How to Get More Viewers on Twitch: 19 Tips for Streamers

Twitch has become a trendy live streaming platform, particularly for gamers. At its peak, Twitch had nearly 7.6 million active streamers worldwide. The platform's popularity stems from its unique selling point - entertainment. Well, it was once unique. Nowadays, Twitch has competition, with Kick and YouTube being the most prominent ones. People go on Twitch to watch streamers play games, chat, and do all kinds of activities.

Of course, the vast majority of streamers can't claim to have the 19 million followers that Ninja has. In many ways, Ninja is considered a Twitch influencer. Many can't even rely on having 19 people viewing them during a stream. There seems to be little point in streaming without an audience; you might as well just play your game alone.

Many streamers recognize this problem. There are too many other people streaming to expect to pick up an audience organically. Instead, you have to make a conscious effort to build a following. And once you have got to the point where you have a core audience, it is much easier to build a community of supporters from there.

So, how do you get more viewers on Twitch? Here are our suggestions about how you can gradually go from just another nobody to someone with a known name and a positive reputation and the subject of people's chat on other channels.

19 Tips to Get More Viewers on Twitch

We've crafted tips tailored to different stages of your streaming journey on Twitch. Whether you're just starting out and aiming for your first 100 viewers, or looking to grow beyond 10,000 concurrent viewers, our guide provides actionable strategies to help you succeed at every level.

Tips for Getting to 100 Viewers on Twitch

Starting your Twitch journey involves setting up a compelling profile, planning engaging content, and building a consistent schedule. At this stage, the focus is on attracting your first viewers by promoting your streams on social media and fostering a welcoming community.

Complete Your Twitch Profile

Your Twitch profile is the first thing potential viewers will see, so make it count. Start by writing a catchy bio that clearly explains who you are and what your stream is about. Use a high-quality profile picture and create eye-catching banners that reflect your brand. A well-designed profile can set you apart from the multitude of new streamers. For example, take a look at Summit1g's Twitch profile. In his bio, he says he notifies fans on Twitter when he plans on going live.

How to Get More Twitch Viewers Summit1g

Source: Summit1g

Choose the Right Games

Selecting the right games is crucial. While popular Twitch games might have a large viewer base, they also come with intense competition. Just look at games like Valorant or League of Legends. These games are constantly in the top 3-5 streamed games, and they rack up hundreds of thousands of views, especially during the tournament season.

How to get more twitch viewers - most popular games


So instead, look for games that have a dedicated but not overly saturated audience. Play games you genuinely enjoy, as your enthusiasm will be infectious.  Research Twitch to find games with moderate viewership and engage in those communities to attract fans. In many cases, the most popular Twitch streamers don't stick to a single game.

Set a Consistent Schedule

Consistency is key when building an audience. Determine a streaming schedule that you can realistically maintain and stick to it. Consistency helps viewers know when to tune in, which can gradually build a habit.

Publish your schedule on your Twitch profile and share it on social media. Use tools like Google Calendar to manage your time and ensure you’re always ready to go live at your set times. Ninja publishes his streaming schedule in advance so fans know when to tune in.

How to get more twitch viewers Ninja

Source: Ninja

Publish on Social Media

Social media is an invaluable tool for promoting your Twitch channel. Create profiles on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook dedicated to your streaming persona. Regularly post updates about your streaming schedule, share highlights from past streams, and engage with your followers. Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience. Engage in conversations within the gaming community on these platforms to increase your visibility.

Engage With Your Chat

Viewer interaction is a hallmark of successful streams. Make a point to read and respond to chat messages in real-time. Ask questions, acknowledge new viewers, and create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. Use chatbots to manage basic interactions and keep the conversation flowing even when you’re focused on the game. The more interactive and engaging your stream, the more likely viewers will stay and return.

Create A Welcoming Environment

Building a community starts with fostering a friendly and inclusive environment. Encourage viewers to follow your channel, participate in chats, and invite their friends. Use welcoming language and enforce rules to maintain a positive atmosphere. Moderators can help manage the chat and ensure it remains a welcoming place. Consider creating a Discord server where your community can interact outside of streaming hours.

Key takeaways

To reach 100 viewers on Twitch, do the following:

  • Create a compelling profile with a catchy bio, high-quality pictures, and eye-catching banners.
  • Choose games with dedicated but not overly saturated audiences that you enjoy.
  • Set a consistent streaming schedule and share it on social media.
  • Promote your channel on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, using relevant hashtags and engaging with the gaming community.
  • Interact with your chat in real time, making viewers feel welcome and involved.
  • Finally, foster a friendly and inclusive environment, encouraging viewer participation and creating a community outside of streaming hours.

