Social Media Strategies for Digital Marketing Agencies [+ 10 Winning Examples]

Marketing your marketing agency may seem like a no-brainer. But many digital marketing agencies tend to put their own social media presence on the back burner. This isn’t surprising considering the need to juggle many client accounts and actively manage multiple social media profiles. That said, you can’t afford to ignore your social media channels any longer as this is where potential clients will look before they decide to work with you.

It only makes sense for people to research a digital marketing agency on social media to get an idea of their capability. After all, they should know better than anyone how to market on social media, right? But sometimes, self-promotion isn’t always easy even if you know exactly how your clients should promote themselves. 

So let’s make your job a little easier and show you how you can make your digital marketing agency on social. Here are 10 social media strategies for digital marketing agencies along with 10 examples of agencies that are killing it right now. 

Social Media Strategies for Digital Marketing Agencies (+ 10 Examples):

digital marketing strategies for agencies tips

1. Use Different Social Networks Strategically

You’ve probably told your clients that they don’t need to be on every social media channel and that they need to choose the channels that make sense for their business. While this is true for most businesses, digital marketing agencies may have potential clients across every major social network. This makes it crucial to strategically spread your presence across the channels that help you attract high-value clients. 

Look at your current social media channels and compare the referral traffic they bring to your website. You may also need to expand to additional channels to test them out and see if they’re more effective than your existing channels at attracting clients. 

LinkedIn would be a great start since you’re targeting a B2B audience. With the platform reaching 65 million decision-makers, according to the latest LinkedIn stats, you should be able to effectively reach a highly relevant audience here. Additionally, you can experiment with other leading social networks like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and even TikTok.

Once you narrow down your platforms, make sure to adapt your strategy based on the types of content that work for each channel and the trends that dominate. For example, Dash Hudson used TikTok’s Stitch feature to share their unique insights on the JBL and Doja Cat partnership using the popular #BrandTok hashtag.

@dashhudson #stitch with @jblaudio Best of #BrandTok: JBL x #DojaCat Link in bio for more on creator marketing #socialmediamarketing ♬ original sound - Dash Hudson

2. Provide Bite-Sized Tips and Tricks 

Social media users are drowning in content. They’re not necessarily going to pay attention to a lengthy article…at least not when they’re not actively looking for the info. In fact, the best length for social media posts varies between 40 and 100 characters depending on the platform. That’s why you need to first catch their attention and hook them in before you provide them with more in-depth information to establish your authority in the digital marketing space.

It’s important to present your audience with bite-sized tips and tricks to make that initial connection. Keep your posts short with the option to access more in-depth information and guides through another channel such as your website. Better yet, accompany these posts with visuals that will immediately catch their attention and hopefully encourage them to continue reading.

For instance, Obsidian Digital shared a timely LinkedIn post providing bite-sized tips on how to “win Black Friday on Pinterest.” The agency briefly summarized a typical timeline for engaging shoppers before the event. They also included a slideshow to visually present this guide. 

3. Share Thought Leadership Content

On the topic of establishing authority, thought leadership content is another effective way to showcase your expertise in the field. Regularly share unique insights related to the industry, particularly when it comes to the latest updates and trends. This will show prospective clients that you’re on top of things and that you know the ins and outs of the industry.

While you can share this type of content via your agency’s official social media accounts, consider sharing thought leadership via your leadership’s personal accounts. This is a great way to build connections with your target audience. In fact, Sprout Social’s #BrandsGetReal survey found that 70% of people feel a closer connection to a brand when their CEO is active on social media. This is likely because it feels like there are real people behind the brand, which is exactly what 65% of people in the survey believe.

Disruptive Advertising regularly shares industry insights to help their audience stay updated on what’s happening in the marketing industry. The agency’s CEO and founder, Jacob Baadsgaard also reposts these insights to his 30,000+ followers on LinkedIn.

4. Share Client Stories and Testimonials

Want to win the trust of potential clients? Show them what you’re capable of by highlighting what you’ve done for other clients. This will help them visualize how your agency can add value to their business and help them achieve their goals. 

Make the most of social media to share impactful client stories and testimonials in a visual format. You could share a video post, ideally featuring client interviews to better humanize the content. 

Alternatively, you could take a leaf out of Roots Marketing Agency’s book and share a client quote in a visual format. The agency shared a client testimonial as an Instagram post highlighting the client’s biggest pain points and how the team addressed it. 


5. Showcase the “Before and After” Difference

Before and after content is also an effective way to help prospects visualize your team’s talent. This is particularly true for highlighting work that can’t exactly be described but needs to be presented visually such as an Instagram feed revamp, for example. 

That’s exactly what Roots Marketing Agency did in the following Instagram Reel presenting their client’s Instagram “glow up.” They shared a quick intro followed by a snapshot of the client’s feed before the team worked their magic, after which they showcased a snapshot of the new and improved feed.


