The State of Marketing Report 2024

In the entire history of marketing, there has never been a more compelling time to examine its state than today. The pace of change we are witnessing is nothing short of extraordinary, and this year’s State of Marketing Benchmark Report captures the pulse of an industry undergoing a profound transformation.

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, it wasn’t just a technological milestone; it was the spark that ignited a revolution within the marketing world. The speed and scope of change since then have been unprecedented. What was once the domain of human labor—reporting, analytics, ideation, and content production—is now rapidly being redefined by AI, and marketers everywhere are grappling with its implications.

Over the last six months, Influencer Marketing Hub conducted seven major surveys across 5 core marketing pillars: Technology (AI), Marketing Industry Sentiments, B2B, Influencer Marketing, and Social Media. Drawing insights from 2,356 marketing professionals, we uncovered a landscape shaped by disruptive trends, emerging opportunities, and significant challenges. The overwhelming takeaway is clear: we are in the midst of the most disruptive era marketing has ever experienced.

No longer do marketers spend hours on tasks that once defined the profession. AI has become a force multiplier, allowing us to automate the routine and redirect our focus to what truly matters—creativity, authenticity, and human connection. Those who master the art of balancing AI-driven efficiency with the uniquely human elements of marketing will not just survive this upheaval; they will thrive.

Notable Highlights

  1. 69.1% of Marketers Using AI

    AI has gone mainstream, automating tasks, enhancing personalization, and transforming content creation in marketing.

  2. 43% Increased Use of Micro and Nano Influencers

    Brands are shifting budgets toward smaller influencers for authentic audience engagement and higher ROI.

  3. 50.6% Allocate Half of Budgets to TikTok

    TikTok dominates budget allocation due to its high ROI and viral potential, while YouTube sees more fragmented investment.

  4. 51.9% of (US-based) Marketers Sell on TikTok Shop

    Social commerce is growing rapidly, with TikTok leading seamless e-commerce integrations among social platforms.

  5. 34.1% Cite Budget Constraints for AI Adoption

    Smaller businesses are slower to adopt AI due to cost barriers, allowing larger brands to pull ahead in AI-driven marketing.

  6. 24% of B2B Marketers See Higher Conversions with AI

    Personalization at scale is becoming a game-changer for B2B marketers using AI to boost engagement and conversion rates.

  7. 59.8% of Brands Combat Influencer Fraud with AI

    AI is playing a crucial role in detecting fake followers and ensuring the authenticity of influencer partnerships.

  8. 70.4% of Marketers Rely on Data Analytics

    Data-driven marketing decisions have become essential for campaign optimization and audience targeting.

  9. 56% of Brands Focus on User-Generated Content (UGC)

    UGC is driving authenticity and engagement, with TikTok being the leading platform for user-driven content.

  10. 92.9% of Agencies Expect Revenue Growth

    Marketing agencies are optimistic, planning budget increases and leveraging AI to expand services and drive client demand.

Will Brands Spend More in 2024? A Deep Dive into Marketing Budget Allocation Trends

With economic uncertainty still looming, how optimistic are brands about increasing their marketing investments next year?

From our data across different reports, it’s clear that 2024 will be a year of strategic prioritization for marketers. Some will double down on platforms like TikTok and AI, while others take a more cautious, ROI-driven approach, particularly when it comes to influencer marketing and channels like YouTube. Budgets will grow, but selectively—brands are investing where they see the highest returns, while still balancing caution against rapid technological change.

The trends are clear: AI, social media, and personalized influencer marketing will be key focus areas. 

However, the allocation of marketing dollars in 2024 will not be uniform. Rather, it will reflect the divergent priorities and capabilities of brands operating in a fast-evolving, tech-driven landscape.

This analysis pulls together insights from the different surveys and provides a comprehensive understanding of how marketing budgets are shifting in 2024. It highlights key trends while offering strategic implications for brands looking to navigate the future. 

By analyzing these findings across specific marketing niches, we can glean a clearer understanding of how confident brands are in their marketing efforts, where they are placing their bets, and the potential outlook for 2024.

1. The Polarization of Social Media Budgets: TikTok vs. YouTube

Across our surveys, TikTok and YouTube represent two of the most prominent yet polarized platforms when it comes to budget allocation.

In the TikTok Marketing Report, over 50% of respondents indicated that more than half of their marketing budgets are allocated to TikTok, reflecting its perceived high ROI and the platform’s rapid growth in user engagement. This is in stark contrast to the data on YouTube, where 31.6% of marketers allocate zero budget, while 21.4% dedicate more than half of their budgets to the platform.

Social Media Budgets TikTok YouTube - The State of Marketing

Key Observations:

  • TikTok’s dominance: TikTok is seen as a critical player in modern marketing, with 50.6% of marketers allocating more than 50% of their budgets to it. This represents an overwhelming belief in the platform’s ROI potential, driven by its unique format, youth-oriented audience, and explosive growth.
  • YouTube’s mixed perception: Despite YouTube’s vast reach and the introduction of features like Shopping Collections, which are driving e-commerce growth, budget allocation is more fragmented. While some marketers continue to invest heavily in the platform, others remain skeptical, dedicating little or no budget at all.

What We Can Learn:

The divergent budgetary approaches to these platforms indicate a clear divide in sentiment: TikTok is seen as a high-growth, high-ROI platform, whereas YouTube faces a polarized perception of value, likely due to the rise of ad blockers and competition from newer platforms.

