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Preview for 42 of the Most Important LinkedIn Statistics for 2024

42 of the Most Important LinkedIn Statistics for 2024

With over a billion users, LinkedIn has spanned across 200+ countries and territories. What was previously a platform solely for professional networking and recruitment has now evolved into a powerful tool for B2B marketers.

The marketing potential of LinkedIn is evident in its large-scale adoption by professionals and businesses alike. Businesses use LinkedIn to establish their brand and connect with potential clients, while individual marketers leverage the platform for lead generation.

However, to fully tap into LinkedIn's marketing potential, it's important to be familiar with its latest statistics and trends. Below, we discuss LinkedIn statistics with respect to the platform's demographics, users, engagements, marketing potential, revenue, and growth to provide you insights into how and why a LinkedIn marketing strategy is a must-have.

LinkedIn Demographics Statistics

LinkedIn's main audience is professionals and businesses, usually in the B2B space. The following LinkedIn demographic statistics provide more insights. 

1. There Are More Than 1 Billion Members on LinkedIn

As of June 2024, LinkedIn had more than 1 billion members across 200+ countries and territories worldwide, according to the company’s official statistics. There’s been a significant increase since 2023, when the platform had about 930 million members. That means it added about 70 million new members within a year.

LinkedIn stat

While these are official statistics, some other publications have reported different numbers. For example, Statista reports that there are over 770 million LinkedIn users in 2024. The number is forecasted to reach over 942 million by 2028.

Statista LinkedIn users

Number of LinkedIn users

2. North America Accounts for Its Biggest Share of Users

While the Asia-Pacific region once dominated the LinkedIn market, North America now holds that title. According to the official statistics reported above, the region accounts for LinkedIn’s biggest share of members with more than 233 million users. North America is followed by Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa respectively. 

This is good news for businesses that majorly focus on the North American market as it signals the increasing popularity of LinkedIn in this region. It means that there’s growth in their potential reach.

3. Over 50% of US College Graduates Are on LinkedIn

According to Pew Research, 53% of US college graduates have a LinkedIn profile, which indicates the platform's popularity among the educated and working population. In comparison, only 10% of people with a high school degree or less are on LinkedIn.

4. Americans Aged Between 30 and 49 Are the Most Active Users

Americans aged between 30 and 49 have higher activity on the following three platforms compared to other age groups: Facebook, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn. 40% of those in this age range use LinkedIn, which is higher than 30% of those aged between 18 to 29 and 50 to 64 using the platform. Only 12% of Americans aged above 65 are active on LinkedIn. 

5. Most LinkedIn Traffic Comes From the US

LinkedIn gets most of its traffic from the US, with an audience reach of 230 million users in the country. That makes the US the contributor of about 23% of the platform’s total traffic. India is in second place with 130 million users or roughly 13% of LinkedIn’s traffic. 

6. Marketers Can Reach More Than 1 Billion 

The Digital 2024 report found that the potential audience that marketers can reach with ads on LinkedIn is estimated at just over 1 billion. That’s around 12.7% of the total global population and 19.2% of the number of Internet users. LinkedIn has seen a 13.9% year-on-year change in its global ad reach with an addition of 125 million people in just one year.

LinkedIn advertising audience overview

LinkedIn advertising audience overview

7. Advertisers Can Reach More Men than Women on LinkedIn

Advertisers have a slightly higher chance of reaching more men than women on LinkedIn. The ad audience distribution is 56.4% male and 43.6% female, according to the Data Reportal’s 2024 Digital Report

8. The Cayman Islands Have the Highest Audience Reach Rate

As of April 2024, the Cayman Islands have the highest LinkedIn audience ad reach rate at 115.6%. Clearly, some businesses must have accounts, and some people may operate two or more accounts. Bermuda follows in the second spot at 111.6% and the UAE is in the third place with a reach of 104%. The US is quite down in the list with an audience reach of 85.8%.

Countries LinkedIn audience

Countries with the highest LinkedIn audience reach

LinkedIn User Statistics

LinkedIn users are on the platform for various reasons, from networking to career advancement. These statistics show how users behave on LinkedIn.

9. LinkedIn Is a Great Place to Find Decision Makers

As of June 2023, the platform could claim to reach more than 65 million business decision-makers, according to their own official statistics.  

The platform allows you to reach and engage your prospects at the right time and in the right context. You can easily find customers through searching by either their name, position, or company. LinkedIn also suggests other potential customers that you can target.

10. Decision Makers Use LinkedIn Content to Vet Organizations

It’s key that you post engaging and informative content on LinkedIn decision makers use thought leadership to determine which organization to work with. According to a study on B2B Thought Leadership Impact, 65% of respondents were able to positively change their perception of a company as a result of thought leadership.

