Top Audience Research Software for In-Depth Market Analysis

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The Internet’s popularity provides an unparalleled avenue for businesses to tap into a global marketplace. However, with this immense opportunity comes the challenge of understanding the intricacies of diverse consumer behaviors, preferences, and motivations. As the landscape of marketing evolves, the role of Audience Research Software (ARS) has ascended to paramount importance, making it an essential tool for astute marketing executives to navigate these complexities.

Audience Research Software is a sophisticated technological platform designed to capture, analyze, and interpret data relating to a specific or broad audience. Leveraging advanced algorithms, analytics, and data aggregation methodologies, these software solutions present previously obscure or inaccessible insights. From demographics to psychographics, from online behavior to purchase patterns, ARS provides a holistic view of the consumer.

Join us as we dive into the Top 10 Audience Research Software Platforms for 2024 to give marketers the insights necessary to formulate effective marketing campaigns.

Top Audience Research Software

audience research software

1. Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence

Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence

Brandwatch presents itself as the world’s most formidable consumer insight and research instrument, enabling brands to delve into profound consumer insights. With access to a staggering 1.4 trillion posts from 100 million online sources, Brandwatch employs the most advanced AI to bring brands closer to their consumers.

With its AI-Powered Search, it offers instant data retrieval and, through Consumer Research, provides access to the world’s largest trove of consumer opinions.

Standout features:

  • The smartest AI and Iris: With 15 years of evolution, Brandwatch’s AI efficiently sifts through the vast data to highlight trends and reveal insights that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
  • Image Analysis: Empowered by neural networks and deep learning, Brandwatch’s Image Analysis system is trained on billions of images to discern patterns and understand context.
  • Custom classifiers: Leveraging Brightview’s machine learning, Brandwatch allows users to train the software to categorize data uniquely.

Software strengths:

  • Powerful Analytics: Boasts a flexible user interface with over 50 live visualizations for enhanced data representation.
  • Fast, Scalable Platform: Enables simultaneous analysis and comparison of large datasets quickly and efficiently.

Price: Pricing details are available upon request.

Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence
4.8 out of 5 stars
Since its launch in 2007, Brandwatch has provided effective ways for brands to monitor the online conversations about them. After its 2021 acquisition by Cision, it still does—and does it better than most.
Features & Pricing
Pros and Cons
Ease of Use
Overall Score
Features & Pricing
Sentiment Analysis
Trend Tracking
Influencer Identification
Report Customizability
Social Analytics
Social Measurement
Brand Monitoring
Keyword Tracking
Trend Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Social Reporting
Price on request
Pros and Cons
Goes beyond mere social listening and monitors dozens of sources
An astounding amount of data (12+ years worth) yields powerful insights
Data visualization is impressive in its ability to sum up the numbers at a glance
Advanced boolean queries must be typed from scratch
Overwhelming amount of data and filtering options require more than tech savvy to use the software
Best for: Small, Medium, and Large businesses
Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence
4.8 out of 5 stars
Since its launch in 2007, Brandwatch has provided effective ways for brands to monitor the online conversations about them. After its 2021 acquisition by Cision, it still does—and does it better than most.
Visit Website View Profile

2. SparkToro


SparkToro emerges as a dynamic audience research tool that furnishes instant insights about any online audience. The platform gleans crucial information from aggregated, anonymized public profiles across 12 social networks, having crawled millions of unique profiles spanning billions of web pages, social media profiles, podcasts, and YouTube channels.

Standout features:

  • Demographics & Behaviors: Provides a detailed breakdown of an audience’s interests, job titles, behaviors, and the text data they generate, including the language of their posts.
  • Influential Content Discovery: Helps brands identify popular websites, podcasts, YouTube channels, and press publications their target audience gravitates towards.
  • Bio Attributes: Analyzes specific words or phrases in social profiles to find commonalities and patterns in the target audience.

Software strengths:

  • Comprehensive Data Crawl: By crawling over 80 million social profiles, SparkToro offers broad and deep insights, allowing brands to understand audience influences better.
  • Quick, painless outreach: The platform provides easy access to contact information, enabling faster communication and engagement with influential sources.

Price: SparkToro offers a range of plans, starting with a Free tier, followed by Personal at $38/month, Business at $112/month, and Agency at $225/month.

3. SimilarWeb


SimilarWeb offers businesses a comprehensive view of audience behavior, enabling them to acquire precise insights and strategically target their ideal audience segments. By analyzing a vast number of websites and applications, users can deeply understand how their audience spends their time online and how they engage with online content.

Standout features:

  • Behavioral Data Analysis: With access to browsing behavior across more than 100 million websites and apps, SimilarWeb gives an unparalleled insight into how users navigate the digital landscape.
  • Audience Metrics: Delve into intricate details such as demographics, interests, loyalty, and geographies, thereby understanding your audience’s behavior to its core.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: By discovering your competitors’ audience reach and behavior, SimilarWeb equips businesses with the knowledge to outperform competitors and dominate their share of voice.

