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Preview for AI SEO Benchmark Report 2024: Key Stats & Insights

AI SEO Benchmark Report 2024: Key Stats & Insights

AI is rewriting the rules of SEO—yet only a few marketers have embraced it.

13.08% of the top-rated content on Google is now AI-generated, marking a staggering rise from just 2.3% before the release of GPT-2. 

And yet, despite this, the SEO community remains divided. Our survey reveals a surprising reality: 72% of SEO professionals are not yet using AI.

SEO professionals are not yet using AI

We've surveyed 281 pioneering marketers who are already leveraging AI in their SEO strategies. Their insights? Nothing short of game-changing.


525% Growth in Gen AI Search Engines, but Key Insights Still Uncovered

At Influencer Marketing Hub, we’ve experienced the Generative AI shift firsthand. Over the past year, the contribution of Generative AI-driven search engines like ChatGPT, Co-pilot, and Perplexity.ai has grown exponentially. From modest beginnings in January 2024, we’ve seen a 525% surge in revenue generated by these platforms by August. 

Percentage growth in revenue from generative AI engines

What was once a small fraction of our search traffic is now a significant driver of growth, reflecting the increasing impact of Generative AI in SEO.

A critical question remains: Are AI platforms like ChatGPT and its followers, such as Co-Pilot and Perplexity, beginning to reference sources with links, and how will this shape SEO strategies in the future?

While the numbers we’ve observed are astonishing and signal a new era in search behavior, it’s important to note that much of this growth has not been intentionally driven by us. We currently lack full visibility into which specific AI queries or algorithms are fueling this surge. This means we’re only scratching the surface of what could be an enormous opportunity.

This lack of deep understanding of Generative AI Engine Optimization (GEO) is an area that many, like us, are just beginning to confront. Within a few years, marketers will likely be reshaping SEO in ways we’ve only begun to imagine—mastering question-driven content, optimizing for AI citations, and tracking their influence in AI-generated answers powered by advanced LLM + RAG systems.

This evolution, driven by AI’s ability to combine search and generation, isn’t just a trend; it’s a fundamental redefinition of how search will work in an AI-dominated future.

Notable highlights:

72% of SEO Professionals Not Using AI

Despite the rise of AI, a surprising 72% of professionals haven’t adopted AI tools in their SEO strategies.

525% Surge in AI-Driven Revenue

Influencer Marketing Hub has seen a 525% increase in revenue from AI-powered search engines like ChatGPT and Co-pilot in 2024.

13.08% of Top Google Content is AI-Generated

AI-generated content now accounts for 13.08% of top-performing Google content, up from just 2.3% before GPT-2.

31% Worry About AI’s Impact on Content Originality

Concerns about originality are a major barrier to AI adoption, with 31% of non-AI adopters worried about content quality.

44.1% of SEO Tasks Automated by AI

AI is automating 44.1% of key SEO tasks, including content creation and keyword research, boosting efficiency for users.

AI Tools Improve SEO Rankings by 49.2%

Nearly half of businesses using AI report improved rankings post-Google algorithm updates, highlighting AI’s competitive edge.

17% Save Over 10 Hours per Week

AI-driven SEO strategies save 17% of users more than 10 hours weekly on repetitive SEO tasks, enabling focus on higher-value work.

25.4% Say AI Content Outperforms Human Content

A quarter of AI users believe that AI-generated content performs better than human-written content in rankings and engagement.

57.6% Report Increased Competition Due to AI

AI is intensifying competition in SEO, with over half of businesses seeing more competitive pressure in search rankings.

ContentShake AI Boosts Efficiency by 12x

Tools like Semrush’s ContentShake AI are enhancing content creation speed, allowing users to produce high-ranking content 12x faster.

Strategic Use of AI is Critical for Competing on Google

With over 400 billion pages indexed in its search engine, the vastness of Google’s web index underscores the fierce competition for visibility. Each day, Google crawls around 4 billion hostnames, yet only a fraction of the content it discovers makes it into the index. As Google filters through trillions of pages, identifying the highest-quality content becomes paramount for brands aiming to rank. 

AI plays a pivotal role in streamlining SEO processes and automating tasks like keyword research and content generation. By freeing up resources, AI allows brands to focus on what drives value—such as generating first-party data through surveys and creating more strategic, user-centered content. This shift in focus, rather than AI alone, is what helps brands maintain a competitive edge in increasingly saturated online search engines.

Furthermore, this profound transformation is particularly driven by the shift from basic keyword optimization to semantic search, where user intent and contextual relevance take precedence over simple keyword matching. This evolution reflects Google’s advanced algorithm updates, including BERT and MUM, which prioritize understanding natural language and interpreting broader search intent.

The old model of shallow, keyword-driven content is no longer effective. 