6. Prove Your Results through Case Studies

Some clients may be inspired enough by stories, but others may be looking for tangible results. After all, your work should be able to positively impact their bottom line. That’s where your case studies come in, allowing you to prove the kind of results your clients can expect by working with you. Case studies even give your prospects a fair idea of your processes and methods to help them assess compatibility.

While you may house your case studies on your website, don’t forget to share visual snippets via social media. This helps draw prospects in and entices them to check out your other work. You could highlight some of the key results in an original graphic and encourage them to visit your website for the full case study.

Major Tom used Twitter to share a series of visuals highlighting a client case study. These visuals outlined the challenges faced by the client and the solution delivered by the agency as well as the result of that solution. They even included a client quote to further strengthen their story.

7. Put Your Employees in the Spotlight

Another great way to humanize your digital marketing agency is by leveraging employee advocacy, and social media serves as the perfect platform to do that. Employee stories and pictures, behind-the-scenes footage, and group photos allow prospective clients to put a face to your agency. So they can feel assured that they’re working with real people rather than an unknown agency.

This allows you to build a real connection with them and establish a long-term relationship. In fact, the Sprout survey from earlier found that employee advocacy makes 61% of people feel like there are real people behind the brand. Moreover, 72% feel a closer connection to a brand when their employees share information on social media.

The Goat Agency does a great job of this with employee-related content taking up a majority of their Instagram feed. They regularly share behind-the-scenes photos of events and projects, team gathering photos, team member introductions, and employee stories to name a few. The agency even makes engaging Instagram Reels featuring fun employee interviews asking questions such as “What’s your favorite Halloween movie?”


8. Share Your Wins and Achievements

Your clients vouching for you may be enough to convince many prospects to connect with you. But recognition from industry peers can give an additional boost to your credibility, helping you earn the trust of potential clients. Make sure to use social media to highlight your latest wins and achievements in the form of awards, recognitions, and press mentions. This serves as additional proof that your agency’s expertise is well-known even in the digital marketing space.

For example, Galactic Fed shared the following post on LinkedIn thanking Agency Spotter for naming them as one of the top SEO agencies of 2023. This not only looks great to potential clients looking up the agency on LinkedIn, but it also strengthens their relationship with the company that gave them the recognition in the first place.

9. Keep Things Fun and Entertaining

You may be marketing to other businesses, but at the end of the day, there are still humans behind those businesses. It’s important to appeal to those prospects by showing your agency’s personality through fun and entertaining content. Post about relatable topics in a friendly tone, join in on internet trends and don’t be afraid to infuse a dash of humor into your social media posts.

Bloom does an excellent job of this by regularly sharing relatable memes and joining in on the latest social media trends. They even created a post similar to Spotify Wrapped to highlight what the team has done during the year such as their top snacks, top days in the office, number of coffees consumed, and so on.

A creative way in which the agency used internet trends and meme culture is by incorporating them in a post announcing the new X update allowing advertisers to run campaigns directly from Google. They created a meme using the currently popular TV Show “The Bear” and used it as the featured image of a LinkedIn slideshow post. The post included a short caption making the announcement while the rest of the slides explained what the update could mean for marketers. 

10. Engage Influential Digital Marketing Personalities

Influential personalities in the digital marketing space can give your agency a major boost if you know how to engage them the right way. These personalities have amassed a huge following thanks to their expertise. So if you could get them to notice your agency and give you a shout-out, you can reach thousands of people in an instant.

There are plenty of ways to engage digital marketing influencers via social media. For starters, follow them and engage with their content regularly. Don’t just like their posts but comment and share when there’s an opportunity.

Another way to engage them is by creating an expert round-up post and sharing them on all your socials. Here, you could tag leading experts featured in the post, which could compel them to take notice and even repost your content. 

Even better, you could interview them for a video interview or podcast episode where they share valuable insights related to the industry. This helps create value for your audience and adds credibility to your agency. It also helps you attract the influencer’s followers, many of whom might be interested in your services.

For example, Digital Web Solutions regularly hosts #ECoffeewithExperts sessions where they have leading industry experts share insightful information that their audience would love. One of their episodes featured Bruce Clay, popularly known as the Father of SEO. This type of authoritative influencer content helps the agency to keep adding value to their existing audience while reaching new prospects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my digital marketing agency?

You can promote your digital marketing agency by making use of SEO, content marketing, and social media.

How do you advertise digital marketing on social media?

You can advertise your digital marketing services on social media by creating content that showcases your expertise and addresses major pain points.

How do I promote my digital marketing agency on Instagram?

You can promote your digital marketing agency on Instagram by creating great visuals that highlight what you’re capable of.

What should I post as a marketing agency?

Marketing agencies should create posts that highlight their services, capabilities, skills, results, existing clients, and team.

What content should a digital marketing agency post? 

As a digital marketing agency, you should create posts that showcase client stories, case studies, industry updates, unique insights, how-to information, employee stories, and more. 

About the Author
Jacqueline Zote is a freelance writer and content producer. She writes for leading blogs in the digital marketing space. Her areas of expertise include influencer marketing, social media marketing, social media management, and content marketing.