SEO Industry Trends Report 2024: The Search Revolution Has Already Begun

The rules of SEO are shifting beneath our feet. 

Brands that once dominated search through keyword-focused strategies now struggle to stay relevant in a SERP driven by expertise, trust, and user intent.

The search game is no longer about who can game the algorithm—it’s about who can earn the trust of real people.

And yet, while the world of search is evolving at lightning speed, many marketers are still stuck in outdated, keyword-centric mindsets, leaving vast opportunities untapped. Kevin Indig reveals that only 6% of AI Overviews (AIOs) include the search query—indicating that the future of SEO lies in understanding user intent rather than keyword targeting. 

Google is now prioritizing human-focused, answer-driven, and community-oriented content over mere reliance on domain authority for rankings. Google’s Helpful Content System prioritizes sites featuring people-first content, emphasizing material that demonstrates real-world expertise and practical value

This shift has led platforms like Reddit to outpace traditional publishers, which previously thrived by covering high-intent, lucrative keywords based primarily on their domain authority. 

Following the October 2023 EEAT update, Reddit’s traffic surged from 180 million to 752 million within a year, with its traffic value now exceeding $309 million, according to IMH analysis from SemRush Data:

IMH analysis SemRush Data

This trend reflects AI’s growing preference for authentic, community-driven insights and trust signals, as Reddit’s rankings continue to improve for high-commercial intent keywords, previously controlled by traditional publishers.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: SEO as we knew it is dead, and clinging to old strategies is a recipe for irrelevance.

The brands that rise to the top will be those that leverage the intersection of human expertise and AI automation—a balance that requires both creativity and data-driven discipline.

In this report, we explore:

  • AI-Driven Shifts in SEO
  • Thought Leaders’ Perspectives on SEO Evolution
  • Topical Authority and Semantic Search
  • AI-Powered Content Creation and Workflow Automation
  • SEO Strategies for the New Era
  • Evolving Role of Backlinks in AI-Era SEO

At Influencer Marketing Hub, we’ve uncovered a shift that’s redefining SEO—by analyzing narratives from thought leaders like Kevin Indig, Rand Fishkin, Cyrus Shepard, Ross Simmonds and more, combined with our exclusive data. This report goes beyond surface-level advice. It’s designed to challenge what you think you know about SEO and reveal insights you haven’t seen before. If you’re still chasing keywords, you’re missing the real game. The future of search isn’t what you expect.

Thought Leaders' Perspectives on Shifting Trends in SEO 

In our analysis of thousands of articles, LinkedIn posts, and X (formerly Twitter) tweets, we delved into the narratives of the top thought leaders in SEO to uncover how they view the industry’s most significant shifts. Across the board, there’s a consensus that AI is fundamentally changing how search engines process intent, prioritize content, and reward brand authority.

However, the most thought-provoking insight lies in the divergence among these experts regarding how they interpret and anticipate these shifts. This divergence exposes cracks in traditional SEO approaches and opens new pathways for strategies built around AI.

The major consensus revolves around AI’s transformative influence on SEO. The emphasis has clearly shifted from optimizing content around specific keywords and technicalities to satisfying user intent. AI-driven models like Google’s Helpful Content System now prioritize people-first, real-world expertise over purely keyword-focused strategies. As Ross Simmonds and Kevin Indig assert, search engines are increasingly interpreting user intent, forcing SEO professionals to focus on understanding the deeper motivations behind queries rather than relying on keyword matching alone.

AI’s Role in Search Behavior & User Intent

The integration of AI into search has significantly changed how search engines interpret user intent.

The traditional focus on keyword optimization is giving way to a more nuanced understanding of what users are actually looking for. There is a consensus among thought leaders that AI-driven search prioritizes user intent over traditional keyword-focused optimization.

Cyrus Shepard’s insight into Google’s Helpful Content System, which rewards “people-first content,” reflects this shift. Search engines now reward content that is created to satisfy real-world user needs, rather than content optimized merely for rankings. Kevin Indig reinforces this by highlighting that only 6% of AI Overviews in Google contain the exact search query, indicating AI’s growing focus on understanding user goals rather than just matching keywords. The fragmentation of search experiences, as noted by Ross Simmonds, further demonstrates how AI is diversifying the platforms and results it surfaces, moving beyond traditional engines to platforms like Reddit, which now ranks for 26% of over 8,000 affiliate keywords.

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


1. AI's Role in Search Behavior & User Intent

AI-driven search shifts the focus from keyword optimization to satisfying user intent.


"Google's Helpful Content System targets sites that lack people-first content." 


"Users are visiting a greater diversity of websites through AI Overviews."

AI prioritizes understanding intent over keyword matching.


"Only 6% of AI Overviews contain the search query."


"30% of AIOs differ significantly between SGE and live results."

AI hasn't disrupted search behavior significantly yet. 


"99% of AI search users still use Google just as much as before." 


"Zero-click searches remain a massive problem in AI-driven search."

AI is fragmenting search experiences across non-traditional platforms.


"The search experience is fragmented-users are no longer confined to traditional search engines."


"Reddit ranks for 26% of over 8,000 affiliate keywords."


AI shifts focus to user intent.

Divergence: Rand is skeptical of AI's impact, while others see active changes.

