How to Promote your Infographics and Increase Traffic

People love infographics. They’re engaging, easy-to-consume and present the most complex information in an easily comprehensible manner. What’s more, a study revealed that they can boost website traffic by up to 12%. However, like every other piece of content, you can’t just create infographics and wait for your audience to discover it. 

With all the time and effort you spend in coming up with a relevant topic and designing the infographic, it’s equally important to devise a robust marketing plan to promote it, reach your target audience where they are and maximize visibility. So now that you’ve used an infographic maker to create a stunning infographic, let’s take a look at nine surefire organic ways to promote it and direct traffic to your website. 

How to Promote your Infographics and Increase Traffic:

Write SEO-optimized supporting content

Publishing an infographic as a stand-alone piece of content is a grave mistake. Let’s not forget that infographics are images and Google doesn’t read images the way it reads text. 

Hence, for your infographic to be optimized for SEO data and rank well on search engines, it’s imperative to publish supporting content along with it and use the target keyword(s) in the following places:

  • Heading tags
  • Meta-description
  • Body copy
  • Page URL
  • Image file name and alt text 

The idea behind writing supporting content is to indicate to search engines what your infographic is about and to enable readers to derive additional value from it. Use this space to elaborate on the infographic instead of repeating what’s already been covered.  

Enable social sharing buttons and an embed code

You want people to share your infographic organically but have you made it easy for them to do so?

While publishing the infographic, make sure you add social sharing buttons by the side that encourage people to share the infographic on their social media platforms. Enabling social sharing buttons serves as an instant reminder, drives shares and boosts traffic to your website.

Similarly, it’s also important to generate an embed code (HTML code snippet) for your infographic. Doing so makes it easy for people to share your infographic on their websites while allowing you to control the anchor text and link. 

So, all they have to do is copy/paste the embed code for your infographic to appear. 

Submit to infographic directories

The simplest way to promote your infographic is to submit it to infographic directories. These are websites that maintain a huge database of infographics. 

By getting your infographic placed on these directories, not only do you earn links to your website but it also helps you expand visibility and reach a new set of audience. Make sure you consider directories that are credible and relevant with a high domain authority. 

Here’ a list of infographic directories you can submit your infographic to:

Create micro-content on social media

The most effective way to promote your infographic and capture maximum attention is by leveraging social media platforms.

While you might be tempted to share a link to the infographic page, expecting it to garner views, that’s not advisable because you’re not giving people a reason to check your infographic out.

You need to have a powerful social media marketing plan centered around generating interest in the infographic. How do you do that? By creating engaging micro-content.

Micro-content refers to breaking down the infographic and creating short snippets which can be posted on social media to engage your audience. 

For instance, you can post snappy teasers by sharing certain portions of the infographic to evoke curiosity while encouraging them to view the entire piece on your website. 

Another good idea is to break down the infographic and repurpose it into social-media friendly formats such as Facebook and Instagram carousel posts, LinkedIn presentation posts, SlideShare decks or even mini-videos for YouTube

Make sure you insert a link to the infographic page on each of the social media posts to drive traffic.

Leverage your email list 

An email list is a powerful asset to have. It gives you access to a set of loyalists who have demonstrated their interest in hearing from you. Hence, you must certainly share your infographic with them.

However, don’t make the mistake of pasting the entire infographic in the body. Not only will you exceed the maximum email size but you would have said it all in the email, leaving people with no incentive to go to your website. 

A smarter way to approach this is to include a short snippet of the infographic that grabs attention and gets people to view the entire infographic on your website. 

You can take inspiration from some newsletter examples to design an engaging newsletter that builds curiosity and leaves readers intrigued.

Reach out to bloggers and influencers

Another way to supercharge promotion and reach a wider audience is by partnering with bloggers and influencers. The first step is making a list of relevant bloggers and influencers who speak to a similar audience. Make sure you send them an irresistible pitch that demonstrates what your infographic is about and why it would be of interest to them.

There are three types of collaborations you can do:

  1. Ask them to include your infographic in one of their existing articles
  2. Pitch them the infographic along with exclusive supporting copy
  3. Ask them to share the infographic across their social media platforms 

What’s in it for them, you ask? You’re offering them an insightful infographic free of cost in return for a link back to your website

That’s a win-win situation right there.

Share it on forums and communities

Forums such as Reddit and Quora and social media groups are a great place to share your content with a targeted and relevant audience. Identify forums and communities that your target audience is likely to be part of. In order to form a strong network and get noticed, you need to regularly engage with people and build rapport. Don’t be that person who only wakes up to promote their own content. 

So, put some time aside to browse forums and groups to answer questions and establish credibility. That way when you share your newly published infographic, it’s likely to garner views and engagement.

Include it in your email signature

Considering the amount of emails that are exchanged on a daily basis, it’s safe to say that email signatures make for valuable marketing tools. Your signature is most likely to attract views, giving you the opportunity to use that space to promote your latest piece of content. 

So, look at inserting a shortened custom URL to the infographic page in your email signature with a call-to-action copy that entices people to click while driving traffic to your website. From finding the right topic to doing research and designing a captivating infographic -- infographic creation takes time. So, don’t stop at publishing it. 

Make your efforts count and develop a comprehensive marketing plan to promote the infographic, create awareness and drive relevant traffic to your website. 

Simki Dutta

Simki Dutta is a content marketer at Venngage, free infographic maker and design platform. When she's not working, she can be found refreshing her Twitter feed and binge-watching Netflix shows

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