12 Social Media Marketing Agency Tips

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Influencer Marketing Hub employs an expert-driven methodology to evaluate Social Media agencies, ensuring that our recommendations are both reliable and comprehensive. This approach is designed to help businesses and individuals find the best agencies to meet their specific Social Media needs. Here’s how we assess the various agencies like Define Your Specialty, Step Up Your Social Media Game, and Get Listed on Relevant Online Directories:

Strategic Analysis of Agency Capabilities: We start by examining each Social Media agency’s core competencies, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media strategy. Our focus is on identifying Social Media that not only offer a wide range of services but also demonstrate exceptional skill in executing high-impact Social Media campaigns.

Starting a social media marketing agency may be challenging, but keeping it is a whole other story. If you’re going to get clients and ensure that your agency runs smoothly, you need to effectively promote it to keep the wheels rolling. This post provides some of the best social media marketing agency tips to help you run and promote your services.

12 Social Media Marketing Agency Tips:

social media marketing agencies tips

1. Define Your Specialty

Your agency may be able to do a lot of things really well, but specializing in something specific makes it easier to establish a name in that field. This will then help you build credibility as an agency, enabling you to attract more prospects. Among all the services that your agency provides, what’s the one thing that you’re exceptionally good at? That’s your specialty.

For example, you may be great at influencer marketing even though you provide other social media services. Or you may have a strong team of community managers to engage with your clients’ social media audience. 

Defining your specialty doesn’t mean that you stop offering other services. It only means that you’re focusing on bolstering your presence in the field by promoting your main strength.

For example, Cleverly effectively establishes themselves as experts in LinkedIn lead generation. This is because although they offer other services such as paid advertising, content creation, and recruiting, they focus on promoting their lead generation services.

Cleverly LinkedIn lead generation

Source: cleverly.co

2. Step Up Your Social Media Game

The key to promoting your social media marketing agency is…well, social media. After all, what better way to showcase what you’re capable of than through your own social media marketing efforts? Show prospects that you know what you’re talking about by effectively building your presence on relevant social media platforms. We recommend starting with LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok—currently the big three trending platforms for B2B companies.

Make sure your marketing efforts are uniquely tailored for each platform. For instance, while you share in-depth thought leadership pieces on LinkedIn, you could share interesting POVs and video commentary on TikTok. Meanwhile, Instagram could be the platform you use to share tips and tricks or interesting stats through original graphics.

For example, as a B2B social media agency, Sculpt’s LinkedIn strategy comprises thought leadership posts and helpful guides to appeal to their target audience. Their presence on the platform is a bit more professional without completely devoid of the friendly vibe that makes the agency stand out.

On the other hand, Instagram is where the team shows off their really fun and quirky side. This includes participating in internet trends such as the “We are (identity); of course, we (common habit or quirk)” trend. In this case, the agency’s employees roast their CEO by doing their version of the trend calling out some of his biggest quirks such as drinking his 14th cup of coffee or creating a LinkedIn for his dog.


This type of timely and on-trend content helps the agency to showcase their fun and creative side, making them more relatable to their audience. It’s also a great way to establish their ability to keep up with the latest social media trends, making prospects more likely to trust them with their social strategies.

3. Get Listed on Relevant Online Directories

When people search for a social media marketing agency online, they’ll typically go through directory listings. This is one of the easiest ways to compare various agencies and narrow down the best choice for their business. So it’s crucial that you list your agency on relevant online directories to boost discoverability.

This includes popular directories such as Clutch and local directories in your city. You can even get listed among the top social media marketing agencies on Influencer Marketing Hub. Our directory simplifies search based on minimum campaign size, hourly rate, client type, and services. This makes it one of the go-to places to discover top agencies with expertise in social media marketing.

Wondering how to get listed? Submit your social media agency by sharing your agency details. You’ll need to include information such as your agency name, logo, description, website link, location, about, team size, service regions, and more.

Influencer Marketing Hub Join page

4. Stay on Top of the Latest Social Media Features

Social media platforms are constantly introducing new features to elevate the user experience. Some of these features become central to the platform while others get discontinued due to poor reception. Either way, you never know which of these features will play a vital role in social media marketing a year or so down the line.