Despite these shifts, Rand Fishkin remains more skeptical. He points out that 99% of AI search users still use Google the same way they always have, suggesting that while AI is changing some aspects of search, its broader impact on user behavior is yet to be fully realized. His focus on zero-click searches highlights the ongoing challenges in translating AI-driven search into direct traffic and conversions.

Marketers need to adapt to AI-Driven Search with Focus on User Intent

While there is broad agreement that AI is refining search relevance by focusing on user intent, thought leaders diverge on its broader impact. Kevin Indig and Ross Simmonds emphasize AI’s role in diversifying results across platforms, such as Reddit, and driving more intent-driven search experiences. In contrast, Rand Fishkin remains cautious, noting that AI’s broader disruption of search behavior has yet to significantly materialize.

Ultimately, AI is clearly shaping search, but its full impact on user behavior remains a work in progress. Businesses must adapt by focusing on user intent while keeping an eye on evolving platforms beyond traditional search engines.

Brand Authority, Trust, and SEO

The rise of AI in search has shifted the importance of brand authority and trust in SEO rankings. Across the board, thought leaders agree that building a strong, visible brand is critical for maintaining algorithmic resilience, especially as AI continues to evolve. This section delves into how brand mentions, authority, and human connection play significant roles in shaping SEO strategies.

Cyrus Shepard emphasizes that a strong brand with substantial branded search volume is key to avoiding negative impacts from algorithm changes, underscoring the importance of brand authority in modern SEO. AI algorithms appear to favor brands that users actively search for, and Cyrus’ emphasis on branded search volume reflects how brand visibility acts as a defense mechanism against Google's ever-changing algorithms. 

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


2. Brand Authority, Trust, and SEO

Brand visibility is crucial for algorithm resilience. 

Quote: "Having a highly visible brand with LOTS OF BRANDED SEARCH VOLUME seems to be a great defense against negative Google actions."

Brand mentions are critical trust signals for AI. 


"Brand mentions are a trust signal, and Google evaluates the context in which your brand appears."


"YouTube and LinkedIn are top-cited sites in AIOs."

Brand searches are more valuable than ranking for unbranded keywords. 


"I'd much rather have people search for our brand name than rank #1 for unbranded keywords."

Human connection and storytelling are key for building trust.

Quote: "Personality wins amidst the robots." 


"Great storytelling is your most powerful differentiator."

Consensus: Brand authority is central to SEO.

Divergence: Rand critiques Google's focus on big brands; Ross emphasizes human elements.

Kevin Indig complements this by focusing on brand mentions as essential trust signals. He notes how Google’s AI evaluates the context in which a brand appears, demonstrating the increasingly sophisticated ways AI uses brand recognition to gauge trustworthiness. Additionally, the fact that YouTube and LinkedIn are consistently cited in AI Overviews suggests that authoritative, user-generated platforms are gaining preference in search, further supporting the emphasis on brand mentions.

Rand Fishkin underscores the value of brand searches, asserting that having users search directly for a brand is more valuable than ranking for unbranded keywords. This clearly indicates a shift in SEO priorities. However, Rand critiques Google’s tendency to favor large brands, which he argues could diminish the effectiveness of SEO for smaller, less established companies. 

Ross Simmonds takes a more human-centered approach, focusing on the value of connection and storytelling in building trust. For him, “Personality wins amidst the robots,” emphasizing that while AI may automate much of the search process, human creativity and emotional resonance remain powerful differentiators in SEO. His emphasis on “great storytelling” as a competitive edge highlights the importance of authenticity and emotional engagement, even in an AI-driven search environment.

Prioritizing Brand Authority and Human Connection

There is a clear consensus among thought leaders that brand authority is becoming central to SEO success, especially as AI becomes more adept at evaluating trust signals. The divergence lies in the interpretation: Rand Fishkin critiques Google’s favoritism toward big brands, while Ross Simmonds argues for the enduring power of human connection through storytelling. Businesses must focus on building brand authority while fostering genuine engagement to remain competitive in the evolving AI-driven SEO world.

AI-Driven Content Creation & Automation

While building brand authority is critical, sustaining visibility and trust in an AI-enhanced SEO landscape requires leveraging AI to optimize content creation and automation processes. Across the board, thought leaders agree that AI is instrumental in boosting the efficiency of SEO workflows. By automating repetitive tasks and improving content production processes, AI enables marketers to focus on strategic, high-impact work. However, there is a consensus that AI cannot replace the creativity and strategic insight that humans bring to SEO.

The experts are aligned on the fact that AI significantly enhances the efficiency of SEO processes, allowing teams to focus on tasks that require deeper human insight. This alignment is clear from discussions around automation in workflows—Cyrus Shepard highlights how AI can be used to create custom SEO functions that simplify otherwise laborious tasks, such as audits or data analysis. Similarly, Kevin Indig emphasizes how AI’s ability to automate low-level tasks helps reduce the resource drain on teams, allowing for a more effective allocation of time and attention toward high-value activities.

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


3. AI-Driven Content Creation & Automation

AI enhances SEO workflows through automation.


"One of my favorite AI use cases is to create App Scripts in Google Sheets to create custom SEO functions."

AI saves time and resources in SEO workflows.


"SEO automation saves critical time and resources."

AI boosts efficiency, but can't replace human creativity.


"Raw AI content isn't catching on... AIs are helping creators be more efficient."

AI amplifies efficiency but requires human creativity.


"Great marketers will use AI to do great work faster."


AI improves efficiency but doesn't replace human insight.