Software strengths:

  • Scalable Audience Insights: The tool can amass unbiased audience insights at a large scale, ensuring businesses comprehensively understand their target market.
  • Holistic Audience Creation: Users can build a layered image of their desired target audience based on detailed consumer insights and online behavior patterns.

Price: SimilarWeb offers a tiered pricing model starting at $125 per user/month for the Starter plan, with custom plans available for larger teams and enterprises.

4. Audiense


Audiense positions itself as the ultimate tool for understanding audiences in-depth, providing brands and agencies with unparalleled insights for improved marketing results. With its focus on digital consumer intelligence, Audiense is particularly suitable for businesses aiming for targeted and personalized strategies.

Standout features:

  • Social Intelligence: Audiense dives deep into consumer behavior on social platforms, reflecting real affinities and preferences that marketers can leverage for more effective marketing strategies.
  • Digital Intelligence: Harness the power of one of the world’s most comprehensive sources of digital audience insights, discovering groups and segments crucial to your business.
  • Demand Intelligence: Understand the demand for brands, talents, and IPs based on various digital social signals, enabling a proactive approach to audience targeting.

Software strengths:

  • Consumer-Centric Approach: By centering consumer segmentation and cultural insights, Audiense ensures that teams truly understand their audiences, driving impactful results.
  • Versatility in Products: With two distinct solutions and four products, Audiense offers a range of tools that can function both stand alone or synergistically, adapting to varying business needs.

Price: Audiense’s pricing begins at $1534/month for Audiense Insights, with other plans varying based on usage requirements such as the number of seats or reports.

Key Features: Search/Discovery, Audience Analysis, Social Listening, Competitor Research,

Channels: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok

5. Quantcast Audience Intelligence

Quantcast Audience Intelligence

With its state-of-the-art Audience Intelligence, Quantcast offers a platform for brands and marketers to uncover in-depth audience insights. The platform taps into unique real-time data from over 100 million online destinations to provide a fresh perspective on ever-evolving consumer behavior. The Quantcast platform is a one-stop solution for strategizing, executing, and measuring audience-related tasks, ensuring brands stay ahead of the curve.

Standout features:

  • Interactive Audience Insights: With Quantcast, dive deep into real-time consumer insights, capturing details on browsing interests, purchase behaviors, domain affinity, demographics, devices, and much more. This is further powered by Ara TopicMap, which provides a multidimensional online content analysis to offer unparalleled insights into audience behavior.
  • Custom Audience Creation and Activation: Build and activate custom audiences based on specific topics or interests. Quantcast ensures brands can tailor their approach, efficiently reaching the most relevant users and maintaining audience fidelity during campaigns.
  • Comprehensive Audience Comparison: Quantcast’s platform enables comparing multiple audiences side-by-side. This feature aids in better cross-channel planning and ensures the creative messaging aligns perfectly with the target audience’s preferences.

Software strengths:

  • Unique Real-time Data Access: Gain access to data from a staggering number of online destinations, ensuring the freshest insights inform strategies.
  • Unified Platform for Planning to Execution: Quantcast combines audience insights with media strategies, allowing for planning, activation, measurement, and innovation within a single ecosystem.

Price: Inquire about their Enterprise-level features.

6. Nielsen ONE

Nielsen ONE

Nielsen ONE is revolutionizing cross-media measurement by offering deduplicated insights across linear TV, connected TV, desktop, and mobile. This all-in-one platform makes it simpler for publishers and marketers to discern who’s watching what, when, and on which device.

Standout features:

  • Cross-Platform Audience Measurement: Nielsen ONE offers one of the only industry-accepted metrics that can measure audiences across diverse platforms.
  • Proprietary Identity System: Get an edge over competitors with Nielsen ONE’s identity system that integrates panel data, third-party identity information, and direct publisher insights, ensuring precise persons-level campaign impressions.
  • Four-Screen Ad Deduplication: Achieve a comprehensive view of your campaigns with deduplicated measurements across connected TV, computer, mobile, and more. This guarantees you understand your reach and can adeptly manage frequency across these platforms.

Software strengths:

  • Data Validated by Real People: While Nielsen ONE taps into vast datasets, it validates its findings with granular insights only possible through a representative, person-level panel. With data from over 100,000 panelists, you get unparalleled accuracy.
  • Unrivaled Coverage: Nielsen ONE’s extensive coverage spans TV networks, popular streaming services, leading digital-first publishers, and more. This comprehensive view ensures you’re always in the know about where and how your audience consumes content.

Price: Contact representatives to get pricing.