AI outperforms humans in content repurposing, rendering curation strategies obsolete. Instead, SEO success now hinges on first-party data and creating original insights grounded in real experience.

Google’s Helpful Content Guidelines prioritize unique, first-hand content over rehashed material. The emphasis is on originality, with Google advising that content should offer insights “not available on other websites.” This underscores the value of first-party data in delivering content that stands out and ranks higher.

Google’s Helpful Content Guidelines

At the same time, AI-generated spam presents a growing challenge. Google's substantial algorithm updates aim to maintain a search environment that is 99% spam-free.

However, the increasing sophistication of AI-generated content complicates this endeavor. Another obstacle is the rise of Google's AI Overview feature, which provides immediate answers to user queries, potentially reducing click-through rates to websites. This underscores the need for brands to adapt their SEO strategies to maintain relevance and visibility.

Simultaneously, AI-driven automation is revolutionizing SEO operations, streamlining tasks such as site audits, keyword research, and backlink analysis. By automating these traditionally time-consuming processes, AI is freeing SEO professionals to focus on high-value strategic initiatives, such as optimizing for user experience (UX) and developing personalized content strategies.

The rise of tools that leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning is enabling real-time data insights, helping brands not only react to SEO trends but anticipate them.

1. Current State of AI in SEO

(First Party Data by Influencer Marketing Hub Monthly Survey)

AI: A Disruptor Across Industries, Yet Untapped in SEO

AI is transforming industries worldwide—from healthcare to finance—by automating complex processes and providing more personalized experiences. In digital marketing and SEO, AI offers the potential to revolutionize everything from keyword research to content optimization, promising faster results and greater precision.

Yet, despite this potential, the majority of SEO professionals have been slow to adopt AI.

Findings from our survey highlight a significant lag in AI adoption: while AI’s disruptive potential is recognized, only a minority of businesses are actively leveraging it in their SEO strategies.

How extensively are you currently using AI in your SEO strategy

Our findings reveal that AI is still in the early stages of adoption for most businesses, with 72.6% not yet integrating it into their SEO strategies. However, for those that have begun using AI, there are clear advantages: improved efficiency, scalability, and significant boosts in content ranking speed and overall search visibility.

Nonetheless, concerns around content quality, originality, and the need for human oversight remain prevalent, highlighting the importance of a balanced AI-human approach.

72.6% of Businesses Report Not Using AI in Their SEO Strategies

Despite the excitement surrounding AI in digital marketing, a surprising 72.6% of SEO professionals reported not using AI in their SEO processes. This data suggests that the industry is still at an early stage of adoption, and businesses are cautious. Many remain hesitant due to knowledge gaps, a lack of training, and concerns about AI’s impact on creativity and originality.

The barriers to adoption are multifaceted:

  • The reasons for this slow pace of adoption are multifaceted. According to insights from Semrush's Think Big with AI report, on businesses that do not use AI, 35% of businesses were simply unaware that AI optimization tools could be leveraged for SEO. This highlights a significant knowledge gap in the industry, where a lack of awareness about AI's capabilities continues to hinder adoption. 
  • For those businesses that are aware of AI’s potential but still haven’t adopted it, 71.7 % cite a lack of training and understanding of how to effectively use AI tools. These factors highlight the need for greater education and skill development to bridge the gap.
  • In addition, many of these non-AI adopters express concerns over content originality and quality. Specifically, 31% worry about originality and 30% are concerned about overall content quality—fears that may be holding businesses back from fully embracing AI for content marketing and SEO.

These figures suggest that while AI is disrupting industries, SEO professionals are either slow to recognize its applicability or lack the internal resources to implement it effectively.

Note: Respondents who reported not using AI were not asked further questions, as the remaining part of the survey focused specifically on businesses actively engaging with AI tools in their SEO strategies.

Addressing Adoption Barriers: Education and Hybrid Models

However, for those businesses already using AI—as indicated by our survey—their concerns align in some respects but diverge in others. For example, 28.6% of businesses actively using AI flagged a lack of originality as their primary concern, and 19.5% mentioned fears of SEO penalties or underperformance.

AI Adoption Barriers

These findings indicate that while both AI adopters and non-adopters share concerns about originality and quality, those using AI also focus on the potential SEO risks associated with automation.

49.4% of Businesses Allocate Less Than 10% of Their SEO Budget to AI Tools

Our survey shows that almost half (49.4%) of businesses allocate less than 10% of their total SEO budget to AI-related services or tools. Meanwhile, 31.2% of respondents dedicate 10-20%, and only 6.5% allocate more than 50% of their budget to AI tools. This variation highlights the cautious approach many businesses take toward integrating AI into their SEO strategies.