Tips for Growing From 100 to 1,000 Twitch Viewers

As you gain traction, it's crucial to enhance your stream quality with better equipment, professional overlays, and diversified content. Engaging with your audience through loyalty programs and exclusive subscriber benefits, along with cross-promotion with other streamers, can significantly boost your growth.

Upgrade Your Streaming Equipment

As your audience grows, so should your production quality. Invest in a high-quality microphone for clear audio and a good webcam for sharp video. Proper lighting can drastically improve the visual quality of your stream. Softbox lights or ring lights are great for eliminating shadows and creating a professional look. These upgrades will make your stream more enjoyable and professional, which can attract more viewers.

Use Professional Overlays

Custom overlays and alert systems can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your stream. Overlays should be clean and not overly cluttered, ensuring they enhance rather than distract from the content. Use software like Streamlabs or OBS Studio to integrate overlays seamlessly. Custom alerts for new followers, subscribers, and donations can make your stream more interactive and rewarding for viewers.

We have a review on the Top 20 Animated Twitch Overlays for your webcam to take streaming to the next level.

Diversify Your Streaming Sessions

Diversifying your streaming sessions can keep your audience engaged and attract new viewers. Experiment with streaming different games, hosting IRL (In Real Life) sessions, or organizing themed events like Q&A sessions or game challenges. This variety can appeal to a broader audience and prevent your content from becoming stale. Monitor viewer feedback and analytics to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience.

Implement Loyalty Programs

Use loyalty programs to reward regular viewers and encourage repeat viewership. Platforms like Streamlabs offer point systems that viewers can earn by watching your stream, participating in chats, and more. These points can be redeemed for rewards like shoutouts, custom emotes, or other perks. This not only incentivizes viewers to return but also fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

Feel free to also look into Streamlabs alternatives, as there are plenty of quality Twitch streaming platforms out there.

Offer Exclusive Perks

Providing exclusive perks to subscribers can increase your subscriber count and overall support. Benefits might include custom emotes, badges, access to private Discord channels, or even exclusive streams. Highlight these perks regularly during your streams and make sure they are genuinely valuable to encourage viewers to subscribe. Here's how these usually appear during livestreaming sessions.

How to get more twitch viewers perks

Collaborate With Other Streamers

Partnering with other streamers can expose your channel to new audiences. Look for streamers with a similar viewer base and propose collaborations such as co-streams, shoutouts, or hosting each other’s streams. These partnerships can help you tap into each other’s audiences and grow your viewer base more quickly. When collaborating with other streamers, make sure to include their names in the title so viewers know who they are.

How to get more twitch viewers collaborations

Source: stompgoat

Create YouTube and TikTok Content

Repurpose your stream content by creating highlight reels and clips to share on YouTube and TikTok. These platforms have vast audiences and can drive traffic to your Twitch channel. Use engaging titles, thumbnails, and tags to increase visibility. Regularly post content to maintain an active presence and attract new viewers to your Twitch streams. Most streamers upload highlights from their last Twitch live stream to YouTube for extra exposure.

Key takeaways

To grow from 100 to 1,000 Twitch viewers, do the following:

  • Enhance your stream quality with better equipment, professional overlays, and diverse content.
  • Upgrade your microphone, webcam, and lighting for a more professional look.
  • Use clean, custom overlays and alert systems to enhance visual appeal.
  • Diversify your streaming sessions with different games, IRL sessions, and themed events.
  • Implement loyalty programs and exclusive subscriber perks to encourage repeat viewership and community engagement.
  • Collaborate with other streamers to tap into new audiences and create content for YouTube and TikTok to drive traffic to your Twitch channel.

Tips for Establishing Yourself From 1,000 to 10,000 Twitch Viewers

At this stage, focus on solidifying your presence with guest appearances, advanced community engagement tools, and professional branding. Creating unique content and leveraging analytics to optimize your strategy will help in retaining and expanding your viewership.

Collaborate with Larger Streamers

Despite already mentioning this, it's important to up your collab game. Now, you need to start arranging guest appearances with bigger streamers to introduce your channel to a much wider audience. Participate in co-streams, joint events, or guest spots on each other’s channels. This exposure can significantly boost your credibility and attract more viewers. Ensure these collaborations are genuine and mutually beneficial to build lasting relationships in the streaming community.