Divergence: Rand is more skeptical of AI's content generation abilities.

Despite these clear benefits, the thought leaders emphasize that human input remains vital. The consensus is that while AI helps streamline processes, it still requires human oversight to produce creative, high-quality content. This sentiment is echoed in the view that “AI helps marketers be more efficient,” but does not yet replace human creativity. 

Striking the Balance Between Automation and Creativity

Across the board, thought leaders agree that AI enhances efficiency but cannot replace the need for human-driven insights. The key takeaway is that AI should be viewed as a powerful tool for streamlining processes, but human creativity and strategic thinking remain essential to crafting high-quality, engaging content. Businesses that find the right balance between AI-driven automation and human creativity will achieve the most success in this evolving SEO landscape.

Evolving SEO Metrics & Algorithmic Influence

Building on the efficiency gains from AI-driven content creation, the next frontier in SEO is understanding how AI is influencing search engine metrics and ranking algorithms. As search engines evolve, traditional SEO metrics like keyword rankings and backlinks are being overshadowed by more nuanced, intent-based metrics driven by AI.

AI's ability to assess content through more complex lenses—such as intent, relevance, and authority—has redefined the criteria for ranking. Cyrus Shepard points to the rise of AI-driven metrics like CommercialScore, which measures a page’s commercial intent. This reflects how AI is moving beyond simple keyword matching to understanding the deeper purpose of a webpage. Google's ranking systems are now more focused on whether a page sells something or serves a commercial function, rather than just how well it is optimized for search.

However, Google’s reliance on brand authority has skewed search results. Rand Fishkin argues that the increasing emphasis on brand recognition—amplified by AI—has made search less useful for smaller, niche websites that lack large-scale brand recognition. This critique reflects his broader concern that SEO is becoming a space dominated by major brands, at the expense of diversity in search results, which is also something Kevin Indig often refers to as being the case.

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


4. Evolving SEO Metrics & Algorithmic Influence

AI-driven metrics like CommercialScore focus on page intent.


"A key factor influencing rankings is 'CommercialScore,' which measures whether a document sells something."

AI impacts ranking factors by focusing on intent-based metrics.


"30% of AIOs differ significantly between SGE and live results."

Google's reliance on brand authority makes search less useful.

Quote: "Google created a monster through its reliance on domain & brand authority."

Traditional metrics are losing relevance-focus on topical authority.

Quote: "Keyword research is becoming outdated-content research goes beyond just search."


AI shifts SEO metrics towards intent.

Divergence: Rand critiques the dominance of brand authority, Ross focuses on diminishing keyword research.

Kevin also emphasizes how AI impacts ranking factors by focusing on intent-driven metrics. With 30% of AI Overviews differing significantly between Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and live results, he highlights the growing complexity of search algorithms and the unpredictability AI introduces. The consensus here is that search engines are increasingly prioritizing user intent over technical SEO practices, forcing marketers to reconsider how they approach optimization.

SEO strategies must pivot towards building topical authority rather than relying on optimizing for individual keywords. Ross Simmonds advocates for content research that goes beyond search engines, leveraging platforms like Reddit and Quora to identify emerging trends and user intent, thereby ensuring relevance in an AI-driven SEO ecosystem. This is something we at Influencer Marketing Hub have successfully implemented into our content research for the past 1,5 years, using AI to analyze market knowledge gaps and sentiments. 

Focus on Algorithmic Shifts and Commercial Value

As AI evolves, it’s essential for marketers to focus not just on user intent, but also on how algorithms interpret brand authority and page intent—balancing content quality with algorithmic expectations to stay competitive.

Embracing intent-based metrics like CommercialScore and focusing on delivering real commercial value will be key. To succeed in the evolving SEO landscape, businesses must recognize that traditional metrics are losing relevance.

Shifts in Content Strategy & Distribution

As AI continues to shape the SEO landscape, the strategies for content creation and distribution are undergoing a fundamental transformation. Across thought leaders, there is consensus that AI-driven SEO is pushing businesses to prioritize high-quality, user-focused content over outdated tactics like mass content production, keyword coverage, or pruning underperforming content. This shift underscores the need for SEO strategies to be more agile, focusing on what resonates with audiences rather than adhering to traditional traffic metrics or relying on sheer volume.

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


5. Shifts in Content Strategy & Distribution

AI-driven SEO prioritizes content quality over pruning.


"When negatively hit by a Google update, many websites start deleting old content... Rarely, if ever, do we see it work for recovery."

AI emphasizes user-generated content in search strategies.

Stat: "Discussions & Forums (D&F) SERP feature appeared in 34% of search queries in June 2024."

Shift from direct traffic metrics to influence-based engagement.


"Traffic referrals does not equal sources of influence.... Your audience is watching videos, reading posts, but these sites send pitiful amounts of traffic."

Repurpose successful content instead of creating new.


"Some of you already created all the content you needed for 2024. You just need to repurpose those hits that worked well before."


AI pushes for high-quality content and repurposing.

Divergence: Kevin focuses on UGC; Ross emphasizes content repurposing.

Cyrus Shepard emphasizes that deleting old content in response to Google updates rarely leads to recovery, signaling that pruning is no longer a viable strategy. Instead, brands should focus on refining and elevating the quality of their existing content, aligning with AI’s preference for relevance and engagement over quantity. However, there’s no full consensus on this point. Darren Shaw, an SEO researcher, theorizes that removing low-performing content can improve site-wide user signals, such as longer time on page and reduced bounce rates, ultimately boosting rankings.