Percentage of total SEO budget

57.1% Use ChatGPT for SEO Tasks

The adoption of AI tools in SEO is increasingly becoming mainstream, with 57.1% of respondents using ChatGPT as their primary AI tool. Other popular tools include SEO.ai (18.2%) and MarketMuse (16.9%).

Additionally, 10.4% of respondents report using both Jasper AI and Semrush in their SEO strategies. This diverse range of AI tools reflects the growing reliance on AI to streamline various SEO tasks and improve efficiency.

AI tools in SEO

Analysis: Current State of AI in SEO

The findings reveal a stark divide between the potential of AI in SEO and its actual adoption. With 72.6% of SEO professionals not yet using AI, the industry is still in the early phases of what will likely become a transformative shift.

This slow uptake can be attributed to both a lack of awareness and training, as 35% of businesses are unaware of how AI can be applied to SEO, and 37% lack the skills to implement it effectively. This presents an opportunity for industry leaders to educate and empower SEO teams to bridge this gap.

However, those already leveraging AI report significant gains, such as improved efficiency, scalability, and faster rankings. But the concerns over content originality, quality, and potential SEO penalties highlight the necessity of a hybrid AI-human approach. The reluctance to fully embrace AI may stem from fears of losing control over creative content, yet the data suggests that businesses failing to adapt will increasingly fall behind.

The industry’s next challenge will be moving from experimentation to deep integration, with AI tools like ChatGPT and Semrush becoming standard in SEO workflows, as already adopted by 57.1% of users. The future lies in educating and building AI proficiency across teams.

2. AI-Generated Content in SEO

29.9% Believe AI Content Performs Slightly Better Than Human Content

Among businesses actively using AI, new insights reveal mixed perceptions regarding the performance of AI-generated content versus human-written content. 29.9% of respondents believe that AI-generated content performs slightly better in terms of ranking and engagement, while 23.4% report that AI content performs much better.

On the other hand, 29.9% of respondents argue that human content performs much better, particularly in areas such as brand consistency and deeper audience engagement. Additionally, 20.8% believe human content performs slightly better, and 16.9% have noticed no significant difference between AI and human-generated content.

How AI-generated content perform against human-written content

The nearly equal split between AI-generated and human-written content performance might not solely depend on content type or business focus but could also point to variations in how effectively AI is implemented. Businesses that have developed strong operational processes for AI integration—investing in the right tools, workflows, and expertise—are likely reaping the benefits of enhanced rankings and engagement, especially when leveraging AI content generators like Semrush's AI content tools.

In contrast, businesses that have adopted AI without clear strategies or without aligning it properly with their goals may struggle to achieve similar results.

This suggests that it’s not just what type of content is being created but how well businesses understand and manage AI. Companies that take the time to train teams, optimize AI tools, and establish AI-human hybrid models are more likely to unlock AI’s potential. Meanwhile, those who adopt AI in a more fragmented or superficial way might not see the same performance improvements, regardless of their industry or content focus.

In a case study analyzing over 260 AI-generated pages from sites like Bankrate and CNET, AI content was found to perform comparably to human-generated content, driving 125K organic visits monthly for Bankrate and 20K for CNET. However, the key to success was human oversight—every AI-generated article was reviewed and edited by subject matter experts before publication. 

Without such intervention, AI content could miss the mark in terms of factual accuracy and brand consistency. Established domain reputation also plays a critical role in the success of AI content. Domains like Bankrate, established in 1995, leverage their authority and backlink profiles to boost rankings of AI-generated content. 

40.3% Believe Human Oversight Is Crucial for Content Quality and Originality in AI SEO

Despite the growing reliance on AI in SEO, 40.3% of respondents believe that content quality and originality still require significant human oversight. Other areas where human involvement is deemed essential include interpreting AI-generated data (23.4%) and maintaining brand voice and tone (19.5%). 

Additionally, 9.1% believe ethical considerations need human oversight, and 7.8% emphasize the importance of human input in setting strategic goals. This demonstrates that while AI can streamline many processes, human expertise remains a critical component in ensuring high-quality results.

Aspects of AI SEO

Kyle Byers, Director of Growth Marketing at Semrush, supports this by highlighting that, while AI can streamline content production, Google’s focus on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) requires brands to maintain human involvement to deliver content that resonates emotionally with audiences and aligns with brand voice.

Byers notes that simply relying on AI-generated content may not suffice in competitive environments, particularly with the rise of Google’s Search Generative Experience, which will challenge content marketers to offer something beyond generic AI-generated summaries.

28.6% Cite Lack of Originality as the Biggest Challenge with AI-Generated Content

While AI offers operational efficiencies, several key concerns have surfaced among respondents. The most significant issue remains the lack of originality, with 28.6% of respondents citing this as a primary challenge. Without proper oversight, AI-generated content can appear formulaic or overly generic, hindering SEO performance, especially in competitive industries where differentiation is key. 