This polarization highlights the importance of channel-specific strategies in 2024, where marketers need to assess the unique ROI potential of each platform rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach.

2. AI as an Investment Priority: Confidence, But With Constraints

AI has emerged as one of the most disruptive forces in marketing, with many brands embracing its potential to enhance personalization, automate routine tasks, and drive more efficient campaigns. However, our AI Marketing Benchmark Report reveals a complex relationship between AI investments and marketing budgets.

While nearly 20% of marketers have allocated more than 40% of their budgets to AI-driven campaigns, 47.6% of respondents spent less than 10%, and 34.1% cited budget constraints as the biggest hurdle to adopting AI.

marketing budget allocation AI - The State of Marketing

Key Observations:

  • Growing investment in AI: There is a notable portion of the market fully committed to AI, with 19% of marketers allocating over 40% of their budgets to AI technologies. This reflects a strong belief in AI’s ROI, particularly in enhancing customer targeting and personalization.
  • Budget limitations as a barrier: However, AI adoption is far from universal, with 34.1% of marketers citing budget constraints as a significant obstacle. This is an important reminder that while the AI revolution is here, smaller businesses may struggle to make the upfront investments required for AI-driven campaigns.

What We Can Learn:

There’s a clear bifurcation in the market: brands with larger marketing budgets are leading the charge on AI investments, while smaller businesses remain cautious, citing budget constraints. As AI tools become more accessible and scalable, we may see a democratization of AI in marketing in the near future. However, in 2024, brands that can afford to invest in AI will likely pull ahead in efficiency and personalization.

3. Influencer Marketing: A Shift Toward Micro and Nano Influencers

Influencer marketing remains a staple of modern marketing strategies, but the data points to a significant shift in how budgets are allocated.

Our Monthly Influencer Marketing Report reveals that 43% of marketers have increased their use of micro and nano-influencers, while 24.9% have shifted budgets away from macro/mega influencers. Interestingly, the report shows a slight increase in the percentage of marketers allocating less than 10% of their budgets to influencer marketing, rising from 42.0% to 44.3%.

Shift Toward Micro Nano Influencers - The State of Marketing

Key Observations:

  • Micro and nano influencers on the rise: These smaller influencers, known for their authentic connections and niche audience engagement, are rapidly overtaking larger influencers in budget allocation. Marketers are clearly recognizing the value of authenticity and trust, particularly in a world where consumer skepticism toward overt advertising is growing.
  • A cautious approach: Despite overall confidence in influencer marketing, there’s a slight uptick in marketers opting for more conservative budget allocations. This may reflect growing scrutiny over ROI, where marketers are shifting their dollars towards influencers who can deliver more personalized, community-driven engagement.

What We Can Learn:

The shift toward micro and nano influencers underscores a broader trend in marketing: personalization and authenticity are winning over scale. Marketers are reallocating budgets away from larger influencers in favor of those who can foster genuine connections with their audiences.

In 2024, we can expect influencer marketing to become even more data-driven and ROI-focused, with brands scrutinizing every dollar spent to ensure authentic engagement and measurable results.

4. Budget Constraints and Other Challenges in AI Adoption

While AI represents a significant growth area for marketing, 34.1% of marketers identified budget constraints as the biggest blocker to AI adoption. This statistic suggests that while AI is positioned to dominate the future of marketing, its adoption is currently uneven, largely dependent on the size of the marketing budget.

Challenges AI Adoption - The State of Marketing

Key Observations:

  • Cost as a barrier: Smaller businesses are finding it challenging to justify the upfront costs associated with AI technology, from acquiring the tools to retraining staff.
  • Opportunities for scaling AI: As AI technology becomes more accessible and cost-effective, we can expect wider adoption across businesses of all sizes. In the meantime, those with larger budgets will be able to leverage the technology more effectively, gaining a competitive edge in customer engagement, data analysis, and campaign optimization.

What We Can Learn:

The state of AI adoption in marketing is bifurcated—larger organizations are investing heavily, while smaller ones are still held back by budget limitations. This suggests that in 2024, scalability and accessibility will become crucial factors in AI’s broader adoption. As AI tools become more affordable, smaller brands will likely join the revolution, albeit at a slower pace.

Budget Smart, Test Continuously, and Invest in Innovation

2024 presents a critical moment for marketers to make smarter budget decisions by leveraging data, testing across platforms, and embracing emerging technologies like AI. Brands that adopt a test-and-learn approach while integrating platforms into a cohesive ecosystem will be the ones to thrive in a fast-evolving digital landscape.

By balancing risk with opportunity—whether it’s testing TikTok for awareness or adopting AI for personalization—marketers can confidently make budget decisions that drive both short-term results and long-term growth.

This section outlines actionable frameworks and strategies for making informed budget decisions and offers practical steps for maximizing ROI across platforms. How do you feel about this approach?

Key Strategic Recommendations for 2024 Marketing Budgets

Key Recommendations Marketing Budgets - The State of Marketing

Adopt a Multi-Channel Strategy

Instead of relying on a single platform, leverage a range of channels across the marketing funnel. Allocate budgets to test multiple platforms, like TikTok for ToFu and YouTube for BoFu, and aim for cross-channel synergy that drives both awareness and conversions.

Invest in AI for Scalability and Efficiency

AI is no longer optional—invest in AI-powered tools for personalization and automation. Start small by integrating tools with clear ROI, and gradually scale investments as results improve. This will enhance both efficiency and customer engagement.