Rand Fishkin appears to support this view, suggesting that user behavior metrics may indeed be a crucial factor in the success of pruning strategies.

This view also aligns with Ross Simmonds' advice to repurpose successful content rather than continually creating new material, which not only saves resources but maximizes the impact of previously well-performing content. By repackaging content into new formats—such as turning blog posts into videos or social media snippets—brands can maintain relevance in an AI-driven environment.

Embracing AI-Optimized Content Strategies

The clear takeaway from these shifts is that content strategies need to be more dynamic and user-centric. While there is debate around content pruning, with divergent views from Cyrus Shepard and Darren Shaw, the broader consensus highlights the importance of repurposing successful content and leveraging user-generated insights to remain relevant without constantly producing new material.

SEO professionals must adapt to AI’s evolving priorities by focusing on content that fosters deeper engagement and relevance while moving away from outdated traffic-based metrics. Ultimately, AI is reshaping the balance between content creation and distribution, emphasizing quality, authenticity, and influence over sheer output.

Major Areas of SEO Shift: What Our Research Revealed

Through analyzing thousands of expert opinions, blog posts, and social media content, we’ve identified the core areas where AI and modern search engine practices are reshaping SEO strategies. Our findings highlight both areas of consensus and divergence among SEO thought leaders, offering key insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of search.

User Intent Takes Center Stage:

AI is redefining how search engines rank content by prioritizing user intent over traditional keyword optimization. Experts like Cyrus Shepard and Kevin Indig emphasize the importance of creating content that directly meets user needs, rather than relying on keyword-centric strategies. This shift demands a more nuanced approach, where understanding user behavior is the primary focus for effective SEO.

The Growing Importance of Brand Authority:

AI-driven algorithms are placing increased importance on brand authority and trust signals. Thought leaders agree that branded search volume and authoritative mentions are critical to SEO success, but there’s a concern—especially from Rand Fishkin—that this favors larger, established brands, making it harder for smaller companies to compete. Building brand trust is becoming more central, but so is the challenge of breaking through as a new player.

Content Quality and Efficiency Matter More:

AI encourages SEO professionals to repurpose high-performing content instead of constantly generating new material. Ross Simmonds advocates for leveraging already successful content to maintain engagement. This aligns with AI’s tendency to reward proven content for its relevance, signaling a shift away from mass content production to strategic repurposing.

AI is Boosting SEO Automation but Can’t Replace Creativity:

While AI is transforming SEO by automating repetitive tasks like keyword research and audits, human oversight remains critical. AI improves workflow efficiency, as noted by Cyrus Shepard and Kevin Indig, but it doesn’t substitute the need for creative, strategic input. The consensus is clear: AI is a tool, not a replacement for human-driven content strategy.

Shifting SEO Metrics Toward Intent and Commercial Value:

Traditional SEO metrics like keyword rankings are losing relevance. The focus is now on intent-based metrics, such as CommercialScore, which evaluates a page’s commercial value, as highlighted by Cyrus Shepard. Experts agree that SEO strategies must pivot toward fulfilling user intent, creating topical authority, and aligning with AI’s growing focus on commercial and user-based relevance over purely technical optimization.

Thought Leaders' Perspectives on Core SEO Areas (with Supporting Quotes & Stats)

SEO Area

Cyrus Shepard

Kevin Indig

Rand Fishkin

Ross Simmonds


1. AI's Role in Search Behavior & User Intent

AI-driven search emphasizes user intent over content optimization. 

Quote: "Google's Helpful Content System targets sites that lack people-first content." 


"Users are visiting a greater diversity of websites through AI Overviews."

AI prioritizes understanding intent over keyword matching. 


"Only 6% of AI Overviews contain the search query." 


"30% of AIOs differ significantly between SGE and live results."

AI hasn't disrupted search behavior significantly yet. 


"99% of AI search users still use Google just as much as before." 


"Zero-click searches remain a massive problem in AI-driven search."

AI is fragmenting search experiences across non-traditional platforms.


"The search experience is fragmented-users are no longer confined to traditional search engines."

"Reddit ranks for 26% of over 8,000 affiliate keywords."


AI shifts focus to user intent.

Divergence: Rand is skeptical of AI's impact, while others see active changes.

2. Brand Authority, Trust, and SEO

Brand visibility is crucial for algorithm resilience.

Quote: "Having a highly visible brand with LOTS OF BRANDED SEARCH VOLUME seems to be a great defense against negative Google actions."

Brand mentions are critical trust signals for AI.


"Brand mentions are a trust signal, and Google evaluates the context in which your brand appears."

"YouTube and LinkedIn are top-cited sites in AIOs."

Brand searches are more valuable than ranking for unbranded keywords.


"I'd much rather have people search for our brand name than rank #1 for unbranded keywords."

Human connection and storytelling are key for building trust.

Quote: "Personality wins amidst the robots."

"Great storytelling is your most powerful differentiator."

Consensus: Brand authority is central to SEO.

Divergence: Rand critiques Google's focus on big brands; Ross emphasizes human elements.

3. AI-Driven Content Creation & Automation

AI enhances SEO workflows through automation.


"One of my favorite AI use cases is to create App Scripts in Google Sheets to create custom SEO functions."

AI saves time and resources in SEO workflows.


"SEO automation saves critical time and resources."