Additionally, 19.5% of respondents are worried about SEO penalties or underperformance, while 15.6% are concerned with brand inconsistency. Lower engagement rates are a concern for 14.3%, but notably, 22.1% of respondents expressed no concerns with fully AI-generated content. 

AI Generated Content Concerns

There is a critical danger in relying too heavily on AI without a clear strategy. A prime example is G2, where over 26% of reviews were suspected to be AI-generated following the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022.

This likely contributed to their significant drop in organic traffic—down by 56% between October 2023 and September 2024. This timeline highlights the risks of improperly managing AI at scale, especially in SEO. Without original, high-quality, first-party content, brands can quickly lose visibility as Google prioritizes authenticity and user value.

General metrics

General metrics

72.7% Use AI Content Detectors Regularly or Occasionally

To address concerns around originality and engagement, businesses should implement rigorous human review processes and employ AI-generated content detectors such as Originality.ai. These tools are becoming increasingly common, with 36.4% of respondents regularly using them to monitor content authenticity and ensure alignment with SEO and brand standards. 

Additionally, 29.9% of respondents use these tools occasionally, while 24.7% are considering adopting them. Only 9.1% of businesses have no plans to use AI content detectors, highlighting the growing importance of these tools in maintaining content quality.

Using of AI generators to assess the level of AI involvement in your content

31.1% Review Over 75% of AI-Generated Content

Moreover, the majority of businesses are blending AI-generated content with human oversight. 31.1% of respondents review over 75% of their AI-generated content before publication, while 13.5% review 50-75%. On the lower end, 23% review only 25-50% of their content, and 20.3% review less than 25%.

Notably, 12.2% of businesses publish fully AI-generated content with no human review, underscoring the varied approaches in the industry toward balancing AI’s efficiency with quality control.

Percentage of your AI-generated content goes through human review before publication

40.3% Believe AI-Generated Content Is Well-Received by Their Audience

How is AI-generated content received by your audience

AI-generated content is gaining traction, with 40.3% of respondents stating that it is well-received by their audience. However, 38.9% acknowledge that there are limitations to its effectiveness. In contrast, 13.9% believe that human-generated content resonates better with their audience, while 6.9% are unsure. 

Strategic Recommendations for Marketers: AI-Generated Content in SEO

In our view, human activities like strategic thinking, first-party data collection, crafting case studies, and brand management provide critical value in an AI-driven SEO space. AI excels at automating repetitive, data-heavy tasks, but real differentiation comes from how humans strategically leverage AI to enhance creativity, authenticity, and insight-driven content.

Based on the findings, we believe that first-party data and real-world experiences will increasingly differentiate brands in SEO. While AI-generated content is often efficient, it lacks the depth, originality, and personalization that search engines and audiences now demand. This positions human expertise—especially in strategic content planning, crafting original narratives, and interpreting complex data—as a core driver of success.

In our view, the future of SEO will depend on how marketers balance AI’s automation potential with human creativity and strategic insight. By focusing on first-party data, brand storytelling, and ensuring alignment with Google's E-E-A-T principles, marketers can stand out in an increasingly competitive and AI-driven search landscape.

3. Impact of AI on SEO Strategies

15.6% of AI Users Save Over 10 Hours Per Week

AI’s impact on SEO strategies is increasingly evident, with a notable portion of respondents reporting significant time savings on repetitive tasks. 39% of respondents indicated that they save between 1-5 hours per week, while 15.6% report saving over 10 hours weekly through AI-driven automation. However, 13% noted that they are not yet seeing time savings from AI implementation.

These efficiencies are most pronounced in content strategy, planning, and data analysis, allowing SEO professionals to reallocate their time towards higher-value activities, such as conducting research and collecting first-party data.

Time you saving weekly on SEO tasks since integrating AI

This reallocation of time has allowed SEO professionals to focus on more high-value activities such as research and 1st party data collection.

 IMH Uses Semrush and OpenAI to Boost Content Research Efficiency by 65-75%

To navigate SEO complex nature, we at Influencer Marketing Hub, turned to Semrush AI features, such as Personal Keyword Difficulty (PKD), which amongst others has transformed how we approach keyword research.

Unlike traditional Keyword Difficulty metrics, PKD evaluates keyword difficulty specific to our domain, taking into account our topical authority and competition levels via a proprietary AI algorithm.

This has been a game-changer for us, boosting the accuracy of our keyword targeting, with 43% more of our articles now ranking in positions 1-3 for their core keywords. By focusing only on keywords where we have strong topical authority, we’ve significantly improved our ability to rank in Google’s top 3 search results for newly published content.

Personal Keyword Difficulty (PKD)

Beyond keyword research, we’ve also integrated AI into our research and production workflow, automating the gathering of data from sources like Reddit and Quora to uncover community insights.

