Content Calendar Examples to Plan Content Like a Pro [+Free Template]

Content is a cornerstone for successfully establishing an online presence and reaping the benefits of digital platforms. Whether your brand has one or several digital platforms, having a content calendar is one of the best tools for ensuring consistent, high-quality content.  

There are tons of free content calendar templates you can use and tailor according to your brand’s and team’s needs. In this article, we’ll take you through examples of content calendars that are useful for different online platforms, helping you map out your content like a pro.

Free Content Calendar Template

Key Components of an Effective Content Calendar

Content strategy is a critical aspect of marketing. Around 64% of marketers and business owners invest in meticulous content strategies today. A key component of these strategies is a well-structured content calendar.

An effective content calendar should include the following information:

  • The date the content was assigned to the author.
  • The scheduled date for content publication.
  • The author's name.
  • The platform where the content will be published.
  • A brief description of the content.
  • The final content product.

You can also consider allotting space for more detailed notes about the content, supplementary content or activities, or links to resources that can help strengthen the content. Having these resources available and organized in one place can help you manage your content, spot potential gaps in content or platform utilization, and allow you to address these issues more promptly.

Benefits of Using A Content Calendar

Content calendars act as a roadmap, guiding you in executing your content strategy. By providing a timetable for when content must be published, it ensures your content is on track to achieving your marketing goals. Here are several advantages of faithfully using a content calendar:

Strategically-Planned Content

Content calendars will help you tell a progressive story that’s consistent with your brand narrative. It helps you come up with ideas that are coherent and align with overall strategic goals. You can also avoid creating content that doesn’t contribute to your goals or veers away from your brand positioning. 

By using a content calendar as a planning tool, you can consistently create diverse types of engaging content, since you have a bigger picture of the month’s upcoming strategy. It’s also easier to generate ideas and keep them organized, ensuring everything is accounted for and you don’t miss a crucial piece of content. 

Schedule Content in Advance

Publishing content consistently is one of the requirements for a successful content strategy. Content calendars help you schedule content in advance and let you avoid the pressure and stress of coming up with content on the fly. You’ll also avoid missed opportunities when you forget to publish a post due to other commitments. 

Likewise, scheduling content helps you focus on other marketing strategies and improve efficiency and productivity.  

Create Diverse Content

One of the challenges of content marketing is coming up with a variety of content that will engage the audience. Avoid sticking to just one platform. It’s best if you can mix and match social media posts, blog posts, podcasts, videos, etc. You should also have a balanced content strategy mixing informative, educational, and entertaining content.

Creating a content calendar helps you plot your monthly or quarterly content strategy so you know when specific content types are needed. This helps you prepare for them in advance and ensure you always have diverse content that appeals to different groups of audiences.

Synchronized Marketing Team

Launching successful content strategies is a team effort that requires the input of a strategist, designer, videographer, photographer, editor, social media manager, publisher, and more. It can be difficult to synchronize the work of everyone in the team without a content calendar. 

By creating one, you can align everyone’s schedule so they can produce the final output in time for publishing. This is crucial for major and time-sensitive campaigns that have a lot of moving parts.

Content Calendar Examples

There’s no one-size-fits-all format for a content calendar. You know your brand or business better than any content calendar template out there, so don’t be afraid to create your own templates based on your specific business goals and team processes. 

You can also explore different content calendar models to gather ideas and inspiration. These examples offer valuable insights into effective and efficient content calendar planning, helping you craft a calendar that aligns with your objectives.

Table-Style Spreadsheet Calendars

When searching for content calendar templates, you’ll find that table-style spreadsheets are the most common examples. They’re easy to use, customize, and cost-effective. You also don’t need fancy software to create them. You can create one using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.

HubSpot’s Blog Editorial Calendar Template offers a basic Excel format to plan posts based on topic and keywords. Columns help you aggregate and organize data into keywords, topics, due dates, and point persons. You can also quickly edit certain entries to update the info of each content. 

This format works well for managing a single platform with a small team, as it allows you to plan and plot publish dates and topic due dates. However, if you manage multiple content channels, this format may not be as effective.

SEMrush offers a more comprehensive table-style spreadsheet calendar by integrating multiple platforms into one spreadsheet. You can categorize a topic according to its content format such as a blog post, social post, podcast, and video. 

It also includes a column on publishing status so you can view which content material is late or on time. Their template also includes comments where team members can input remarks about each piece of content.  

Unbounce, a landing page creator, uses a spreadsheet content calendar. Their team manages tasks on Google Sheets, organizing them by month and sorting content by campaign. This method provides context to their topics and an overview of the broader campaign. Since they’re a small team, using a spreadsheet content calendar enables Unbounce to manage content without overcomplicating the process.

However, it's worth noting that table-style spreadsheets have their limitations. They may not be suitable for teams who prefer a more visual approach as they can make visualizing publishing dates a challenge. Teams might find it difficult to determine the publishing timeframe or estimate if they have adequate time to work on content. Moreover, when tracking multiple channels, spreadsheets can become cumbersome and less efficient.