Test Continuously to Maximize ROI

Allocate 10-15% of your budget to testing new platforms or features (e.g., TikTok Shop, YouTube Shorts). A/B tests across channels, run short-term pilots, and adjust your strategy based on data to optimize spend and minimize risk.

1. Adopt a Holistic, Ecosystem-Based Approach to Channel Allocation

Our data shows that the most successful marketing and influencer campaigns leverage multiple platforms across the entire funnel—from awareness to conversion—rather than relying on a single platform. While certain platforms may perform better for specific objectives, a multi-channel strategy ensures broader reach and more consistent customer journeys.

test multiple platforms Across Funnel - The State of Marketing

Framework for Testing and Allocating Budgets:

  • Diversify Across the Funnel: Rather than categorizing platforms strictly as “top-of-funnel” or “bottom-of-funnel,” allocate resources to test multiple platforms across the customer journey. For example, TikTok has shown strong results for both brand awareness and direct-to-consumer sales, particularly with features like TikTok Shop. Meanwhile, platforms like YouTube Shorts and YouTube Shopping offer opportunities for both awareness and conversion.
  • Budget Testing Across Channels: Set aside 10-15% of your marketing budget for testing new features and formats (e.g., TikTok Shop, YouTube Shopping, Instagram Reels). Use short-term tests to measure impact based on engagement, traffic, and conversions.
  • Cross-Channel Synergy: Test how platforms work together. Successful campaigns often combine platforms, such as using TikTok for engagement while driving customers to YouTube Shopping for conversion, or using Instagram Stories to build awareness followed by retargeting ads on YouTube.

Key takeaways

Use a multi-channel strategy that leverages the unique strengths of each platform across the funnel. While TikTok might excel for brand awareness in some cases, integrating multiple platforms creates a more holistic, data-driven approach to maximize impact across all stages of the customer journey.

2. Prioritize AI Investments Now to Gain a Competitive Edge

Our research shows that while larger organizations are investing heavily in AI, smaller businesses are hesitant due to budget constraints. However, AI is no longer a luxury; it’s becoming a necessity for brands that want to scale personalization, automate processes, and drive better results from their marketing efforts.

AI Integration - The State of Marketing

How to Invest in AI Effectively:

  • Start Small, Scale Smart: Begin by integrating AI-driven tools that offer immediate, tangible ROI, such as AI-powered customer segmentation, predictive analytics, or AI content generation. These tools can quickly pay off by increasing efficiency and improving customer targeting. Platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, or Hootsuite have integrated AI tools that are accessible for even smaller marketing budgets.
  • Focus on AI for Personalization and Automation: Personalization is a key driver of customer engagement, and AI enables hyper-personalization at scale. Leverage AI to deliver personalized content, product recommendations, or email marketing based on customer behavior and preferences.
  • Measure ROI in the Short Term: Start with a small pilot program to measure the impact of AI-driven campaigns. Track metrics such as time saved, improved customer engagement, and conversion rates. Once results are clear, increase budget allocation incrementally, expanding AI’s role in your overall strategy.

Key takeaways

AI isn’t just for tech giants; smaller brands can gain an edge by starting with smaller-scale AI implementations that deliver quick wins. This creates a foundation to build on as tools become more affordable and scalable.

3. Test Continuously to Maximize ROI and Minimize Risk

One of the most critical insights across our reports is the importance of testing new channels and strategies. With emerging platforms and technologies like TikTok and AI, it’s essential to test early and often to stay ahead of competitors and capitalize on opportunities for growth.

Test Maximize ROI - The State of Marketing

Testing Framework for Budget Allocation:

  • 10-15% of Budget for New Channels: Set aside a portion of your budget specifically for testing new platforms. For example, invest in TikTok Shop or emerging features on YouTube or Instagram. By dedicating a small, controlled budget for experimentation, you can explore potential without significantly impacting your core campaigns.
  • A/B Testing Across Channels: Continuously test different content types, targeting options, and ad formats across channels. For instance, try TikTok’s ad formats (like Spark Ads) versus YouTube’s pre-roll ads to see which resonates better with your audience in terms of engagement and conversion rates.
  • Short-Term Tests, Long-Term Insights: Establish short-term pilot programs (e.g., 30-60 days) to assess the performance of new platforms or AI-driven campaigns. Evaluate the results against benchmarks and, if successful, commit to scaling them into long-term strategies.

Key takeaways

Don’t wait years to adopt new channels or tools. Testing quickly and iterating based on real-time results allows for early insights, which can provide an advantage over slower-moving competitors.

4. Embrace Micro and Nano Influencers for Targeted Engagement

The data from our reports reveals a clear shift toward micro and nano influencers, which offer more authentic connections and higher engagement rates compared to macro influencers. In an era where consumers are skeptical of traditional advertising, these influencers are a cost-effective way to build trust and engagement with niche audiences.

Micro / Nano Influencers - The State of Marketing

Actionable Steps for Influencer Marketing:

  • Shift Budgets Toward Smaller Influencers: Allocate 20-30% of your influencer marketing budget towards micro and nano influencers. These influencers often deliver higher engagement rates due to their closer connection with their audience, and they’re often more affordable than larger influencers.
  • Create Long-Term Partnerships: Consider forming long-term relationships with micro-influencers who align with your brand values. This will lead to more authentic endorsements and provide a better return on investment than one-off collaborations.
  • Measure ROI Consistently: Focus on engagement metrics such as click-through rates, shares, and direct sales when assessing the ROI of micro and nano influencers. Their impact may not always be immediate, but their ability to foster brand loyalty and deep engagement will pay off in the long term.