This AI-driven content production model has allowed us to save 65-75% of the time we previously spent on content research, data analysis, and quality assurance. Such efficiencies enabled us to produce content that ranked highly, generated substantial organic traffic and resulted in $174,525 worth of backlinks for a single data-driven article.

45.5% of SEO Tasks Automated: Keyword Research & Content Creation Lead the Way

The latest survey data shows that AI continues to excel in automating labor-intensive SEO tasks. Keyword research (45.5%) and content creation (44.2%) are the two areas where AI has had the most significant impact, followed closely by content optimization (36.4%). These results highlight AI’s effectiveness in streamlining essential SEO processes while offering strategic insights into keyword opportunities.

However, more technical SEO tasks, such as technical site audits (22.1%), backlink analysis (15.6%), voice search optimization (10.4%), and schema markup implementation (7.8%), are less frequently automated, revealing gaps in AI capabilities for more complex SEO functions.

SEO tasks that AI helped to automate

Analysis: Impact of AI on SEO Strategies

The data highlights the significant time-saving potential of AI in SEO, with 15.6% of respondents saving over 10 hours per week and 39% saving between 1-5 hours. However, the real insight is not just the time saved but how that time is being redeployed into more strategic areas of SEO.

This shift in focus suggests that businesses leveraging AI effectively are moving beyond mere automation to enhance the strategic quality of their SEO efforts. AI is transforming how SEO professionals allocate their resources, allowing them to focus on high-value tasks such as data-driven insights and customized content strategies. This reallocation of time could be a critical driver of competitive advantage, particularly as the industry places increasing emphasis on original content and brand-specific insights.

For instance, Influencer Marketing Hub’s integration of Semrush and OpenAI technologies showcases how AI can optimize not only repetitive tasks like keyword research but also enhance the accuracy and targeting of content strategies. By narrowing our focus to keywords where they possess strong topical authority, IMH has been able to rank 43% more articles in the top 1-3 search positions, demonstrating how AI-driven strategies can directly impact rankings and visibility.

Yet, the survey also reveals certain limitations of AI, particularly in more technical SEO tasks.

Technical site audits, backlink analysis, and schema markup implementation still show lower automation rates. This underscores the need for marketers to continue developing human expertise in more nuanced areas where AI has not yet fully matured. In the near future, this hybrid approach—where AI handles the bulk of automation but professionals oversee technical nuances—will likely define the most effective SEO teams.

4. AI’s Influence on SEO Practices

57.6% Report a Significant Increase in Competition Due to AI

The rise of AI-powered SEO has led to a clear shift in the competitive landscape, with 57.6% of respondents noting a significant increase in competition. As AI tools become more accessible, businesses of all sizes are able to scale their SEO efforts more effectively, reducing the traditional barriers to entry in SEO.

SEO Increase in competition due to ai

This has raised the bar for performance, requiring businesses to continually optimize both their AI tools and their broader SEO strategies to stay ahead.

49.2% of Businesses See Improved Rankings Post-Algorithm Updates with AI

Despite the overall negative narrative online about AI’s impact on SEO rankings, our respondents paint a different picture, showing that AI can indeed drive success in this area.

AI is helping businesses adapt to Google’s frequent algorithm updates with 49.2% of respondents reporting improved rankings post-update. While 16.9% believe it’s too early to assess the full impact, only 10.2% reported a drop in rankings after recent updates.

Improved Rankings Post-Algorithm Updates with AI

75.4% of Respondents Report Improved Scalability with AI SEO Tools

AI tools are significantly improving scalability in SEO efforts, with 75.4% of respondents reporting that AI tools have enhanced their ability to scale operations. Of these, 40.3% reported somewhat improved scalability, while 35.1% reported significant improvements.

On the other hand, 16.9% experienced no change, and 7.8% found that scalability became more challenging. This data underscores the operational benefits AI provides in scaling SEO strategies.

Improved Scalability with AI SEO Tools

71.5% Say AI Has Reduced the Time to Rank on Google

A majority of respondents (71.5%) report that AI has reduced the time it takes for their content to rank on Google. Of these, 42.9% have seen a significant reduction in ranking time, while 28.6% report a slight improvement.

However, 16.9% noticed no change, and 11.7% say it’s too early to assess AI’s impact on their ranking speed. These results indicate that AI can accelerate SEO performance by shortening the time it takes to achieve better visibility in search results.

AI Has Reduced the Time to Rank on Google

53.2% Are Very Confident in AI’s Ability to Adapt to Algorithm Changes

Confidence in AI’s ability to adapt to future search engine algorithm changes is high, with 53.2% of respondents expressing strong confidence in AI tools. Additionally, 22.1% are somewhat confident, while 20.8% remain neutral. Only 3.9% of respondents are not confident in AI’s ability to handle future algorithm updates.