Sell Merchandise

Start offering branded merchandise to strengthen your brand and create additional revenue streams. Design unique and high-quality merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and stickers that reflect your brand. Platforms like Teespring or Merch by Amazon can help you easily manage and sell your products. Promoting your merchandise during streams can also serve as an additional engagement tool. The biggest names are selling merch, so why not you?

Host Community Events

Organize community events like tournaments, game nights, or charity streams to foster a strong sense of community. These events can attract more viewers and encourage existing ones to become more engaged. Promote these events well in advance and create hype through social media and your streams. Consider offering prizes or incentives to increase participation and excitement. Here's one such charity livestream event hosted by popular Twitch streamer DrLupo.

DrLupo has been hosting these events since 2018 and has helped raise more than $14.1 million for St. Jude kids.

How to get more twitch viewers DrLupo Charity Event

Source: St. Jude

Use Interactive Tools

Implement advanced engagement tools like interactive games, polls, and viewer challenges to keep your audience entertained and involved. Use platforms like Streamlabs or Twitch Extensions to integrate these tools seamlessly into your streams. These interactive elements can make your streams more dynamic and enjoyable, encouraging viewers to stay longer and return frequently.

Analyze Viewer Data

Use Twitch analytics to understand your audience’s preferences and optimize your content strategy. Track key metrics such as peak viewership, viewer retention, and engagement rates. Analyze this data to identify trends and adjust your content, schedule, or engagement strategies accordingly. Regularly reviewing and acting on this data can help you make informed decisions that drive growth.

Innovate with Content

Continuously create unique and innovative content that sets you apart from other streamers. Experiment with new formats, themes, and interactive elements to keep your content fresh and engaging. Listen to viewer feedback and stay updated on industry trends to identify opportunities for innovation. Unique content can attract new viewers and keep your existing audience excited and engaged.

Key takeaways

To grow from 1,000 to 10,000 Twitch viewers, do the following:

  • Focus on enhancing your presence through guest appearances, community engagement, and professional branding.
  • Collaborate with larger streamers for greater exposure and credibility.
  • Sell branded merchandise to strengthen your brand and generate additional revenue.
  • Host community events like tournaments, game nights, and charity streams to foster a strong sense of community.
  • Use interactive tools like games and polls to engage viewers.
  • Analyze viewer data to optimize your content strategy based on audience preferences.
  • Continuously innovate with unique and fresh content to keep your audience engaged and attract new viewers.


Building a successful Twitch channel requires strategic effort and continuous improvement. Starting with a compelling profile, engaging content, and a consistent schedule helps attract your first 100 viewers. As you grow, enhance your stream quality, diversify your content, and engage your audience with loyalty programs and collaborations. Reaching 1,000 viewers involves leveraging social media, creating highlight reels, and partnering with other streamers.

To solidify your presence and reach 10,000 viewers, focus on unique content, advanced engagement tools, and professional branding. Stay adaptive and responsive to your audience's needs to achieve lasting success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to increase viewers on Twitch?

Some of the ways to increase viewers on Twitch:

  • Optimize your profile
  • Choose the right games
  • Maintain a consistent streaming schedule
  • Engage with your audience
  • Promote your channel on social media
  • Enhance your stream quality
  • Diversify your content
  • Collaborate with other streamers.

How hard is it to get 100 viewers on Twitch?

Getting 100 viewers on Twitch can be challenging but achievable with consistent effort. Start by setting up a compelling profile, selecting the right games, and maintaining a regular streaming schedule. Actively engage with your viewers and promote your streams on social media to attract and retain your audience.

What are some effective ways to promote my Twitch channel?

Promote your Twitch channel by creating profiles on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Share updates about your streaming schedule, post highlights from past streams, and engage with your followers. Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience and participate in conversations within the gaming community.

How important is the game selection for streaming?

Game selection is crucial for streaming success. Popular games can attract more viewers but come with intense competition. Look for games with a dedicated but not overly saturated audience. Choose games you genuinely enjoy, as your enthusiasm will attract viewers and keep them engaged.

About the Author
The Influencer Marketing Hub Team brings together a diverse group of experts with a passion for influencer marketing, digital trends, and social media strategies. Each piece of content crafted by this team is researched and written to provide valuable insights, tips, and updates for our readers. Our authors are dedicated to delivering high-quality, informative, and engaging articles that help businesses and influencers thrive in this rapidly changing digital world.