Key takeaways

Shift from scale to authenticity by focusing on micro and nano influencers, who can drive higher engagement and more meaningful connections with audiences.

5. Create Synergy Between Performance and Brand Awareness Campaigns

A key takeaway from the data is that successful brands in 2024 will find the right balance between performance marketing and brand awareness. While platforms like TikTok are excellent for top-of-funnel brand awareness, YouTube and AI-driven tools are better suited for driving conversions and optimizing performance.

Performance Brand Awareness Campaigns - The State of Marketing

Actionable Strategy:

  • Use TikTok for Brand Building: Allocate 10-20% of your digital ad spend towards brand-building campaigns on TikTok, focusing on viral, engaging content that resonates with a younger audience. Leverage the platform’s fast-paced environment to build awareness and grow top-of-funnel leads.
  • YouTube and AI for Conversions: Channel your performance-driven efforts toward YouTube’s Shopping Collections and AI-powered marketing tools. Use these platforms for retargeting and converting the leads you acquire through brand-building platforms like TikTok.
  • Data-Driven Attribution Models: Invest in attribution models that help track cross-channel performance. Knowing which channels are contributing to top-of-funnel awareness versus bottom-of-funnel conversions will allow you to optimize spend effectively and allocate budgets based on the complete customer journey.

Key takeaways

To maximize ROI, create a symbiotic relationship between your brand awareness efforts and your conversion-driven campaigns. Let TikTok drive awareness while YouTube and AI drive conversions.

What Do Marketing Agencies Expect in 2024?

Are agencies predicting a boom or a slowdown? What sectors are driving demand, and how are agencies preparing for an evolving landscape?

From the marketing demand side, we’ve seen brands expect to strategically increase their marketing budgets across multiple platforms in 2024. Now, let’s examine the supply side by looking at the expectations of the 14 largest marketing agencies globally. 

The findings from the top marketing agencies reveal a strong alignment with the demand side of the market, particularly in terms of revenue growth and demand for services. Both agencies and brands are optimistic about the year ahead. However, what stands out is the agencies’ confidence in integrating AI into their operations.

With an average preparedness score of 4.2 out of 5, agencies feel well-equipped to leverage AI for competitive advantage. This focus on AI adoption is a key factor behind their optimism, as they see AI-driven tools and automation as critical for scaling their services and improving efficiency.

While agencies may not anticipate significant disruptions requiring drastic business model changes, their readiness to integrate AI reflects a proactive approach to staying ahead of industry trends and maintaining their client retention and new business acquisition efforts. This paints a clear picture: agencies’ confidence in adapting to AI is driving their optimism for growth, aligning with brands’ increasing investments in technology.

1. Revenue and Demand Expectations: Strong Optimism

Revenue Demand Expectations - The State of Marketing

  • Revenue Growth: An overwhelming 92.9% of marketing agencies expect their revenues to increase over the next year, with 50% predicting moderate growth and 42.9% anticipating significant growth.
  • Demand for Services: Similarly, agencies are optimistic about demand, with 78.6% forecasting increased demand for their services. 50% expect slightly more demand, while 28.6% anticipate significantly more demand.

There is a strong alignment between the demand for marketing services and revenue growth projections from agencies. Brands are increasing their budgets, and agencies are positioned to capture that growth. This reflects confidence from both sides in the expanding role of marketing services, particularly as digital and AI-driven marketing evolves.

2. Challenges Ahead: Retention and New Business Acquisition

Challenges Ahead: Retention / New Business Acquisition - The State of Marketing

  • Top Challenges: Agencies identified client retention (61.5%) and new business acquisition (53.8%) as their most significant challenges. Additionally, marketing and lead generation (53.8%) and revenue growth (53.8%) remain top concerns.
  • Interestingly, challenges such as adapting to new technologies (7.7%) and keeping up with industry trends (7.7%) were less of a focus, suggesting that most agencies feel prepared for technological shifts.

Agencies appear less concerned about technological disruptions like AI and more focused on maintaining client relationships and growing new business. This focus aligns with brands’ push to optimize marketing investments but reveals potential gaps in adapting to rapid technological change.

3. Marketing Budget Increases: High Confidence in Growth

Marketing Budget Increases - The State of Marketing

  • 84.6% of agencies plan to moderately increase their own marketing budgets, while 7.7% will increase significantly. No agency expects to decrease their budget.

Key takeaways

Agencies are putting their money behind their confidence in growing demand. This willingness to increase marketing budgets indicates that agencies are prepared to aggressively pursue new clients and expand their market share in response to growing brand budgets.

4. Adapting to Emerging Trends: Minor vs. Significant Changes

Adapting Emerging Trends - The State of Marketing

  • 57.1% of agencies believe they’ll need to make minor adaptations to their business models to keep pace with trends such as AI and data privacy. Only 14.3% expect significant adaptations.

While most agencies are confident in their readiness for AI and other trends, their expectation of minor adaptations could suggest a conservative approach. Brands, on the other hand, are pushing heavily into new platforms and AI-driven personalization, potentially creating a gap in how aggressively agencies and brands are adopting emerging technologies.

AI as a Catalyst for Marketing: Automation, Creativity, and Beyond

The AI revolution is reshaping marketing. Can brands keep up with the pace of change, or risk being left behind?

As marketing budgets increase and marketers look to maximize their investments, AI has emerged as the most transformative force driving efficiency, personalization, and creativity in the industry. Following our analysis of budget trends, it’s clear that while brands are focusing on strategic investments, AI is redefining how marketing is executed.

