A Comprehensive Guide to Walmart Marketplace Pricing Strategies 

Walmart Marketplace is an ecommerce platform that allows third-party sellers to offer their products to Walmart's vast customer base. With over 120 million unique visitors per month, Walmart Marketplace provides a significant opportunity for online sellers to grow their businesses. However, with so many sellers on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out and compete on pricing. In this article, we'll explore some of the pricing strategies used by Walmart Marketplace sellers and provide tips on how to compete effectively. 

A Comprehensive Guide to Walmart Marketplace Pricing Strategies:

Understanding Walmart Marketplace Pricing  

Before we dive into specific pricing strategies, it's essential to understand how Walmart Marketplace pricing works. Unlike some other ecommerce platforms, Walmart Marketplace does not have a fixed pricing structure for sellers. Instead, sellers can set their own prices for their products, subject to Walmart's policies and guidelines. 

However, Walmart does have some requirements and guidelines that sellers must follow. For example, sellers must provide competitive pricing, and their prices should not be significantly higher than their prices on other marketplaces or their own website. Additionally, Walmart encourages sellers to offer free shipping and provides a shipping credit for eligible orders. 

Competing on Walmart Marketplace 

Navigating the competitive landscape of Walmart Marketplace can be demanding, particularly as numerous price comparison applications empower consumers to rapidly juxtapose prices across various online retail platforms. However, there are several strategies that third-party sellers can use to stay ahead of the competition and increase their sales. 

How to Beat the Competition in Sales

Set competitive prices to win the Buy Box 

As a third-party seller, winning the Buy Box is crucial for increasing visibility and driving sales on Walmart Marketplace. To win the Buy Box, sellers need to offer competitive prices, fast and affordable shipping, and maintain a high in-stock rate. This means keeping an eye on competitors' pricing and adjusting your prices accordingly, while also considering shipping and inventory costs to ensure a healthy profit margin. 

Offer free shipping 

Offering free shipping is a proven conversion driver and can help third-party sellers win the Buy Box on Walmart Marketplace. Consider participating in Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) or joining programs like Walmart's TwoDay and ThreeDay delivery to offer free shipping and ensure fast delivery times. 

Provide exceptional customer service 

Customer service is a key differentiator for third-party sellers on Walmart Marketplace. Providing excellent customer service can help build trust and loyalty with customers, leading to repeat business and positive reviews. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve any issues quickly and effectively. 

Leverage Walmart's advertising options 

Walmart Marketplace offers several advertising options to help third-party sellers increase visibility and drive sales. These include sponsored products and display ads. Consider investing in advertising to increase your product's visibility on Walmart.com. 

By following these tips and staying up-to-date with pricing trends and market conditions, third-party sellers can successfully compete on Walmart Marketplace and grow their business. 

Walmart Marketplace Pricing Strategies 

Given the competitive nature of Walmart Marketplace, sellers need to develop effective pricing strategies to succeed. Here are some common pricing strategies used by Walmart Marketplace sellers: 

Pricing strategies of Walmart

Everyday Low Price (EDLP) strategy 

The EDLP strategy focuses on maintaining consistently low prices for products, eliminating the need for frequent promotions or discounts. This approach aims to foster customer loyalty by offering value-driven pricing, ultimately leading to increased sales and market share. 

Competitive Pricing 

One of the most effective pricing strategies on Walmart Marketplace is to offer competitive pricing. By setting your prices lower than your competitors, you can attract more customers and increase sales. However, it's important to remember that Walmart does not allow sellers to engage in price gouging or price fixing. Your prices should be based on your costs and your desired profit margin, not on what your competitors are charging.  

Dynamic Pricing 

Dynamic pricing is a pricing strategy that involves adjusting your prices based on market conditions, such as demand, supply, and competition. With dynamic pricing, sellers can quickly adjust their prices to remain competitive and maximize profits. Walmart Marketplace offers a Repricer tool that enables third-party sellers to set up dynamic pricing strategies that take into account both Walmart.com prices and prices on other eCommerce sites. However, it's important to be cautious with dynamic pricing, as it can lead to price wars and erode profits if not done correctly.  

Value Pricing 

Value pricing is a pricing strategy that involves offering products at a lower price than competitors while still maintaining a reasonable profit margin. This strategy is effective for sellers who can offer products at a lower cost due to their supply chain or operational efficiencies. Value pricing can help attract price-sensitive customers who are looking for the best deal. 

Premium Pricing 

Premium pricing is a pricing strategy that involves offering products at a higher price than competitors. This strategy works well for sellers who offer unique or high-end products that are not readily available elsewhere. By offering a premium product, sellers can target customers who are willing to pay more for quality or exclusivity. 