Additionally, 64% of respondents also consider thought leadership to be a reliable way to assess the capabilities and competency of a vendor. For these respondents, thought leadership content is much more impactful than marketing materials and product sheets.

11. Users Spent Nearly Eight Minutes Per Visit

According to data shared by Similarweb, the average time a LinkedIn user spends is 7 minutes and 45 seconds on the platform per visit. On average, they view 8 pages per visit. 

12. LinkedIn’s Target Audience Is Interested in Programming and Software Development 

The SimilarWeb data also shows that the majority of LinkedIn’s audience is interested in software development and programming, followed by computer electronics and technology. Some other audience interests include video games and news. 

13. Most of LinkedIn’s Traffic Is Direct 

LinkedIn gets 73.4% of its traffic from direct sources, compared to 21.1% from organic search. Paid search only contributes 0.36% to the platform’s traffic, while referrals bring in 2.19%

14. Most LinkedIn Users Use Desktop to Access the Platform 

According to Semrush, 71% of LinkedIn’s traffic comes from desktop, while 28.9% of users use their mobile phones to access the platform. 

LinkedIn traffic source devices

LinkedIn traffic source devices

The use of desktops makes sense since LinkedIn is primarily used by professionals during weekdays when they are active on their work computers or laptops. 

Unlike other platforms that are mainly used for entertainment and thus accessed more through mobile devices, LinkedIn users engage with the platform for business-related purposes, which are more easily done on a desktop. 

LinkedIn Revenue and Growth Statistics

LinkedIn has seen tremendous growth since its launch in 2003. Let's look at some interesting statistics related to LinkedIn's revenue and growth over the years.

15. LinkedIn Has 19,400 Employees

LinkedIn has a global workforce of over 19,400 employees spread across 36 offices. These employees work towards making LinkedIn a better platform for professionals and businesses.

16. LinkedIn's Premium Subscriptions Brought $1.7 Billion in Revenue

LinkedIn introduced premium subscriptions in 2005, allowing users to access additional features, such as private browsing, applicant insights, direct messaging, and unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning. In 2024, the company saw a revenue of $1.7 billion from its Premium subscription, with a 25% year-over-year increase.

17. LinkedIn Reported a Revenue of $15.74 Billion

LinkedIn generated over $15 billion in revenue in 2023, according to the Social Report. That's a massive increase from just five years ago when LinkedIn was touching $6 billion in revenue. The company's growth can be attributed to its continuous efforts to improve and expand its features.

18. LinkedIn Saw an 8% Increase in Revenue

In just the Q1 of 2024, LinkedIn has already seen an 8% increase in its revenue. By the end of this year, LinkedIn is expected to generate even higher revenue, continuing its trend of consistent growth.

19. LinkedIn Has 450 Million Newsletter Subscriptions

LinkedIn's newsletter feature has been widely popular among its users, with over 450 million active subscriptions. The 3x year-over-year increase in these subscriptions shows the growing interest in LinkedIn's content and its ability to engage audiences. Marketers and businesses can use LinkedIn newsletters to keep their target audience updated and engaged with their brand. 

LinkedIn Engagement Statistics

Since most of LinkedIn's audience and user base comprises professionals and businesses, the engagement on the platform isn't as high as other social media platforms. Here are some statistics to tell you more about LinkedIn's engagement.

20. Most LinkedIn Visitors Engagement With a Page Every Week

Organic engagements on LinkedIn posts are higher compared to other social media platforms. On average, 40% of LinkedIn's active users engage with a LinkedIn page every week. They may do so by liking, sharing, commenting, or clicking on the content posted on that page. Use our guide on LinkedIn hooks to benefit from this trend. 

21. LinkedIn Users Are Most Active During Weekdays

According to Buffer, the best time to post on LinkedIn is between 9 AM and 5 PM on weekdays. That makes sense, considering most LinkedIn users are professionals who are working during the day. Posting during these times can ensure that your content reaches a larger audience and receives more engagement. The research also found that engagement picks up during lunch breaks, mid-morning, and late afternoon when people are taking a break from work.

Best times to post on LinkedIn

Best times to post on LinkedIn

22. LinkedIn Users Are Active on Sundays, Too

Although Sundays are quieter than other days of the week, research shows that LinkedIn users are still active on this day. The best times to post on the platform on Sunday are at 7 AM, 12 PM, and 5 PM.