The future of marketing lies at the intersection of automation and creativity. As AI continues to evolve, those who can integrate it into their marketing strategies while preserving the human elements of creativity and strategy will come out ahead in the race for customer engagement and brand loyalty.

By 2024 and beyond, AI will be the catalyst that powers marketing success, but only for those who are prepared to fully harness its potential.

The Current State of AI in Marketing

According to our 2024 AI Marketing Report, 69.1% of marketers have already integrated AI into their operations, and 70.6% believe AI can outperform humans in key tasks such as data analysis, personalization, and content creation.

These figures highlight the rapid adoption of AI as a cornerstone of modern marketing. AI’s impact is particularly pronounced in areas like automated campaign management, predictive analytics, and generative content creation, with 42.2% of marketers reporting that AI has significantly transformed their strategies.

Yet, despite the enthusiasm surrounding AI, challenges remain. Notably, 60% of marketers fear AI could jeopardize their jobs, and 71.7% of non-adopters cite a lack of understanding as the main barrier to adoption. This duality—between excitement for AI’s potential and the fear of its impact—shapes much of the conversation in marketing today.

How AI is Revolutionizing Marketing

AI is not just enhancing existing marketing processes; it is fundamentally changing the way marketers approach their work. Below are the key areas where AI is making the most profound impact:

1. Automation and Efficiency

AI is helping marketers automate routine, time-consuming tasks, such as data analysis, customer segmentation, and reporting. By taking over these functions, AI frees up time for marketers to focus on more strategic, high-value activities. For example, programmatic ad buying is increasingly managed by AI, optimizing spend in real-time based on performance, targeting, and audience behavior. In fact, 34.1% of marketers in our survey reported significant improvements in campaign outcomes due to AI’s ability to process large datasets and make real-time decisions.

AI also brings unprecedented efficiency to multichannel marketing. It ensures that ads, content, and messaging are consistent and optimized across platforms, allowing marketers to manage multiple channels simultaneously without losing quality or precision.

2. Generative AI: Authenticity and Creativity

The rise of generative AI tools like GPT-4 has fundamentally changed the landscape of content creation. AI is no longer just for backend processes; it is now an active participant in creative work. According to our survey, 42.2% of marketers have seen transformative changes in their content strategies thanks to generative AI, which can craft highly personalized content at scale.

Generative AI - The State of Marketing

AI-generated content can span everything from blog posts and social media updates to email marketing campaigns and video scripts. Marketers are using AI to rapidly generate ideas, draft copy, and produce visuals, allowing for faster campaign execution and greater customization. However, this shift comes with challenges, as 36.7% of marketers worry about the authenticity of AI-generated content. Ensuring that AI-produced content feels genuine and aligns with brand voice will be a critical focus for marketers moving forward.

3. Personalization at Scale

One of AI’s most powerful applications in marketing is its ability to deliver hyper-personalized customer experiences. AI analyzes customer data in real time, enabling marketers to target the right audiences with tailored messaging based on behavior, preferences, and demographics. Nearly 47.6% of marketers are already using AI to enhance customer targeting and engagement, reporting improved outcomes as a result.

AI’s ability to segment audiences with extreme precision enables marketers to personalize every touchpoint—ads, content, emails, and product recommendations—ensuring that each interaction is relevant and timely. This level of personalization leads to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and improved customer retention.

4. Strategic Decision-Making

AI is becoming a critical tool in strategic marketing decision-making. By analyzing large volumes of data and identifying patterns that may not be visible to human analysts, AI helps marketers make informed decisions about where to allocate budgets, which campaigns to scale, and which audiences to target. The use of AI in predictive analytics allows brands to forecast trends, anticipate customer behavior, and adjust campaigns dynamically.

While AI can process data at an unmatched speed, 32.7% of marketers still believe that high-level strategy will remain a human domain. AI is most effective when used as a complement to human intuition and creativity, with marketers overseeing AI-driven campaigns to ensure they align with broader brand strategies and goals.

The Challenges of AI Adoption

While AI offers significant advantages, its adoption is not without hurdles. According to our survey, 17.5% of marketers have experienced setbacks with AI, often due to technical challenges or poor implementation. Additionally, 71.7% of non-adopters identified a lack of understanding as the primary barrier, highlighting the AI knowledge gap that still exists in many organizations.

Challenges AI Adoption - The State of Marketing

Moreover, 34.1% of marketers cited budget constraints as a major hurdle to AI adoption, particularly in smaller organizations where resources are limited. As AI technologies evolve and become more accessible, we expect these barriers to diminish, but for now, they represent a significant challenge for many marketers.

AI is no longer a supplementary tool in marketing; it is a critical driver of growth, efficiency, and innovation. The marketers who embrace AI today will not only stay competitive—they will lead the industry.

However, to succeed in this AI-driven landscape, brands must ensure that they are not just adopting AI for the sake of it, but doing so strategically, with a clear understanding of where AI can deliver the most value.

The Evolution of Social Media: Where Are Marketers Investing Their Time and Money?

As social media continues to evolve, marketers are strategically focusing their resources on platforms that offer the most potential for engagement, conversions, and innovation. The rise of platforms like TikTok, along with established giants like YouTube, has shifted the landscape significantly, making it essential for brands to understand where their efforts should be directed.

This section explores the key areas where marketers are investing their time and money, focusing on platform features, content strategies, technological innovations, and e-commerce integration.