7. Infegy Atlas

Infegy Atlas

Infegy Atlas brings forward an industry-leading consumer intelligence platform designed to tap into the vast realm of social conversations. With a prime focus on making structured and actionable data out of the vast influx of online discussions, Infegy equips businesses with the tools to align their strategies based on valuable and real-time consumer insights.

Standout features:

  • Advanced Text Analytics: Infegy Atlas prides itself on its proprietary text analytics, content analysis, and machine learning capabilities. Its Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine can process languages that cover three-fourths of the global population, ensuring an accurate sentiment analysis.
  • Comprehensive Data Access: Through Infegy Atlas, businesses can access trillions of current and historical data points from diverse sources like social media, blogs, forums, and more. These data points are visually presented, ensuring clarity and relevance to business metrics and marketing objectives.
  • Swift Data Processing: One of the key differentiators of Infegy Atlas is its rapid processing power. Businesses can receive results in mere seconds, allowing them to make crucial decisions promptly rather than waiting for extended periods.

Software strengths:

  • Holistic Audience Segmentation: The platform offers detailed audience insights and allows users to build focus groups and execute accurate market research using predefined and custom audience segments.
  • Emotion-Driven Sentiment Analysis: Going beyond the traditional positive, negative, or neutral classifications, Infegy Atlas uses machine learning to detect emotions like joy, trust, and anticipation, offering a deeper understanding of audience sentiments.

Price: Request a quote to discover the best package tailored to your needs.

8. Adalyser


Adalyser’s platform elevates television audience research. It aims to provide in-depth competitor analysis in the TV advertising sphere, ensuring businesses do not just assume but truly understand their competitors’ moves. Adalyser focuses on a comprehensive approach to television audience data, driving towards producing impactful and effective TV advertisements. As a result, Adalyser cements itself as the leading TV advertising platform.

Standout features:

  • Competitor Campaign Analysis: Adalyser simplifies the process of discovering competitors’ TV campaigns. It provides insights into their effectiveness, audience engagement, and relationships with media owners. This vast bank of campaign data allows businesses to learn from the best and optimize their own strategies.
  • Integrated Audience Research Platform: Adalyser offers brand analysis, conversion rate analysis, and scenario planning tools in a unified platform. This holistic approach ensures businesses understand their data fully and execute their campaigns based on comprehensive insights.
  • Budget Monitoring: Adalyser emphasizes spending wisely. By researching the costs of advertising on various TV channels and understanding audience preferences, it guides businesses to optimize their budget allocation, ensuring effective campaigns without overshooting costs.

Software strengths:

  • Brand Analysis Profundity: Adalyser offers a deep dive into brand analysis, allowing businesses to understand the data behind competitors’ ads and their placement in the TV industry. This includes examining various factors such as audience size, networks, and even spot lengths.
  • All-inclusive Data View: Whether it’s brand analysis, audience location, conversion rate analysis, or scenario planning, Adalyser ensures that businesses get a 360-degree view of all data pertinent to constructing a successful TV plan.

Price: Custom pricing is available upon scheduling a demo.

9. CrossEngage


CrossEngage offers a dynamic Customer Intelligence Platform designed to enhance long-term customer relationships. It allows businesses to harness customer data’s power to increase each relationship’s profitability, focusing primarily on enhancing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is an innovative predictive analytics concept that empowers you to identify and expand high-value audiences, optimize the financial outcomes of your customer retention efforts, and enhance customer allegiance. CrossEngage is a leader in CLV implementation. 

Standout features:

  • 360° Single Customer View: CrossEngage lets you easily track and collate all your first-party customer data from both online and offline touchpoints in real-time. This unified database eradicates data silos and optimizes every single customer experience.
  • No-Code Predictive Modeling: With CrossEngage, you can access pre-built predictive models like CLV, churn prediction, and next best offer, or craft custom CLV-based predictive models using the power of automated machine learning (Auto ML) – all without the need for coding or technical expertise.
  • Intelligent Audience Management: The platform’s intuitive interface lets you build and activate predictive audiences with ease. You can visually create engaging cross-channel user journeys and respond to real-time user behavior.

Software strengths:

  • Frictionless User Experience: From data collection to predictive audience building, CrossEngage guarantees a seamless user experience with their SaaS Platform.
  • Data Activation Across All Channels: CrossEngage allows for the creation of pixel-perfect templates and personalized communications, activating data on native email, mobile push channels, or through various integrations.

Price: Pricing details are available upon booking a demo.

10. GWI


GWI provides a robust platform for audience research that offers instant access to worldwide consumer insights. It serves as a window into the world of billions of digital consumers, ensuring businesses remain updated with real-time data and trends regarding their products, services, and brand perception.