Using Data to Make Informed Pricing Decisions  

Improving your unit economics is crucial to the success of any eCommerce business, and pricing strategy is a key element in achieving this. As a Walmart Marketplace seller, it's important to consider several factors when setting your prices to ensure that you're making a profit while also remaining competitive in the marketplace. 

pricing your products factors

Consider the cost of goods sold (COGS) Before setting your prices 

It's important to know your COGS to ensure that you're making a profit on each sale. This includes all the costs associated with producing or sourcing your products, such as materials, labor, shipping, and any fees associated with selling on Walmart Marketplace. 

Stay competitive with your margins  

While it's important to make a profit, it's also crucial to stay competitive with your margins. Look at the pricing strategies of your competitors to ensure that your prices are in line with theirs. Keep in mind that customers are often willing to pay a bit more for exceptional customer service or unique features that your product may offer. 

Adjust your prices based on seasonality and trends  

Certain products may sell better during specific times of the year or during specific events. For example, outdoor products may sell better in the summer, while holiday-themed items may sell better during the holiday season. Monitor seasonal trends and adjust your prices accordingly to stay competitive.  

Utilize Walmart's advertising options  

Walmart offers a variety of advertising options to help increase visibility and drive sales for your products. Consider utilizing Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands to reach more customers and drive traffic to your listings.  

Leverage data to make informed pricing decisions  

Monitor your sales and pricing data regularly to make informed pricing decisions. Look at which products are selling well and adjust prices accordingly. Utilize Walmart's analytics tools to gain insights into your customers' behavior and adjust your prices and strategies accordingly.  

Be transparent with your pricing  

Customers appreciate transparency, so make sure that your pricing is clear and easy to understand. Avoid hidden fees or unexpected price increases at checkout. 

By implementing these additional elements into your pricing strategy, you can increase your chances of success on Walmart Marketplace and drive more sales for your business. 


In summary, excelling in Walmart Marketplace involves adopting strategic pricing, outstanding customer service, and efficient advertising. By employing various pricing strategies, like EDLP, competitive pricing, dynamic pricing, value pricing, and premium pricing, sellers can appeal to diverse customers and respond to market changes. Leveraging data for informed pricing decisions, keeping margins competitive, and maintaining transparent pricing are critical for boosting a seller's standing in the marketplace. By adhering to these guidelines and proactively adjusting strategies based on market conditions, third-party sellers can not only flourish on Walmart Marketplace but also substantially expand their businesses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Walmart Marketplace, and why is pricing strategy important for sellers? 

Walmart Marketplace is an ecommerce platform that allows third-party sellers to offer their products to Walmart's vast customer base. Pricing strategy is crucial for sellers to remain competitive, attract customers, and maximize profits while adhering to Walmart's guidelines and policies. 

How does Walmart Marketplace's pricing structure work? 

Unlike some other ecommerce platforms, Walmart Marketplace does not have a fixed pricing structure for sellers. Sellers can set their own prices for their products, subject to Walmart's policies and guidelines, which include providing competitive pricing and avoiding price gouging or price fixing. 

What are some common pricing strategies used by Walmart Marketplace sellers? 

Common pricing strategies include Everyday Low Price (EDLP), competitive pricing, dynamic pricing, value pricing, and premium pricing. These strategies can help sellers attract different customer segments and achieve their sales and profit goals. 

How can I win the Buy Box on Walmart Marketplace? 

To win the Buy Box, sellers need to offer competitive prices, fast and affordable shipping, and maintain a high in-stock rate. This involves monitoring competitors' pricing and adjusting your prices accordingly while considering shipping and inventory costs to ensure a healthy profit margin. 

What tools can help me implement dynamic pricing strategies on Walmart Marketplace?

Walmart Marketplace offers a Repricer tool that enables third-party sellers to set up dynamic pricing strategies that take into account both Walmart.com prices and prices on other eCommerce sites. This tool can help sellers quickly adjust their prices based on market conditions and competition. 

How can offering free shipping help my Walmart Marketplace sales? 

Offering free shipping is a proven conversion driver and can help third-party sellers win the Buy Box on Walmart Marketplace. Consider participating in Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) or joining programs like Walmart's TwoDay and ThreeDay delivery to offer free shipping and ensure fast delivery times. 

How can I leverage Walmart's advertising options to boost my sales? 

Walmart Marketplace offers several advertising options, including sponsored products and display ads, to help third-party sellers increase visibility and drive sales. Consider investing in advertising to boost your product's visibility on Walmart.com and attract more customers. 

How can I use data to optimize my pricing strategy on Walmart Marketplace? 

Monitor your sales and pricing data regularly, looking at which products are selling well and adjusting prices accordingly. Utilize Walmart's analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and adjust your prices and strategies to meet their needs and preferences. 


About the Author
Nadica Naceva, Head of Content at Influencer Marketing Hub, is a seasoned writer and reviewer with in-depth expertise in digital and content marketing. Leveraging her extensive experience in guiding content creation and strategic direction, Nadica brings a critical eye and analytical approach to reviewing articles and educational pieces. Her commitment to accuracy, integrity, and innovation with each review helps IMH grow as a leading source in influencer marketing. Her insights are backed by first-party data, ensuring content meets the highest standards of relevance.