Platform Features Driving Engagement

Both YouTube and TikTok are continually innovating their platform features to maintain user engagement and enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. However, each platform’s approach caters to different marketing goals and user behaviors.

Platform Features Driving Engagement - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s Advanced Tools for Creators:

YouTube has focused on improving its creator ecosystem with features like Enhanced Playlist Analytics and the Research Tab in YouTube Studio.

YouTube Tools Creators - The State of Marketing

These tools provide deeper insights into audience preferences, allowing marketers to optimize their content more effectively. For example, 51.6% of marketers use YouTube primarily for brand awareness, and these tools help refine top-of-funnel strategies by identifying what content resonates most with viewers. Additionally, 44.7% of marketers report improved ad performance due to YouTube’s efforts to counter ad blockers, a significant win for brands relying on paid media.

  • TikTok’s Focus on Short-Form and Interactive Features:

TikTok, on the other hand, is revolutionizing how users engage with content through features like TikTok Symphony, which leverages AI to generate content, and the platform’s ability to drive real-time interactions with its live streaming and AR tools.

For example, TikTok’s Effect House allows brands to create custom augmented reality (AR) filters, tapping into the platform’s cultural trends to enhance brand visibility. 42.3% of marketers see AR as a significant opportunity on TikTok, showing that interactive content is key to driving engagement on the platform.

Content Strategies: Long-Form vs. Short-Form Video

Understanding the nuances between long-form and short-form video is critical when deciding where to allocate marketing resources. YouTube’s long-form content and TikTok’s short-form, viral nature both offer unique advantages, depending on campaign goals.

Long-Form Short-Form Video - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s Strength in Long-Form Content:

YouTube’s established reputation as a long-form content platform makes it ideal for brands focused on detailed storytelling and in-depth product showcases. Long-form content is particularly effective for industries requiring detailed explanations or visual demonstrations, such as technology, beauty, and education.

Brands selling high-ticket items or services often leverage YouTube’s ability to dive deep into product features, user testimonials, or tutorials. This content format naturally supports middle and bottom-funnel marketing, as it allows for more comprehensive product explanations that lead to conversions.

  • TikTok’s Short-Form Dominance:

In contrast, TikTok’s short-form, viral videos cater to fast-paced consumption, appealing to users’ desire for quick, engaging content. 32.5% of marketers regularly use TikTok Shorts, benefiting from the platform’s ability to drive instant engagement.

Brands that excel on TikTok often use challenges, quick product demos, and trend-based content to capture attention in the first few seconds of a video. While TikTok’s short-form videos may not offer the depth of YouTube content, they excel at generating rapid awareness and fostering user participation through viral trends, making it an essential platform for top-of-funnel activities.

E-Commerce Integration: A Key Battleground

Social commerce is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of digital marketing, and both YouTube and TikTok are competing to offer the best solutions for brands looking to drive direct sales through their content. However, their approaches and levels of success vary significantly.

E-Commerce Integration - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s Growing E-Commerce Features:

YouTube has made strides in integrating e-commerce into its platform with tools like Shopping Collections, where creators can showcase products directly within their videos. 43.3% of marketers report enhanced product visibility, and 37.7% find it effective for driving sales, making YouTube an increasingly valuable platform for e-commerce.

However, YouTube’s e-commerce tools are still somewhat secondary to its primary function as a video platform, and brands often see it as a complement to their overall marketing strategy rather than the central hub for direct sales.

  • TikTok’s Seamless Social Commerce:

TikTok has quickly positioned itself as a leader in social commerce through TikTok Shop, where users can purchase products directly from content. 51.9% of marketers are actively selling through TikTok Shop, demonstrating its potential to drive immediate sales.

The platform’s seamless integration of e-commerce with engaging content allows users to discover, engage with, and purchase products all within a few taps. This fluid transition from content to purchase is one of TikTok’s biggest advantages in the social commerce space, particularly for brands targeting younger audiences who are accustomed to this type of instant interaction.

Technological Innovation: AI and AR Leading the Way

As social media platforms compete for user attention, technological innovation—particularly in AI and augmented reality (AR)—is becoming a key differentiator. Brands that leverage these technologies can create more personalized, engaging experiences that resonate with users on a deeper level.

Technological Innovation AI AR - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s AI-Driven Tools:

YouTube is focusing on enhancing its AI-driven recommendations and content analytics. This helps marketers deliver more personalized content to viewers and optimize ad performance. However, YouTube is still playing catch-up to TikTok in terms of creative AI tools.

Brands using YouTube’s new Dream Screen feature can create dynamic backgrounds for Shorts, but it’s TikTok’s Symphony AI that’s generating more excitement in the industry.

  • TikTok’s AI-First Approach:

TikTok is leading the charge in AI innovation with tools like Symphony, which allows for the creation of AI-generated avatars and multilingual dubbing. These AI-driven tools enable brands to produce highly personalized content at scale, offering 37% higher purchase intent for AI-enhanced ads.

Additionally, AI avatars are becoming more prevalent on TikTok, allowing marketers to experiment with virtual influencers that can interact with users in real-time. This ability to automate content creation and enhance personalization gives TikTok a technological edge in creating immersive, interactive experiences.

Content Personalization and Engagement

Personalization is becoming a non-negotiable aspect of social media marketing, and both platforms offer various tools to enhance content relevance for their users.