AI boosts efficiency, but can't replace human creativity.


"Raw AI content isn't catching on... AIs are helping creators be more efficient."

AI amplifies efficiency but requires human creativity.


"Great marketers will use AI to do great work faster."


AI improves efficiency but doesn't replace human insight.

Divergence: Rand is more skeptical of AI's content generation abilities.

4. Evolving SEO Metrics & Algorithmic Influence

AI-driven metrics like CommercialScore focus on page intent.


"A key factor influencing rankings is 'CommercialScore,' which measures whether a document sells something."

AI impacts ranking factors by focusing on intent-based metrics.


"30% of AIOs differ significantly between SGE and live results."

Google's reliance on brand authority makes search less useful.

Quote: "Google created a monster through its reliance on domain & brand authority."

Traditional metrics are losing relevance-focus on topical authority.


"Keyword research is becoming outdated-content research goes beyond just search."


AI shifts SEO metrics towards intent.

Rand critiques the dominance of brand authority, Ross focuses on diminishing keyword research.

5. Shifts in Content Strategy & Distribution

AI-driven SEO prioritizes content quality over pruning.


"When negatively hit by a Google update, many websites start deleting old content... Rarely, if ever, do we see it work for recovery."

AI emphasizes user-generated content in search strategies.

Stat: "Discussions & Forums (D&F) SERP feature appeared in 34% of search queries in June 2024."

Shift from direct traffic metrics to influence-based engagement.


"Traffic referrals does not equal sources of influence.... Your audience is watching videos, reading posts, but these sites send pitiful amounts of traffic."

Repurpose successful content instead of creating new.


"Some of you already created all the content you needed for 2024. You just need to repurpose those hits that worked well before."


AI pushes for high-quality content and repurposing.

Divergence: Kevin focuses on UGC; Ross emphasizes content repurposing.

Strategies in the New Era of SEO

As we’ve explored through the perspectives of top thought leaders, the SEO landscape is undergoing a fundamental transformation, driven largely by artificial intelligence, user intent, and a shift toward brand authority. While the broad consensus reflects these changes, there are still key areas of divergence among experts—particularly around the full impact of AI on user behavior and the ongoing importance of brand authority versus content quality.

In this new era of SEO, businesses can no longer rely on traditional tactics such as keyword targeting and backlink acquisition. The rules of the game are being rewritten, and success in SEO now hinges on a deeper understanding of how search engines prioritize user intent, content relevance, and authority. To thrive, brands must adopt strategies that align with these evolving dynamics.

At the core of this shift are four fundamental pillars that define success in today’s SEO world. These pillars—Topical Authority, Content Quality, AI Optimization, and the Evolving Role of Backlinks—represent the essential components that any SEO strategy must focus on to remain competitive.

  • Topical Authority reflects the need for comprehensive content coverage that positions a website as an expert in its niche.
  • Content Quality emphasizes satisfying user intent through in-depth, structured, and valuable content.
  • AI Optimization calls for understanding the nuances of AI-driven search engines, focusing on question research and citation relevance.
  • The Role of Backlinks explores how backlinks, while still valuable, must be strategically aligned with topical authority and relevance.

1. Focus on Topical Authority

I believe we are not saying anything controversial when saying topical authority has emerged as a critical factor in determining a website’s ability to rank well on search engines. 

Gone are the days when simply focusing on high-ranking keywords or building backlinks was sufficient. Now, establishing authority over entire topics is key to long-term success.

To build topical authority, several core strategies must be implemented:
The foundation of topical authority is a well-defined focus on specific, relevant topics that align with both user intent and your business goals. Rather than targeting a wide range of unrelated keywords, concentrating on a niche or a specific area of expertise allows for more comprehensive coverage, which both search engines and users favor. This approach aligns your content with the needs of your audience and helps build trust and engagement.

linkedin post


At Influencer Marketing Hub, we’ve taken this a step further by leveraging Semrush’s Personal Keyword Difficulty (PKD) feature. Unlike traditional keyword difficulty metrics, PKD evaluates keyword difficulty specifically for our domain, factoring in our topical authority and competition. This tailored approach has transformed how we conduct keyword research, with 43% more of our articles now ranking in positions 1-3 for their core keywords, as indicated in our AI SEO Report.

Semrush Personal Keyword Difficulty

Another important framework that complements this is the Topic Share model. This method assesses topical authority by analyzing the portion of traffic a website receives from keywords within a specific topic cluster. The model shifts the focus away from individual keywords and instead measures the effectiveness of your content in capturing traffic across a broad range of related terms. The logic behind this is that the more traffic a site gets from specific keywords in a topic, the more authoritative it is for that topic.

Traffic Share

This holistic approach ensures that your content isn’t just ranking for isolated keywords, but is becoming a trusted resource across an entire topic. At IMH, we see how this method pairs well with PKD, helping us refine our content strategy to not only target specific high-impact keywords but to dominate full topic clusters. In fact, as shown in the image, our work on SEO Trends is benefiting from this approach, and we believe we’ll continue gaining traction in the highly competitive SEO landscape.

Identify Knowledge Gaps

Identifying knowledge gaps in your industry is crucial for standing out from competitors. Users often search for answers that are inadequately addressed by existing content. By filling these gaps with detailed, well-researched information, your site becomes the go-to resource for these unmet needs. 

This not only improves user satisfaction but also signals to search engines that your site provides valuable and unique insights.