Monthly Grid Calendars

For teams that favor a conventional calendar format, a monthly grid content calendar might be more effective than a table-style spreadsheet. It can still hold the same details as a spreadsheet, such as the platform, assigned team member, and topic. You also can create this type of content calendar via spreadsheets or a calendar app. 

Social Media Examiner uses a day-by-day multiplatform calendar view which helps social media teams plan their content per platform. It’s simple but includes plenty of details and is ideal for posting high content volumes. You can easily replicate this on Google Sheets and use the app’s collaboration feature to manage the calendar.

Hootsuite also uses Google Sheets to manage a social media content calendar but goes a step further by integrating other essential details like content pillars, key dates corresponding to holidays, and specific marketing campaigns. Their template lets you connect your content strategy with your monthly and weekly posts, and it even includes a tab for evergreen content.

Since the monthly view is full of details, they use a weekly view to further specify the content tasks by platform and time. It’s organized like a table with several columns to define the components of each post, including the actual copy and link to the relevant assets. This format makes it easier for multi-member teams to execute the brand’s content strategy since they can collaborate on each post’s copy and easily access the media asset.

Hootsuite’s method also helps you track multiple crucial items in your calendar like the content type, topic, URL, top-performing copies, and more. It ensures that every published item is connected to your content strategies and achieves your purpose.

Utilizing a platform like Google Sheets to develop your content calendar template provides a straightforward method to facilitate multi-point access and assign tasks. This approach effectively streamlines content management, ensuring tasks are clearly defined and delegated, ultimately enhancing the efficiency of your content management process.

However, if you prefer a calendar app, you can check out Iconosquare’s social media calendar. It uses Notion and Google Calendar to plot events which you can easily edit with your planned content. Notion is a project management app that also offers a list view so you can sort content by topic, platform, type, or other relevant tags.

You can also explore an editorial calendar sample that uses Trello, a platform that offers content calendar features. This template uses card labels to categorize content by topics or areas of interest, such as lifestyle, business, case studies, and tech. 

For those managing blogs, using content labels in your content calendar can be a powerful tool. These labels allow you to quickly identify the topics and themes of your upcoming content. By incorporating this practice, you can strategically plan and ensure a balance of topics that cater to your target audience.

content calendar


Another valuable insight you can apply to your calendars is taking note of the frequency of your content. In Adaptavist’s editorial calendar shown above, content pieces are evenly spaced throughout the month and set on predetermined days. This scheduling approach can help your audience know when to expect new content. It’s also great for your platform's visibility as research shows that platforms' algorithms favor regular posting, thereby expanding your reach. 

Kanban Style Content Calendar

Content calendars also work as project management tools, making Kanban boards highly effective in planning content. Most of these boards also offer a calendar view which facilitates efficient scheduling. 

Trello is also a popular project management software known for its intuitive visual interface comprising customizable Kanban boards. You can create boards corresponding to different stages of the blog writing process and use cards to organize each topic. 

Trello project management software


Each card can have a task checklist, URL link, attached media, and a due date that links to the content calendar. You can also include a topic description and labels to further organize your content. Boards can be shared across the organization so teams can collaborate on tasks and stay updated with everyone’s progress.

Trello card


Buffer, a social media content scheduling platform uses Trello boards to manage their editorial calendar. Each card describes an author’s assignment, the title of their blog post, and the target publish date. By using progress boards, the team knows where a piece of content is in the company’s editorial workflow.

Asana is another project management tool that offers customizable board views for content planning. You can create cards for each content idea and populate it with different fields like the platform you’ll post it on, the topic description, and the assigned team member. You can move each card from the ideas stage to the target schedule so you can know which content to prioritize.

Most project management software that offers board views can also convert these tasks into a list, calendar, or Gantt chart. This provides your team with the flexibility to select the format that suits them best, enabling them to complete their tasks more efficiently.

CoSchedule shares their marketing team’s actual editorial calendar using a Kanban board view. The calendar is made using their own Marketing Suite product and contains several stages, from ideation to publication. Cards are color-coded to represent the various editorial themes that support strategic business initiatives. This helps their marketing team stay aligned with company-wide objectives.

What’s great about their format is that they created “Ready” statuses that make it easier for team members to understand the exact stage for each content. This is great for large teams where multiple people are in charge of ensuring a piece of content moves from ideation, writing, and editing, to publishing.

Traditional Editorial Calendar

Content calendars are not limited to digital platforms—they have long been utilized by traditional media like magazines and journals. For a great example of a full-year editorial calendar, take a look at the 2024 Editorial Calendar from the Los Angeles Business Journal.

As a weekly publication, the Los Angeles Business Journal’s full-year editorial calendar is divided further into each week of the month—each detailed with corresponding articles, features, branded content, and events that have already been mapped out. This editorial calendar was published for public viewing in December 2023, meaning that each content piece and event has already been accounted for months in advance. 