Content Personalization Engagement - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s Data-Driven Personalization:

YouTube’s algorithms have long been a key driver of its success, with content recommendations tailored to users’ viewing habits. Marketers can tap into Enhanced Playlist Analytics to track audience preferences and optimize content accordingly. However, YouTube’s personalization is more focused on long-term user engagement and keeping viewers within the ecosystem through autoplay and suggested content features.

  • TikTok’s Immediate Personalization through AI:

TikTok’s AI-driven content curation is far more immediate, using real-time user interactions to shape the content they see. The platform excels at showing users exactly what they want to see next, based on their activity, which makes it easier for marketers to create highly targeted campaigns.

Brands leveraging TikTok’s AR and interactive features can build immersive experiences that feel highly personalized to each user, increasing engagement rates significantly.

Navigating Challenges: Platform-Specific Obstacles

While both platforms offer powerful tools for marketers, they also present unique challenges that brands need to overcome.

Platform-Specific Challenges - The State of Marketing

  • YouTube’s Attribution and Cross-Device Tracking:

One of the primary challenges for YouTube marketers is tracking cross-device conversions and measuring the full impact of their campaigns. As audiences consume content on multiple devices, measuring ROI across platforms can be complex. Additionally, while 44.7% of marketers report better ad performance post-anti-ad blocker measures, YouTube’s reliance on third-party cookies remains a challenge as privacy regulations tighten.

  • TikTok’s Authenticity vs. Commercialization Balance:

TikTok must balance its authenticity with increasing commercialization, especially as it integrates more e-commerce features. Users are drawn to TikTok’s organic feel, and brands that come across as overly commercial risk alienating their audience. 58.2% of marketers report challenges in driving traffic to TikTok Shop and maintaining a balance between engaging content and sales-driven campaigns will be key to long-term success.

Actionable Steps for Marketers: Capitalizing on Social Media Trends

To maximize the potential of your social media marketing strategy, it’s crucial to take a structured, data-driven approach to platform features, content strategies, and technological innovations. Based on the current landscape across platforms like YouTube and TikTok, here are actionable steps marketers can implement to ensure they stay competitive and drive meaningful results:

Marketers Capitalizing Social Media Trends - The State of Marketing

Optimize Content Strategy Based on Platform Strengths

  • YouTube: Focus on long-form, informative videos that highlight product features, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes content. These are especially effective for middle and bottom-funnel marketing.
  • Action: Plan content that addresses detailed customer pain points or provides in-depth product explanations. Use YouTube Shorts for teaser clips or quick updates, driving traffic to your long-form content.
  • TikTok: Lean into short-form, high-impact content that can quickly capture attention. TikTok is ideal for top-of-funnel engagement and driving brand awareness.
  • Action: Create quick, engaging videos that tap into trending challenges, use popular music, or focus on visually compelling narratives. Incorporate humor, creativity, and a strong call to action (CTA) to increase shares and interaction.

Integrate Social Commerce for Direct Sales

  • YouTube: If e-commerce is part of your strategy, explore YouTube’s Shopping Collections to promote product visibility directly within video content.
  • Action: Collaborate with influencers or creators to use Shopping Collections in product review videos, enhancing credibility and offering direct purchase options within the video.
  • TikTok: Optimize the use of TikTok Shop to drive direct sales from content. Ensure your product offerings feel seamlessly integrated into the content rather than overtly promotional.
  • Action: Host live shopping events and use popular influencers to demonstrate product usage in real time. Focus on delivering a fun, interactive shopping experience that drives impulse purchases.

Harness AI for Personalization and Content Creation

  • YouTube: While YouTube is catching up in AI, begin experimenting with AI-driven features like the Dream Screen for Shorts to add dynamic elements to your content.
  • Action: Incorporate AI tools for A/B testing thumbnails, video titles, and descriptions to optimize click-through rates (CTR). Use YouTube’s personalized recommendation algorithms to create a content loop that keeps users engaged.
  • TikTok: Make full use of TikTok Symphony and AI-generated avatars to create highly personalized content at scale.
  • Action: Automate content generation with Symphony to deliver tailored ads that resonate with specific demographics, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Use multilingual dubbing to expand your reach globally.

Influencer Marketing: Key Insights and Strategic Opportunities

Influencer marketing, once seen as an experimental component of the digital marketing ecosystem, is now cementing itself as a cornerstone of brand strategy. The 2024 Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report highlights that the global influencer marketing industry is expected to reach $24 billion by the end of this year, a significant leap from its $16.4 billion valuation in 2022.

This explosive growth is attributed to the convergence of several key factors: the maturation of AI technologies, shifts in consumer expectations toward authenticity, the rise of nano- and micro-influencers, and the increasing dominance of platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Brands that succeed in this rapidly evolving landscape are those that understand the intricate dynamics shaping influencer marketing today. From integrating AI-driven solutions to embracing user-generated content (UGC), the next frontier of marketing will be defined by a fusion of human and technological collaboration. Here’s a deeper dive into the most pivotal trends and challenges shaping influencer marketing in 2024.

The Rising Power of AI in Influencer Marketing

AI is transforming influencer marketing at a rapid pace, fundamentally altering how brands identify, engage, and collaborate with influencers. According to the 2024 Benchmark Report, 63% of brands now incorporate AI into their influencer marketing strategies, and a remarkable 55% of brands are using AI tools specifically for influencer discovery and campaign management.