From a technical perspective, Google’s algorithms prioritize the creation of unique, authoritative content as part of their broader goal of delivering relevant, accurate results. This is closely tied to their Knowledge Graph, which uses semantic search and natural language processing (NLP) to enhance Google Search’s ability to interpret search intent and deliver contextually relevant information.

By filling knowledge gaps with original content, you help Google’s machine learning systems, which rely on structured data, such as schema markup and semantic HTML5, to better organize and retrieve information.

Furthermore, the Knowledge Graph integrates first-party data and information from trusted sources to construct a comprehensive, reliable view of topics. By continuously creating content that addresses these knowledge gaps, your site not only aligns with user intent but also supports Google’s algorithms in providing more relevant and up-to-date search results.

At Influencer Marketing Hub (IMH), we’ve refined our approach to identifying knowledge gaps by tapping into community-driven environments such as Reddit and Quora. These platforms are a goldmine for uncovering unaddressed user queries and trending topics. Here’s how we do it:

1. Use Reddit to Discover Emerging Questions:

By searching relevant subreddits (like r/SEO, r/InfluencerMarketing), we identify recurring questions or topics that don’t have comprehensive answers. For example, a search for “AI SEO” on Reddit may reveal common concerns or areas that other content hasn’t adequately explored, helping us shape our strategy for producing fresh, targeted content.


2. Leverage Quora for In-Depth Insights:

Quora is another platform where users post specific questions, often seeking expert opinions or detailed solutions. By monitoring questions around topics like “How AI impacts SEO,” we gain insights into the types of content people are actively searching for. This helps us create content that directly addresses these inquiries, filling in the gaps left by competitors. Their related questions algorithm is very effective, and you should open, scrape, and assimilate as many of the threads as possible to get extensive analysis and unbiased output. 


3. Identify Related Topics and Trends:

We pay close attention to related questions and discussions that emerge around our primary topics of interest. Communities often uncover niche angles or subtopics that are underdeveloped in the broader content landscape. By analyzing these conversations, we discover long-tail keywords and unique content opportunities that can boost our topical authority.

Comprehensive Topic Coverage

To establish and maintain topical authority, it’s not enough to cover the basics—you must dive deep into each subject area. This means creating pillar content for core topics and supporting it with related articles that explore subtopics and niche questions in detail.

For example, if your pillar content is about “influencer marketing strategies,” you should support it with articles on topics like “how to choose the right influencers for your brand,” “measuring ROI in influencer campaigns,” and “emerging trends in nano-influencers.” This interconnected content structure helps both users and search engines recognize your website as a comprehensive authority on influencer marketing.

Semrush Keyword Strategy Builder

This can be achieved through tools like Semrush’s Keyword Strategy Builder, where users can input core pillar topics, explore related subtopics, and build a content strategy around them. By addressing the entire scope of a subject, from basic to advanced queries, websites can dominate the topic in search results.

Consistency in Content Creation

Maintaining topical authority requires consistent content production. Regularly publishing content that reflects new developments, answers evolving questions, and revisits established topics ensures that your website remains up-to-date and relevant.

This approach is particularly important in industries that change frequently, such as technology, finance, or health. However, consistency goes beyond frequency—it’s about producing high-quality content that consistently adds value to your audience.

Incorporating tools like content scoring for entire keyword clusters can be invaluable in maintaining this consistency. These tools can evaluate whether your content is thoroughly covering a topic, ensuring that you remain competitive and comprehensive over time.

2. How to Make Good Content in the New SEO World

Creating content that ranks well in today’s SEO landscape requires a combination of science and creativity. Good content is no longer about subjective opinions but follows a structured approach that ensures user intent is satisfied, all relevant questions are answered, and topics are covered comprehensively. Google rewards content that provides the most value and our approach at IMH mirrors this principle.

Good Content SEO

Focus on Search Intent

The foundation of good content is understanding what users are truly searching for. Search intent goes beyond keywords and focuses on the “why” behind the search. Is the user seeking information, looking for a solution, or exploring purchase options? By tailoring our content to meet the specific needs behind user queries, we ensure that our articles are not only engaging but also relevant to searchers and search engines.


Comprehensive content is essential for ranking in the modern SEO landscape. Rather than targeting a single query, content needs to be thorough enough to cover an entire subject area. This involves answering all possible questions a user might have and addressing related subtopics. At IMH, we ensure that our content doesn’t just skim the surface but dives deep into topics, making our website a go-to resource for all aspects of a subject.

For example, an article on “Influencer Marketing Platforms” wouldn’t just list platforms. It would delve into how they work, compare features, discuss pricing models, and provide real-life examples, ensuring the user leaves with a complete understanding of the subject.

Generate 1st-Party Data Insights

In a crowded content space, one way to stand out is by generating unique, 1st-party data. Whether through surveys, case studies, or proprietary reports, this data gives our content an edge. At IMH, we regularly conduct surveys and leverage our access to industry influencers and marketers to collect insights that competitors don’t have. This boosts our credibility, adds real value to our content, and strengthens our authority in the market.

When preparing for this report, we identified several areas where existing thought leadership lacked sufficient data or conflicting perspectives. For instance, during our initial analysis, we discovered divergent views from experts like Cyrus Shepard, Rand Fishkin, and Darren Shaw on the effectiveness of removing underperforming pages—a key issue for SEO marketers.