Confidence in AI’s Ability to Adapt to Algorithm Changes

These insights reflect the trust that businesses are placing in AI to stay ahead in an ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Strategic Recommendations: AI’s Influence on SEO Practices

The surge in competition driven by 57.6% of respondents reporting increased competition due to AI reflects a transformative shift in SEO dynamics. AI-powered tools are leveling the playing field, enabling businesses of all sizes to automate key tasks and optimize their SEO efforts more efficiently.

As a marketer, this signals the urgency of adopting AI not just to stay competitive but to differentiate your strategy. Relying on generic SEO tactics will no longer suffice as more businesses gain access to AI. To thrive, marketers should focus on creating high-quality, unique content that AI can enhance, but not replace;

  1. Embrace AI as a Competitive Necessity: AI is no longer optional in SEO; it’s a tool for survival in a more competitive landscape. Automate basic tasks and focus human efforts on creative, data-driven decision-making.
  2. Scale Smartly: Use AI to scale your efforts but remain strategic. As you scale, ensure your content remains high-quality and aligned with user intent. Leverage AI for efficiency, but maintain human oversight in crafting personalized, insightful campaigns.
  3. Invest in AI Education and Upskilling: AI is evolving, and so must your teams. Invest in upskilling your SEO teams so they can adapt to changes in algorithms and better leverage AI tools for more than just automation—use it for predictive insights.
  4. Iterate and Optimize: With half of the respondents reporting improved rankings, it’s clear that AI can be a game-changer, but only if it’s actively tested and iterated. Start small, track performance, and adjust your strategies continuously.

5. Challenges of AI in SEO

33.8% Cite Lack of Skilled Personnel as a Major Challenge

While the benefits of AI are clear, 33.8% of respondents identified a lack of skilled personnel as a major challenge in effectively managing AI tools. This suggests that while the technology is available, there is a significant skills gap preventing businesses from fully capitalizing on AI’s potential.

Additionally, 26% reported difficulties in integrating AI with existing workflows, highlighting the operational challenges that many companies face.

Despite these challenges, businesses cited increased efficiency (31.2%) and better data analysis (20.8%) as the top benefits of AI integration. AI has also contributed to cost savings (10.4%) and improved content quality (9.1%) for some respondents.

Biggest challenges you've encountered with AI in SEO

Companies that invest in AI-related training and upskilling for their teams will likely gain the most value from these tools. Beyond technological integration, there is a clear need for businesses to rethink internal processes and workflows to ensure AI complements their overall SEO strategy.

31.2% of Businesses Spend No Time on AI SEO Skills Development, 28.6% Invest Less Than 5 Hours Monthly

A key challenge identified in our survey is the time spent refining and improving AI SEO skills. Notably, 31.2% of respondents report spending no time on improving AI skills, and 28.6% invest less than 5 hours a month, signaling a significant gap in AI training and skill development in the industry.

AI SEO Skills Development

Without continuous upskilling, businesses may struggle to fully capitalize on AI’s potential for SEO.

Analysis: Challenges of AI in SEO

To fully embrace the potential of AI in SEO, businesses must prioritize upskilling their teams. The shortage of skilled personnel remains the biggest hurdle to AI adoption. Seamless integration of AI into workflows is also essential—26% of businesses face challenges in this area, signaling the need for smarter approaches to embedding AI into existing processes. Rather than causing disruption, AI tools should complement and enhance SEO strategies.

A major concern is that 31.2% of businesses allocate no time to developing AI SEO skills. This is a critical gap that needs addressing, as continuous skill development is vital for staying competitive. Businesses should regularly dedicate time for teams to learn, experiment, and stay updated on AI advancements.

Moreover, leveraging AI offers immediate benefits—31.2% of businesses report efficiency gains and 20.8% note improved data analysis. While bridging the skills gap is important, businesses must also focus on how AI can enhance operational efficiency. By allowing AI to manage repetitive and data-heavy tasks, human resources can be freed up to focus on more strategic and creative work.

The Future of AI in SEO: Recommendations for Marketers

As AI continues to revolutionize SEO, businesses face a pivotal moment that will define the future leaders in search optimization. The statistics presented in this report clearly reveal that AI's transformative impact on SEO is both vast and accelerating, yet adoption remains uneven.

Those businesses that successfully integrate AI into their strategies will emerge as the winners of this new era, while those that fail to adapt risk being left behind.

The following framework outlines key focus areas for marketers to establish a robust AI-driven SEO strategy. Whether just starting out or looking to expand existing AI capabilities, the steps below provide a comprehensive roadmap for aligning AI adoption with long-term business goals.

