerce platform, unlike other social commerce platforms that tend to specialize in niche categories. This approach allows Grip to appeal to a broader audience, including men and women interested in designer and celebrity limited products, collectibles such as baseball and Pokémon cards, and DIY projects involving dolls and fan goods.


Grip's pricing model is simple and accessible with no initial fees or setup costs. Service fees are based on a 15% take rate from sales, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to break into the world of live commerce. Experience the future of social shopping with Grip.

User-friendly interface: Grip's intuitive and easy-to-use interface makes it simple for sellers and viewers to navigate and interact with the platform, reducing the learning curve and enabling a seamless shopping experience.

Innovative features: Grip offers a range of unique features, such as exclusive VIP events, rapid product uploads, and engaging game functions, which help enhance customer engagement and streamline the selling process.

Mass market targeting: Grip's platform caters to a broad audience, covering various age groups, genders, and product categories. This flexibility allows sellers to reach a wider customer base and adapt their offerings to suit different market segments.

Lack of pricing options: Grip currently offers a 15% take rate on sales but does not provide additional pricing plans or subscription options, which could limit its appeal to some sellers looking for more tailored pricing structures.

Platform maturity: As a relatively new player in the social commerce market, Grip may need time to fully establish its presence, develop its feature set, and refine its user experience compared to more established platforms.

Niche expansion: While Grip has successfully targeted a mass market audience, it may face challenges in expanding its offerings and attracting users in niche categories dominated by specialized competitors.

Last Updated:
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium-sized Businesses
On request
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Small and Medium-sized Businesses
On request