To close these knowledge gaps, we formulated targeted survey questions. For example, based on these conflicting views, we crafted prompts such as, “What is your preferred approach to handling underperforming pages?"

  • (a) Remove them
  • (b) Consolidate them
  • (c) Improve them

After gathering this data, we were able to offer fresh, real-world insights that added significant value to our content. This process of identifying gaps, creating surveys, and gathering proprietary data allows us to provide highly relevant, actionable insights that other competitors may overlook, cementing our authority in the space.

Human-AI Collaboration

Artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for content creation, but it cannot fully replace human input. At IMH, we leverage AI tools like ContentShake AI for efficiency in drafting content but rely on human editors and strategists to refine it. AI helps with data and structure, but the human touch ensures that content remains authentic, nuanced, and tailored to our audience’s specific needs. By combining AI-driven efficiency with human creativity and expertise, we produce content that resonates and ranks well.

AI plays a crucial role in freeing up resources, enabling brands to focus on what drives value—such as generating first-party data through surveys, and case studies and creating strategic, user-centered content. This shift in focus, where AI handles the heavy lifting, allows us to maintain a competitive edge in increasingly saturated search engines.

On average, our benchmark industry reports, which are based on 1st party data gathered via our community of marketers, perform 76% better (ranking-wise) in SERP. Here we use AI to analyze results and identify trends. 

3. How to optimize for AI SEO Search Queries

As AI continues to shape the future of search engines, optimizing for AI-powered search queries is essential to remain competitive in the SEO landscape. Unlike traditional SEO which focuses solely on keywords, AI-driven search engines prioritize understanding the context and intent behind user queries. This shift has profound implications for how businesses should approach SEO.

Focus on Question Research Instead of Keyword Research

AI-driven search engines, such as Google’s AI Overviews, Gemini, OpenAI, and Perplexity, now prioritize answering specific questions over simple keyword matches as we mentioned earlier. This shift emphasizes the importance of question research, where businesses need to anticipate and address the specific questions their audience is asking.

At IMH, we’ve adopted this approach by conducting in-depth question research. For example, in one of our recent reports, we identified that the SEO community lacked clarity on how marketers handle underperforming content in AI-driven environments. We leveraged this gap by creating content that addressed these questions directly, improving our topical authority.

AI Answer Tracking

In AI-powered search systems, tracking how frequently your content is referenced in AI-generated responses is crucial. Ethan Smith refers to this as AI Answer Optimization, explaining how optimizing for AI-generated answers will become a new frontier in SEO. He suggests that tools like AI Answer Tracking are essential to monitor your visibility in AI-powered search results, ensuring that your content remains part of the conversation in AI search engines.

AI-powered search results

To implement this at IMH, we focus on analyzing how our content is referenced by AI-powered systems like Perplexity, OpenAI, and Gemini. By monitoring how frequently our content is cited in AI-generated responses, we ensure that our brand stays visible and relevant in the evolving AI-driven search space, but more importantly, we are preparing for the future. 

Citation Optimization

With AI-generated search results, the ability to get your content cited by AI systems is becoming more critical. AI models like ChatGPT or Google’s AI search often pull from multiple sources, making it essential that your content is not only relevant but also structured in a way that encourages citation.

We prioritize producing fact-driven, high-authority content that provides clear, data-backed answers, which seems to work as our reports that are based on 1st party data are ranking very well in OpenAI for example.


By focusing on unique insights and detailed explanations, we ensure our content is positioned as a reliable resource for AI-driven search engines to cite. This has allowed us to maintain visibility in AI-generated answers, especially in niche areas where we have identified gaps in available data.

4. The Changing Role of Backlinks in AI SEO

While backlinks are still an essential part of SEO, they are no longer the sole determinant of a site’s authority or ranking. 

The rise of topical authority—the ability to cover an entire topic comprehensively—means that backlinks alone cannot boost a site’s ranking without a strong topical framework. AI-driven search engines prioritize context, relevance, and content quality over simply counting backlinks.

Backlinks as a Supplement to Topical Authority

According to Ethan Smith, topical authority has emerged as a more powerful signal than domain authority, meaning that smaller websites can outrank more authoritative domains if they focus on mastering specific topics. Backlinks now play a complementary role: they still offer credibility but must be paired with in-depth, well-structured content to drive meaningful SEO results.

Indig also highlights that while backlinks are important for ranking competitive keywords, internal linking and topical authority provide a more significant boost in modern SEO. This shift means backlinks should be part of a broader content strategy that emphasizes comprehensive coverage of topics and internal link structures.

Quality Over Quantity in Backlinks

Both experts argue that backlinks should focus on quality, not quantity. Low-quality or irrelevant backlinks can damage your SEO efforts. AI algorithms can better distinguish between valuable backlinks and manipulative link-building tactics, making it more critical to earn links from reputable, contextually relevant sources.

For example, a backlink from The New York Times may have a longer-lasting impact on SEO than a high-traffic, short-lived mention on a platform like Reddit. Indig explains that while a Reddit front-page link might offer a temporary spike in traffic, it does not carry the same SEO authority or long-term benefit as a backlink from a high-authority domain like The New York Times.

Strategic Backlinking Recommendations:

1. Focus on Relevance and Topical Expertise

In today’s SEO world, earning backlinks from relevant and trusted sources within your niche is more critical than ever. Rather than chasing high volumes of backlinks, aim to build relationships with industry experts, publications, and communities that align with your niche and topical authority.