23. LinkedIn Company Pages Get the Most Engagement on Tuesdays

Sprout Social found that the best days to post on LinkedIn company pages are Tuesdays through Thursdays. To no one's surprise, weekends are the worst days for engagement.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be the busiest days for most professionals, and this could explain why engagement is higher on these days. It's best to post between 10 AM and noon.

On Thursdays, engagement is the highest at 10 AM.

LinkedIn global engagement

LinkedIn global engagement

24. Linked Is Used by More Than 67 Million Companies

The company's official statistics report that there are more than 67 million companies listed on the platform. According to LinkedIn, however, some of these company profiles result from LinkedIn automatically creating company pages. They do this when a member adds an organization that is not on LinkedIn as part of their experience on their profile.

25. More Post Likes Lead to More Engagement

OkDork found a correlation between the number of likes and other LinkedIn metrics. According to the correlation data, more likes equals more views, shares, and comments.

To help you gain more likes, they suggest that you add a call to action at the beginning or end of your post and promote it on other social networks. If you're planning to share it on other platforms, they suggest that you start with Twitter. According to their data, tweets have the highest correlation to LinkedIn success metrics.

26. Live Video Sees a Ton of Engagement

It’s not just regular in-feed videos that perform well on LinkedIn. Although video gets five times more engagement, according to the company’s own data, live video gets even more. 

You can expect to see a whopping 24 times more engagement than a regular post when you share a live broadcast on LinkedIn. So don’t hold back on those interviews and Q&A sessions as they give you the opportunity to drive real-time engagement.

27. Posting Every Week Boosts Engagement

Organizations that post weekly on LinkedIn can generate twice the lift in engagement, according to stats shared by LinkedIn. What's more, adding to what OkDork found, their data suggest that images generally result in twice the comment rate.

You can, for example, create a custom collage with a few images. Reshare posts when others mention your organization on the platform to drive more engagement. You should also use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Businesses can also get their employees to share content on the platform. We have a guide on employees sharing content on LinkedIn from which you can take inspiration. 

28. PDFs and PowerPoints Can Also Be Effective

If videos or articles aren’t your thing, LinkedIn suggests that you can try uploading a PowerPoint or PDF. They’ve found that their members enjoy behind-the-scenes content that focuses on a brand’s unique values and culture. Another suggestion is to create a PowerPoint that places the spotlight on an employee. 

LinkedIn Marketing and Business Statistics

As mentioned, LinkedIn has become a platform of choice for marketers, particularly in the B2B space. The following statistics demonstrate the power of LinkedIn as a marketing tool.

29. 80% of B2B Marketers Use LinkedIn

According to an eMarketer survey, 80% of marketers report that they and their clients use LinkedIn. This is higher than other social networks, with YouTube at 63% and Facebook at 57%. The higher use of LinkedIn by B2B marketers is a reflection of the platform’s focus on professional networking and business-related content.

Use our guide to learn more about B2B marketing strategies.

30. LinkedIn is an Effective Video Marketing Platform

According to Wyzowl, LinkedIn is one of the top platforms in terms of video marketing performance. With 76% of marketers reporting that LinkedIn is effective for their video marketing efforts, it outranks other social media platforms such as X and TikTok.

Video channels used by marketers

Video channels used by marketers

31. Brands Are Most Confident in LinkedIn

Hootsuite's social report found that 70% of brands are confident in LinkedIn, which has the highest confidence rate among social media platforms. Brands that use LinkedIn report a decent return on their investment (ROI).

32. B2B Marketers Find the Most Value on LinkedIn 

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2024 report, 84% of B2B marketers report that LinkedIn delivers the best value for them. That's why they use the platform to distribute and promote their content.

LinkedIn’s value B2B marketers

LinkedIn’s value for B2B marketers

Check out our guide on LinkedIn marketing tips to learn how you can follow suit.

33. 80% of Brands Have a LinkedIn Presence

The same report also found that 80% of brands have a LinkedIn presence, only fewer than Instagram and Facebook, with 86% and 91%, respectively. As a brand, you can use LinkedIn to share branded content, such as company updates, product launches, and industry insights. Similarly, you can connect with prospects and partners through the platform.

Channels brands

34. Over 50% of US Marketers Use LinkedIn

There has been a steady increase in the number of US marketers using LinkedIn in the past few years. In 2017, only 46% of marketers used LinkedIn, but that number has increased to over 50% now. The spike shows that more and more businesses are recognizing the potential of LinkedIn for marketing.

35. Over 50% of B2B Marketers Plan to Increase Investments in Thought Leadership Content

The Content Marketing Institute report found that 53% of B2B marketers plan to increase their investments in thought leadership content, and LinkedIn is the top platform for distributing this type of content. Similarly, 33% of marketers will spend more on online community building, and 11% will increase their investment in hybrid events.