This makes it crucial to experiment with the latest features across all the social media platforms you use. The sooner you experiment with them, the sooner you’ll understand them and how to use them. As a result, you’ll be able to gain the knowledge and expertise to make the most of them for your clients. 

Moreover, being one of the first to make use of these new features will give you an advantage over the competition. Since you’re using them before anyone else, you’ll gain more visibility and edge well before the features become more mainstream. 

For instance, when Instagram started introducing Reels, the platform’s algorithm prioritized them over other content types to encourage more usage. So brands that had an Instagram Reels marketing strategy managed to gain tons of visibility and engagement and stay ahead of the competition. 

Besides the general platform features that are available to everyone, many social media platforms even offer new tools and features specifically for advertisers to use. For instance, you can play with new Instagram ad features such as multi-advertiser ads that could help you tap into commercial intent. See how those features are working out for you so you can strengthen your offering to include them in your clients’ campaigns.

5. Showcase the People Behind Your Agency

When people choose an agency, they don’t sign up to work with a faceless company; they sign up to work with the people behind the agency. So it’s crucial to showcase how great your team is by putting a spotlight on the people that make up your team. Whether this involves weekly employee spotlights or celebratory posts for work anniversaries, it helps humanize your agency and helps prospects connect with you.

For example, Online Optimism creates celebratory posts congratulating team members who have won relevant awards. Not only does this help to put a human face to the agency, but it’s also a great way to show that they have a team backed by award-winning experts in the field.

Additionally, the agency regularly engages with the community by participating in local charity and fundraising events. This type of face-to-face engagement helps to establish the agency’s standing among the local community. Moreover, sharing their participation on social media allows them to make a great impression on prospects that are currently researching agencies to work with.

Another great way to humanize your agency is by creating videos that put team members on camera. Let your team members share their expertise through tips, tutorials, and discussions. Being able to associate your agency with real human faces helps prospects and existing clients alike to form a closer connection with you. Moreover, it shows them that there are real experts behind your team, helping you establish trust with them.

6. Share Commentaries on Trending Topics

One of the best ways to show prospects that you know what you’re talking about is by sharing commentaries on trending topics. These are topics related to your industry that people are currently talking about, meaning they’re likely to pay attention to what you have to say. 

By sharing your commentary, you can show your audience a unique take that will help them understand your perspective and expertise. This will allow them to make an informed decision about whether your agency is the right fit for them. It also enables you to establish your agency as thought leaders in the industry.

Share your commentaries not just through your own social media and blog posts, but also through other third-party channels. For example, interviews, expert roundups, and podcasts hosted by other companies are the perfect channel to expand your reach beyond your existing follower base. Orci’s CEO participated in an LBBOnline article to share her thoughts about bands shifting their Spanish Super Bowl spend.

Alternatively, you can also share useful tips and insights that your audience might find valuable related to these trending topics. For example, you could put together a post on key takeaways from a viral brand campaign or break down the reasons why a specific campaign became an utter failure. In an age where everyone’s talking about AI and its implications on work, Orci decided to create a video on an AI hack to assist with data optimization.

7. Get Creative with Fun Content

Relatability and creativity are the keys to success when it comes to social media marketing. Show prospects that you’re capable of both by developing fun and creative content to engage your audience. From memes and Reels to viral TikToks — keep up with viral content trends or create something completely unique to show your audience that you’re experts in the field.

The Sculpt Reel from earlier is a perfect example of creative and fun content that keeps up with the times. The agency doesn’t hold back on their meme marketing either, creating fun and hilarious memes that their audience might find relatable.


Your creative and fun content is also reflective of the culture at your agency. This is a great way to attract top talent who can positively contribute to your team. For instance, Wilderness shared the following resume for their agency to leave an impression on their audience. It included the agency’s values, history, benefits, and clients to make for an impressive profile that would attract potential hires (and prospective clients alike).

8. Highlight Your Awards and Achievements

People want to work with an agency with proven expertise so they can entrust their social media to the experts. And what better way to prove your expertise than by showing them that your skills have been acknowledged by industry peers and authorities. Prominently highlight any awards you’ve received and any relevant achievements you’ve made—as an agency or even as an individual employee.