Standout features:

  • Harmonized Audience Data: GWI’s platform represents a whopping 2.8 billion digital consumers. With such extensive data, you’re always informed about global audience behaviors, offering insights that can help fine-tune strategies.
  • Flexible Data Access: Whether you want to zoom in on local markets or get a comprehensive global overview, GWI offers both. Their intuitive platform ensures that you can access harmonized data quickly and efficiently.
  • Rich Data Insights: GWI emphasizes the depth and richness of its data. From profiling to understanding the biggest trends, it provides tools and reports that allow businesses to dig deeper into audience behaviors, interests, and values.

Software strengths:

  • Fast & 24/7 Access: GWI ensures constant access to real-world insights from genuine consumers, ensuring you’re always in touch with evolving trends and patterns.
  • Actionable Insights: GWI’s commitment is to deliver actionable insights. Their data is collected from 52 markets with 250k profiling points, giving you tools to connect with your audience instantly.

Price: GWI offers a flexible pricing model with a Free plan, and a more comprehensive Pro plan, allowing users to choose based on their needs.

What is the Role and Importance of Audience Research Software?

Audience Research Software (ARS) plays a pivotal role in shaping today's marketing landscape strategies, with one of its primary benefits is its ability to foster informed decision-making. Through data-driven insights, marketing executives gain a foundational base of robust evidence, enabling them to strategize effectively. 

This is evident in scenarios ranging from launching new products and introducing new marketing campaigns to assessing the efficacy of current strategies. With the insights provided by ARS, decisions transition from mere intuitive guesses to determinations rooted in solid data.

ARS also provides indispensable information on budgetary concerns. Since marketing budgets have their limits, the onus is on businesses to ensure the optimal allocation of resources. Conveniently, ARS provides insights into the most effective channels, campaigns, and strategies to empower businesses to maximize their return on investment through market research and analysis.

Lastly, the power of ARS extends beyond the present, reaching into the potentialities of the future. Through the use of predictive analytics, these tools offer a glimpse into upcoming trends, enabling businesses to prepare for shifts in consumer behavior and preferences.

What to Consider When Selecting Audience Research Software?

Choosing the right Audience Research Software isn’t an easy task. That’s because there isn’t a general checklist for doing so. However, we can review a few factors that will alleviate the process.

First off, a paramount aspect to consider is the software's scalability. As businesses burgeon, so do their data analytics needs, and the ideal ARS will be one that can effortlessly adapt to these evolving demands, managing both increased data volumes and diverse analytical requisites.

Furthermore, the efficacy of any ARS is often judged by its ability to merge data from a plethora of sources. Hence, ensuring that the chosen software possesses adept integration capabilities becomes crucial, allowing it to harmonize seamlessly with existing data platforms and marketing tools.

Equally essential is the software’s level of user experience. While ARS platforms are inherently sophisticated, this sophistication shouldn't compromise the user interface's simplicity. The objective is to select software that marries advanced analytics with an intuitive design, making it accessible even to those who may not boast an extensive technical background.

With that said, businesses are inherently different and have different data analytical requirements and fingerprints. This distinctiveness mandates that the right ARS be flexible enough to offer customization options tailored to these specific needs, ensuring that insights generated are relevant and actionable.

Lastly, the ideal Audience Research Software should be fortified with robust security measures, safeguarding its precious and sensitive audience data.


Audience Research Software stands as a beacon for marketing executives, illuminating the path to consumer understanding. As businesses strive to forge meaningful connections with their target markets, the role of ARS is undeniable. The onus, however, lies in selecting a platform that aligns with business objective, ensuring a synergy between strategy and execution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there ongoing costs associated with Audience Research Software?

While some software solutions offer a one-time purchase option, many operate on a subscription-based model with monthly or yearly fees. Therefore, it's essential to consider both initial and ongoing expenses, updates, or add-on features.

How does Audience Research Software handle data privacy concerns?

Quality software adheres to global data privacy regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and more. They prioritize user consent, data anonymization, and ensure collected data is used ethically for research purposes only.

What kind of support can I expect post-purchase?

Most software providers offer a range of post-purchase support options, including email support, live chat, tutorials, webinars, and community forums. It's essential to clarify the type of support provided before committing to a platform.

Can I export data from Audience Research Software to other platforms?

Typically, yes. Most software allows you to export data in various formats like CSV, PDF, or Excel, making it easy to share insights with stakeholders or integrate with other tools.

How is Audience Research Software different from analytics tools?

While both offer insights, Audience Research Software focuses on understanding your target audience's behavior, preferences, and needs, whereas analytics tools often focus on website or app performance metrics.

About the Author
Dan Atkins is a renowned SEO specialist and digital marketing consultant, recognized for boosting small business visibility online. With expertise in AdWords, ecommerce, and social media optimization, he has collaborated with numerous agencies, enhancing B2B lead generation strategies. His hands-on consulting experience empowers him to impart advanced insights and innovative tactics to his readers.