How B2B marketers plan to increase investment

How B2B marketers plan to increase investment

You can learn more about LinkedIn events in our guide.

36. B2B Marketing Leaders Have Increased Their Use of LinkedIn

65% of B2B marketing leaders have increased their use of LinkedIn, and expect to do the same in the future. In comparison, only 5% plan to decrease their use of the platform in the next year, and 29% plan to keep it the same. 

Use of LinkedIn by B2B marketers

Use of LinkedIn by B2B marketers

37. Aim for at Least 150 Page Followers

Gaining traction after the initial few months of starting your company’s LinkedIn page may be a challenge. But according to data shared by LinkedIn, once a page has 150 followers, their opportunity for growth becomes exponential. So you should focus on gaining those first 150 followers to make an impact on the platform.

Consider inviting your existing profile connections to follow your LinkedIn company page. This could get your page in front of a relevant audience and help you gain more followers.

LinkedIn Job Market Statistics

Before it became the professional social media platform that it is today, LinkedIn started as a job board. It still remains one of the top platforms for job seekers and recruiters. Here are some statistics that reflect the job market on LinkedIn.

38. The Most Referrals to LinkedIn Come From Jobs and Employment Websites

LinkedIn gets referral traffic from a wide range of websites, including jobs and employees, programming, computer electronics, lifestyle, and digital marketing. However, the highest number (18.83%) of referrals come from jobs and employment websites. These include sites like Indeed and Glassdoor, where job seekers can search for and apply for jobs listed on LinkedIn.

39. 61 Million People Use LinkedIn to Look for Jobs

With 61 million people using the platform to look for jobs, recruiters and professionals have a larger pool of opportunities and candidates to choose from. These individuals are highly engaged on the platform, constantly updating their profiles and connecting with potential employers.

40. Six People Are Hired Through LinkedIn Every Minute 

LinkedIn reports that 6 people are hired through its platform every minute, and 104 job applications are submitted every second. That's 8.72 million job applications per day.

41. LinkedIn Has Over 41,000 Skills Listed

LinkedIn lets its users add skills to their profiles, which show their expertise and help them attract potential employers or clients. There are more than 41,000 skills listed on LinkedIn, and each user can list up to 100 skills on their profile. 

42. Comprehensive LinkedIn Profiles Increase the Chance of Employment

For all roles, entry-level or managerial-level, a comprehensive LinkedIn profile increases the chances of employment. Statista reports that entry-level roles see a 15.8% increase in callback rates, mid-level jobs a 13.4% rate, and senior-level roles an 11.2% increase if the candidate has a complete profile on LinkedIn.

Statista LinkedIn callbacks

LinkedIn callbacks in comparison to job profile optimization

So, if you want to improve your chances of getting hired, make sure you have a complete and updated LinkedIn profile. Include a professional profile photo, relevant work experience, education, skills, and any other relevant information a hiring manager or recruiter would want to see.

Wrapping Up

Whether you're a marketer, a business, or an individual professional, you can use these LinkedIn statistics to make sense of the platform's growth, features, demographics, user behavior, and more. Use these insights to design a more effective LinkedIn marketing strategy or to improve your personal brand on the platform.

If you don't use LinkedIn at the moment, it's time you start exploring its potential and use it for personal or enterprise growth. Either way, it's best to stay updated on LinkedIn statistics, especially as the platform comes out with new features and trends continue to evolve. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is LinkedIn popular?

LinkedIn is very popular. It boasts about 1 billion users in more than 200 countries. In addition to these individual users, there are also more than 67 million companies that have a profile on LinkedIn. What is even more impressive is that according to LinkedIn, every second, about two new members sign up to the platform.

How does LinkedIn's demographic breakdown influence marketing strategies?

LinkedIn's audience primarily consists of professionals and businesses, making it ideal for B2B marketing, particularly in North America where the platform's user base is largest.

What content performs best on LinkedIn?

Live videos, thought leadership articles, and consistent weekly posts with images or PDFs generate the highest engagement on LinkedIn.

What is the average engagement time for LinkedIn users?

On average, LinkedIn users spend approximately 7 minutes and 45 seconds per visit, navigating around 8 pages during that time. This level of engagement indicates that users are actively exploring content and networking opportunities on the platform.

About the Author
The Influencer Marketing Hub Team brings together a diverse group of experts with a passion for influencer marketing, digital trends, and social media strategies. Each piece of content crafted by this team is researched and written to provide valuable insights, tips, and updates for our readers. Our authors are dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative, and engaging articles that help businesses and influencers thrive in this rapidly changing digital world.