Future of AI in SEO: Recommendations for Marketers

1. Start Small but Start Now: Experiment, Learn, and Iterate

For businesses that have yet to adopt AI, the time to start is now. AI’s potential lies in its ability to automate repetitive tasks, uncover deeper insights, and streamline content production. However, full integration can be daunting, especially for those new to the technology. The key is to begin with focused experimentation:

  • Start by automating specific SEO tasks like keyword research or content optimization using tools such as ChatGPT for creativity and ideation and Semrush for precision and data. These tools provide immediate value and help familiarize your team with AI-driven processes.
  • Track initial results meticulously. Identify where AI adds the most value, whether through time savings, improved rankings, or enhanced content performance.
  • Make AI adoption an iterative process. Don’t expect overnight transformation. Begin small, evaluate success, and gradually expand AI’s role within your SEO operations.

The goal is to build AI fluency within your team. Even small wins in automation can lay the groundwork for larger, more impactful AI applications down the line.

2. Balance Automation with Human Creativity

AI can handle the heavy lifting in SEO—automating research, optimizing keywords, and generating content at scale. However, SEO success in the AI-driven future will hinge on a delicate balance between automation and human oversight:

  • Human creativity and strategic thinking must remain at the core of your SEO operations. While AI can efficiently handle data analysis and content generation, humans must guide the storytelling, tone, and emotional resonance that distinguishes your brand from competitors.
  • Use AI to enhance human creativity, not replace it. Automate the repetitive, data-driven elements of SEO while dedicating human resources to content ideation, brand voice alignment, and strategic decision-making.
  • Human review is critical. Every AI-generated piece of content should go through human oversight to ensure quality, originality, and alignment with your brand’s unique values and messaging.

This hybrid model—where AI powers efficiency and human creativity drives differentiation—will be the future of successful SEO strategies.

3. Prioritize First-Party Data and Originality

Google’s algorithm increasingly favors content that demonstrates Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). As AI continues to automate SEO tasks, the differentiating factor for brands will be originality and authenticity.

  • Invest in first-party data collection through surveys, user feedback, and proprietary research. AI can assist in analyzing and synthesizing large volumes of data, but it’s your brand’s unique insights that will give you a competitive edge.
  • Ensure that your content provides value by delivering first-hand experiences and unique perspectives. AI can help generate content, but it’s your team’s industry expertise and creative storytelling that will make your brand stand out.
  • Leverage AI to streamline data analysis, but rely on human interpretation to craft narratives that resonate with your audience. The brands that succeed in the AI future will be those that offer authentic, differentiated insights that go beyond surface-level automation.

4. Adapt to a More Competitive Landscape

AI’s accessibility is leveling the playing field in SEO, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to compete. As a result, competition in organic search will continue to intensify. To thrive in this more competitive environment:

  • Focus on creating high-quality, user-centered content that meets the evolving needs of your audience. AI can help with content optimization, but the human element—understanding user behavior, search intent, and emotional engagement—remains crucial.
  • Monitor the competitive landscape with AI tools that analyze your competitors’ strategies, rankings, and keyword opportunities. Use this data to adjust your approach dynamically, staying ahead of the competition by anticipating trends and shifts in search behavior.
  • Optimize for personalization and user experience (UX). AI allows for greater customization, so use it to deliver personalized search experiences that cater to individual user preferences, behaviors, and needs.

By focusing on content quality, user intent, and competitive intelligence, marketers can stay agile and responsive in an increasingly crowded search landscape.

5. Invest in Upskilling and Building AI Expertise

The skills gap in AI adoption remains a significant barrier for many businesses. To fully capitalize on AI’s potential, SEO teams need to invest in upskilling:

  • Provide AI-specific training for your SEO teams. Familiarize them with the tools, workflows, and strategic applications of AI. This is not just about learning new software, but about developing a mindset that embraces AI as a critical partner in SEO success.
  • Encourage your team to experiment with AI tools across various functions—from keyword research and technical audits to content creation and data analysis. The more comfortable your team is with AI, the more effectively they can leverage its capabilities.
  • Consider hiring or developing AI specialists within your SEO department. As AI becomes more integral to SEO, having in-house expertise will be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.

Businesses that invest in building AI fluency within their teams will be better positioned to drive innovation and maintain leadership in SEO.

6. Stay Ahead by Adapting to AI’s Role in Google’s Algorithm

Google’s algorithm is evolving to prioritize contextual search intent and semantic relevance, both of which are areas where AI can help you adapt:

  • Use AI tools to optimize your content not just for keywords but for search intent. Understand the deeper questions behind search queries, and create content that provides comprehensive, user-centered answers.
  • Embrace long-form, in-depth content. As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, the brands that succeed will be those that go beyond surface-level articles and offer deep, insightful, and engaging content that fully addresses user needs.
  • Stay attuned to Google’s evolving guidelines around AI content. Google is increasingly favoring first-hand content, and AI-driven spam filters are becoming more sophisticated. Ensure that AI-generated content aligns with Google’s focus on trust, experience, and authority.