2. Strengthen Internal Linking

Kevin Indig introduces the TIPR model (Topic Internal PageRank), which combines backlink data with internal linking strategies to improve page authority distribution. By connecting internal pages that target different subtopics within a broader theme, you can increase the overall authority of your site and help search engines understand the hierarchy and relevance of your content.

3. Monitor Backlink Impact and Relevance

AI systems are now much better at evaluating the relevance of backlinks, meaning that links from irrelevant or low-quality sources can harm your SEO. Use tools like SEMrush to track the quality of backlinks, focusing on those that improve topical authority, align with your content’s focus, and come from sites that already have strong topical or domain authority.

SEMrush SEO tool

While backlinks remain important, their role in modern SEO has shifted. The value of a backlink is now tied more to the context, relevance, and topical authority of your content rather than simply the number of links you acquire. By focusing on building high-quality, topic-specific content and earning relevant backlinks, you can enhance your site’s visibility and authority in an increasingly AI-driven search landscape.


The Disruption Is Real but Incomplete

SEO is undeniably in a state of disruption, driven by the rise of AI, yet it is far from fully matured. While AI reshapes content strategies around user intent, real-time algorithmic changes continue to challenge the SEO community. The broader impact of AI is still unfolding, and significant gaps remain in understanding the long-term implications of this shift.

In particular, the effectiveness of AI-driven search systems in diverse industries and their impact on smaller businesses requires deeper exploration. As AI evolves, businesses must adapt by embracing first-party data, user-centric content, and strategic creativity, ensuring they remain agile in this rapidly changing SEO landscape.

Strategic Recommendations for SEO Marketers

As the SEO landscape shifts under the influence of AI, one clear takeaway emerges: optimizing solely for Google’s algorithm is no longer a sustainable strategy. While Google’s search engine still wields immense power, the real key to long-term success lies in focusing on user experience, intent, and content quality—factors that AI is increasingly prioritizing. Many sites built on shallow, keyword-focused content are taking significant hits, while expertise-driven and community-driven sites that create real value are thriving.

Though Google’s algorithm may not always visibly reward these efforts yet, it’s clear that the future of search is moving in this direction. Brands that embrace this shift will not only survive but thrive in this new era of SEO. Below are our key recommendations for SEO marketers looking to stay ahead in this evolving landscape:

1. Prioritize User-Centric Content

  • Focus on creating in-depth, high-quality content that addresses real user needs and questions.
  • Develop content that demonstrates expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) to align with Google’s emphasis on people-first content.
  • Use data, insights, and first-party research to offer original, valuable information that sets your content apart.

2. Embrace AI-Driven SEO Optimization

  • Leverage AI tools to automate low-level tasks, like keyword audits and competitive analysis, while freeing up time to focus on strategic, user-centered content.
  • Use AI to understand deeper search intent and analyze patterns in user behavior to refine content strategy.

3. Build Community and Foster Engagement

  • Tap into user-generated content and community-driven platforms like Reddit, Quora, and niche forums to fuel authentic discussions and insights.
  • Create spaces for user interaction that position your brand as a trusted resource within its industry, leading to better engagement and organic traffic growth.

4. Shift to Topical Authority Over Keyword Focus

  • Structure your content strategy around comprehensive coverage of topics rather than targeting isolated keywords.
  • Invest in creating pillar content supported by related, subtopic-rich articles that reinforce your authority in specific areas.

5. Focus on First-Party Data Collection

  • Build and leverage your own data sets through surveys, case studies, and research to differentiate your brand’s insights and add original value.
  • Use this first-party data to offer unique perspectives that elevate your brand’s authority and drive content that satisfies both users and search engines.

6. Rethink the Role of Backlinks

  • Shift your focus away from purely acquiring backlinks and toward earning them naturally through the production of highly valuable, in-depth content.
  • Seek backlinks from authoritative, contextually relevant sources that align with your topical authority.

7. Diversify Beyond Google Search

  • Explore and optimize for other platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, and emerging search engines driven by AI.
  • Understand that user journeys are becoming more fragmented, so being present across multiple search ecosystems is crucial for visibility.

8. Regularly Monitor and Adapt to Algorithm Changes

  • Stay updated with the latest algorithm shifts and continuously test new strategies to ensure alignment with AI-driven search behaviors.
  • Avoid relying on legacy SEO practices that may no longer deliver results and be prepared to pivot as Google and other search engines evolve.

9. Invest in Expertise-Driven Content

  • Collaborate with industry experts, influencers, and knowledgeable creators to build content that demonstrates deep expertise and credibility.
  • Prioritize long-form content that adds substantial value and addresses complex topics comprehensively.

In this new SEO era, businesses that remain reactive to Google’s algorithm updates will find themselves at a disadvantage. Instead, by adopting a user-first mindset and embracing the strategic shifts discussed above, you’ll position your brand for long-term success in the AI-driven future of search. The focus should be less about gaming the system and more about building real authority, creating genuine value, and fostering lasting relationships with your audience.

About the Author
Djanan Kasumovic, Head of Growth at Influencer Marketing Hub, drives innovation in digital marketing with expertise in AI marketing and AI influencer strategies. He is directly involved in shaping content strategies for top clients like Viral Nation, NeoReach, Brandwatch, and more, blending creative flair with data-driven insights to ensure people not only enjoy the content but leave a little smarter.