Make an announcement to celebrate these awards and achievements on social media. Sociallyin regularly shares their achievements on LinkedIn with original graphics that instantly catch the eye. They also share news about their certifications and acknowledgments to further boost credibility.

Additionally, be sure to include these achievements on your website homepage. Highlight any partnerships, awards, and recognitions that could prove to your prospects that your peers are vouching for you. Sociallyin’s website highlights their partnerships with HubSpot, Meta, and TikTok to name a few. It also includes the awards they’ve received and the recognition from Clutch and our very own Influencer Marketing Hub.

9. Take Your Audience Behind the Scenes

Seeing your processes and how you work as a team can be an excellent way to build trust with your prospects. It can help them understand what they’re signing up for and what it must be like working with you. As a result, it could be the factor influencing their decision to partner with your agency.

Make sure to regularly take your audience behind the scenes of your latest projects. Show your team putting together content for your clients or pitching ideas for a campaign. Create Instagram Stories to share in-the-moment glimpses of your work processes. Share “day in the life of…” videos to show them what it’s like working as a member of your team.

Fresh Content Society shared the following behind-the-scenes post of their team capturing content for one of their clients. This gives their audience a glimpse into their process and equipment, helping them to build trust.


10. Share Case Studies on Social Media

In addition to showing your audience your process, you should also share what comes after. Sure, you may have an excellent process in place, but does it yield the kind of result they’d expect? Prove to them that your strategies work and that they can trust you to generate impressive social media marketing results.

This means sharing case studies that show what you’ve done for other clients. While you may already be writing case studies on your website, the only people who are going to see them are those already visiting your site. So make the most of social media to promote these results and attract prospects who haven’t yet decided to visit your site.

Use attractive graphics to highlight some key results and numbers you’ve achieved with your social media marketing efforts. Include details such as the challenges they faced, the solution you provided, and the result of that solution. A carousel post is an excellent way to share these case studies on social media. Like Disruptive Advertising, you can include some attractive numbers on the first slide to get people to see the rest of the post.


11. Provide Industry Updates and Reports

With the social media landscape constantly evolving, businesses want to work with an agency that can stay on top of those updates. Whether it’s a major platform update or a viral trend that’s taken the world by storm, they expect a social media marketing agency to know the ins and outs before everyone else. This is crucial if they want to get ahead of the competition as the agency can help them craft a strategy that aligns with the current landscape.

Show that you’re the go-to resource for the latest social media news by providing industry updates and reports. This could be anything from a new feature update to a topic that everyone’s talking about on social media. You want to show your audience that you have an in-depth understanding of the social media landscape, making you the right agency to trust with their own social media.

Viral Nation does an excellent job of this by regularly sharing a “What’s New on Social?” update that gives followers a run-down of the latest social media news. This includes news such as the domain change from Twitter.com to X.com as well as Instagram’s new “Notes Prompt.”


12. Develop Helpful Resources

Another excellent way to showcase your expertise is by developing resources that add value for your audience. Create in-depth and practical resources that people can really use to inform or optimize their social media strategy. 

Whether it’s ebooks, reports, templates, or checklists, these resources serve as somewhat of a “sample” for your services. It helps your audience understand “if this is how much they’re helping now, imagine what they can do if we work with them.” As a result, they help to strengthen your bond with prospects and allow you to nurture them as leads. 

For example, Hashtag Agency created an ebook that talks in-depth about “Why Brands Should Show Up on Social.” The ebook gives a breakdown of the different ways in which brands can show up through social media and practical examples of brands that have witnessed success. With this type of ebook, the agency proves to their audience that they’re well-versed in social media strategies and keep up with what top brands are doing. 

Putting These Tips into Action

These social media marketing agency tips will help you navigate the challenges of promoting your own agency. Remember that it’s all about showcasing your expertise and connecting with your audience. So be sure to regularly produce high-quality content that’s engaging, helpful, and relatable. 

About the Author
Jacqueline Zote is a freelance writer and content producer. She writes for leading blogs in the digital marketing space. Her areas of expertise include influencer marketing, social media marketing, social media management, and content marketing.