By aligning AI usage with Google’s algorithmic priorities, SEO marketers can ensure their strategies remain effective and competitive.

7. Plan for the Long Term: AI Is Here to Stay

Finally, as AI continues to reshape SEO, marketers must plan for the long term. AI is not a temporary trend but a permanent shift in how SEO is executed:

  • Future-proof your strategy by building flexibility into your SEO operations. AI will continue to evolve, so ensure that your tools and processes can adapt to new developments in technology and search behavior.
  • Regularly evaluate your AI tools and stay updated on the latest advancements. The best-performing SEO teams will be those who are quick to adopt new AI capabilities and leverage them for maximum efficiency.
  • Embrace the constant evolution of SEO. AI will keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in content creation, keyword research, and user experience. Marketers who remain open to innovation and continually refine their strategies will be the ones who thrive in the AI-driven future.


This shift towards AI-powered SEO represents a fundamental change in how brands approach search engine optimization, underscoring the importance of investing in first-party data and building content authority. As Google’s focus shifts from keyword-centric approaches to contextual understanding and user satisfaction, concerns about content quality remain a significant barrier to AI adoption.

As we noticed from our findings, 28.6% of non-AI adopters worry about originality, while 30% express concerns over overall content quality. These fears are likely holding many businesses back from fully embracing AI for SEO and content marketing.

While AI offers powerful tools for efficiency, it cannot fully replace human creativity and oversight. As industry experts point out, SEO professionals must focus on authority, brand, and trust to distinguish themselves amidst the proliferation of AI-generated content. The risk of over-relying on AI is clear, as improper AI-generated content can result in penalties, lower rankings, and a loss of brand credibility.

Google's ongoing battle against spam and low-quality content further illustrates the need for thoughtful, human-driven content strategies in the age of AI.

That said, AI also presents substantial opportunities for those who use it strategically. For example, Profound, a platform for tracking AI search queries, helps brands gain deeper insights into their AI search visibility, as explained in TechCrunch. Additionally, companies like Ecomtent are leveraging AI to prepare retailers for AI-powered eCommerce searches, leading to a remarkable 30% increase in conversion rates.

In 2024, Semrush’s App Center, packed with AI-powered features, has become central to our AI SEO strategy. Tools such as ContentShake AI, which combines AI with SEO data to create high-ranking content 12x faster, and the AI Writing Assistant, which generates long-form, SEO-optimized content in seconds, have revolutionized our approach. By integrating these tools, we’ve been able to optimize keyword targeting and refine content creation with unparalleled speed and precision.

With this approach, we have freed significant resources that were previously spent on tasks AI now handles more efficiently. Instead of focusing on what AI does best—like data analysis and content generation—we are now investing our time into gathering first-party qualitative data through surveys and other research methods.

This allows us to create content grounded in real-world insights and first-hand experience, delivering unique value that stands out in the crowded SEO landscape. This shift has changed the game for us, empowering us to blend AI’s efficiency with human creativity to deliver deeper knowledge and strategic insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is AI influencing SEO rankings?

AI is driving significant improvements in SEO rankings for many businesses. According to our survey, 49.2% of respondents reported better rankings post-algorithm updates due to AI tools, while only 10.2% saw a decline. Tools like AI-powered content creation and keyword research automation allow companies to adapt quickly to search algorithm changes, gaining a competitive edge in increasingly saturated markets.

What are the key benefits of using AI in SEO?

AI offers several advantages in SEO, including automation of 44.1% of key tasks like content creation and keyword research. AI-driven strategies save 17% of users over 10 hours per week on repetitive tasks, allowing professionals to focus on higher-value initiatives. Additionally, 25.4% of respondents believe that AI-generated content outperforms human-written content in terms of rankings and engagement.

Why hasn’t AI been widely adopted in SEO yet?

Despite AI’s potential, 72% of SEO professionals have yet to integrate it into their workflows. Barriers include concerns about content originality, lack of skilled personnel, and unfamiliarity with AI tools. Additionally, 31% of non-adopters worry about how AI might impact content quality and authenticity.

Is AI making SEO more competitive?

Yes, AI is intensifying competition in SEO. Over 57.6% of respondents have reported increased competition due to AI, as automation allows businesses of all sizes to scale their efforts quickly. This shift is leveling the playing field, requiring companies to continuously refine their strategies to stay competitive.

About the Author
Djanan Kasumovic, Head of Growth at Influencer Marketing Hub, drives innovation in digital marketing with expertise in AI marketing and AI influencer strategies. He is directly involved in shaping content strategies for top clients like Viral Nation, NeoReach, Brandwatch, and more, blending creative flair with data-driven insights to ensure people not only enjoy the content but leave a little smarter.