Even though the Los Angeles Business Journal is traditional media, its full-year editorial calendar offers valuable insights for digital content planning. The most crucial takeaway is the importance of planning. From a marketer's perspective, this allows the grouping of content into themes, areas of interest, or formats, creating more cohesive content strategies that can better engage your audience. Moreover, it provides a broader perspective on the content covered throughout the year, which can be beneficial for future content audits.

Platform-Integrated Content Calendars

Many content planning software options include a content calendar feature. Platforms like Sprout Social offer integrations with popular sites like Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. This allows you to publish content without visiting multiple platforms.

Content calendars with platform integrations significantly streamline content management, especially for organizations handling extensive content across multiple online platforms. These integrations automate the publishing process, eliminating the need to manually upload content to each platform individually. 

This saves time and reduces the chance of errors that can occur with manual posting. Integrated content calendars also enable centralized content tracking and analytics, providing valuable insights into content performance across different platforms. This facilitates data-driven decision-making and helps in refining content strategies.

Tips for Maximizing Your Content Calendar

Building an efficient content calendar is only half the battle. There are other strategies that you can utilize before, during, and after creating a content calendar that will guarantee more optimal results for your content pieces. Here are a few ways you can maximize your content calendar all year round. 

Conduct a content and platform audit

Before filling out your content calendar, take a step back to evaluate the performances of your existing content and platforms. Take note of which content formats, topics, and platforms garner the most success according to your key performance indicators. Also identify where there may be gaps in your content, especially in comparison with similar brands. 

Conducting a content audit helps you gain a more concrete sense of what your content should focus on, how it should be presented, and where it should be delivered. This direction will significantly aid in planning future content for your brand or business. 

Figure out the best posting schedules for your audience

Although there are general agreements on when the best posting schedules are for each platform, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, it is always better to take notes from your audience. In determining the best posting schedule for your content, identify content pieces that performed relatively better compared to others and list down the time and days when these were posted. 

Evaluating past content like this will allow you to make sense of patterns that you can leverage for your content calendar. In short, your publishing times will be more specifically curated for the digital habits of your audience, increasing the likelihood of your content’s success.

Keep up to date with trends

Trends don’t just refer to content ideas—these also refer to popular content formats, publishing times, and current events. Regularly browsing social media is especially helpful for marketing research in this aspect.  

Keeping up-to-date with these trends is crucial for maintaining your brand's relevance, particularly given the rapidly evolving cultural landscape. Moreover, people are more likely to engage with trendy content. Therefore, staying informed can also enhance the success of your content pieces.

Make it flexible

Since trends are constantly changing, you should keep your content calendar flexible. You’d never know when the next viral hit will happen, forcing you to quickly adapt. Creating a flexible content calendar ensures you’re always relevant to your audience and ahead of the competition. 

You can start with an annual content calendar with general themes. As each quarter approaches, you can plan for more specific content types for the upcoming quarter. Before the start of each month, you can further refine each calendar then schedule completed posts a week or two weeks in advance. 

This publishing cadence will give you the most flexibility since you can still plan and schedule posts in advance but retain enough freedom to change with a moment’s notice. 

Track the performance of new content

Know which content is resonating with audiences by tracking their performance using various metrics like page views, bounce rate, quality score, etc. It’s important that you know how each content is performing so you can improve their quality and consistently produce engaging materials. 

To measure and analyze content metrics, you can use tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, CRM software, etc. Remember to create realistic goals and adjust as necessary.  

Ensure it’s collaborative

Producing content is not a one-man show. It’s a multi-stage, multi-person process. Your calendar should be accessible to everyone involved in the content production process. Use project management tools to build your content calendar so you can assign respective individuals to various components of your content plan. 

It’s best if the tool has a notification feature which notifies concerned people every time there are changes in the calendar. This ensures that everyone is on the same page when you’re producing and publishing content.

Keep it fairly simple

You don’t need an overly complicated content calendar. That’s a recipe for disaster, since it would lead to you spending more time managing the calendar than becoming creative and focusing on the actual content production. A complex calendar also has little room for flexibility since it’s difficult to make last minute changes for unplanned activities. 

Make a simple calendar by creating realistic goals and breaking them down to manageable tasks. Assign realistic deadlines that people can meet and stay organized without sacrificing creativity.

Optimize Your Content Calendar With These Examples Today

Content calendars are essential to successfully executing your content strategy. Although creating one can be challenging, exploring the examples provided will give you valuable insights that can help you create an efficient, easy-to-use content calendar that streamlines content creation.

Furthermore, an optimized content calendar paired with high-quality content ideas can do wonders in establishing your brand’s online presence and increasing viewership and traffic. So, start planning your content like a pro today! 

About the Author
Geri Mileva, an experienced IP network engineer and distinguished writer at Influencer Marketing Hub, specializes in the realms of the Creator Economy, AI, blockchain, and the Metaverse. Her articles, featured in The Huffington Post, Ravishly, and various other respected newspapers and magazines, offer in-depth analysis and insights into these cutting-edge technology domains. Geri's technological background enriches her writing, providing a unique perspective that bridges complex technical concepts with accessible, engaging content for diverse audiences.