AI app Influencer Marketing - The State of Marketing

The utilization of AI extends beyond simple influencer identification. AI-driven insights now allow brands to predict influencer performance, track real-time campaign outcomes, and optimize content distribution to achieve maximum engagement. Notably, Symphony AI’s suite of tools has been adopted by 74.3% of marketers, showcasing the immense value of AI in analyzing influencer metrics and ensuring that the selected influencers align with a brand’s goals.

These AI tools can analyze audience behavior, engagement patterns, and historical campaign data to fine-tune influencer collaborations, helping brands to focus not just on reach but on genuine engagement and ROI.

AI is also playing a critical role in fraud detection. 59.8% of brands have experienced influencer fraud—typically through fake followers or artificial engagement—costing companies millions of dollars. To combat this, 5.7% of marketers are using AI tools that monitor follower authenticity, engagement quality, and brand sentiment to filter out fraudulent influencers.

Platform Dominance: TikTok Leads the Way

While Instagram and YouTube continue to be popular platforms for influencer marketing, TikTok has taken a dominant role, revolutionizing how brands approach content creation and consumer interaction. The platform’s 1.6 billion monthly active users spend an average of 53.8 minutes per day consuming short-form content, which positions TikTok as a critical tool for brands looking to drive engagement quickly and effectively.

The platform’s unique combination of AI-powered content curation and viral challenges has made it the preferred channel for 69% of brands, according to the 2024 Benchmark Report.

Additionally, TikTok’s influence extends into the social commerce sphere. 51.9% of marketers are now using TikTok Shop, a feature that allows seamless in-app purchases through influencer partnerships and live-streaming. This positions TikTok as a formidable player in both influencer marketing and e-commerce.

However, 58.2% of marketers report challenges in driving traffic to TikTok Shop, with only 14.1% seeing substantial conversion rates, highlighting the importance of optimizing e-commerce strategies on the platform.

TikTok content type - The State of Marketing

Short-form video content reigns supreme on TikTok, with 55.7% of marketers reporting that user-generated content (UGC) drives the highest engagement. Interestingly, 16.1% of marketers find educational content to be the second most engaging content type, while 13.1% report branded challenges as a significant contributor to engagement. These insights reinforce the notion that TikTok thrives on a combination of authenticity, relatability, and creativity.

Growth in Content Output and the Role of Nano and Micro-Influencers

The demand for fresh, engaging content has never been higher. According to the report, 75% of brands increased their content output in 2024, up from 71% in the previous year. This surge highlights the need for a consistent content pipeline to keep up with ever-changing consumer attention spans and the fierce competition for engagement on social media platforms.

Much of this increased content is being driven by influencer partnerships, with brands turning to creators to produce authentic, brand-aligned content that resonates with audiences on a personal level.

Smaller influencers - The State of Marketing

Smaller influencers—particularly nano (1K-10K followers) and micro-influencers (10K-100K followers)—are increasingly dominating the influencer marketing landscape. 44% of brands now prioritize collaborations with nano-influencers, who offer higher engagement rates due to their close-knit and highly loyal audiences.

Micro-influencers are also in demand, with 26% of brands favoring them for their ability to bridge the gap between affordability and reach.

The data shows that nano- and micro-influencers are far more effective at driving meaningful engagement than their larger counterparts. Nano-influencers have engagement rates as high as 8.8%, compared to the 1.21% engagement rate of macro-influencers (100K+ followers).

This shift towards smaller creators reflects a growing trend among brands to prioritize authenticity and relatability over sheer follower count. As consumers become increasingly wary of overly polished or commercialized content, nano- and micro-influencers offer an invaluable connection to niche audiences that crave genuine interaction and recommendations.

User-Generated Content: The Backbone of Influencer Marketing

UGC has become one of the primary goals for brands leveraging influencer marketing. 56% of brands are focused on generating UGC, recognizing its power in building trust and authenticity. UGC campaigns—where influencers are tasked with encouraging their followers to create branded content—offer a two-fold benefit: they drive high engagement while also reducing content production costs for brands.

User-Generated Content Influencer Marketing - The State of Marketing

This trend is particularly evident on TikTok, where UGC dominates 55.7% of the platform’s best-performing content. The power of UGC lies in its ability to appear organic and relatable, far removed from the overly stylized and often inauthentic content of traditional advertising.

As consumer preferences continue to shift towards content that feels genuine, brands that can successfully integrate UGC into their strategies will have a significant advantage in building stronger connections with their audiences.

Challenges in Influencer Marketing: Discovery, Fraud, and ROI Measurement

Despite the tremendous growth and opportunities within influencer marketing, brands still face substantial challenges that hinder their ability to fully capitalize on this marketing channel. Chief among these is the difficulty of discovering the right influencers.

According to the 2024 Benchmark Report, 29.8% of brands report influencer discovery as their top challenge. Given the sheer volume of influencers across platforms, identifying the right fit—one whose audience aligns with a brand’s goals and values—can be a daunting task. However, with the growing adoption of AI tools, this challenge is being mitigated, as AI-driven solutions can analyze vast amounts of data to match brands with influencers based on their audience demographics, engagement rates, and historical campaign performance.

Challenges Influencer Marketing - The State of Marketing

Another persistent issue is influencer fraud. Influencer fraud remains a significant concern for 59.8% of brands, with common forms of fraud including fake followers, inflated engagement metrics, and bots used to create artificial activity.

The financial implications of fraud are immense, costing brands an estimated $1.3 billion in wasted marketing spend in 2023. AI-powered fraud detection tools are becoming an essential asset in mitigating this issue, allowing brands to verify the authenticity of an influencer’s audience and engagement before committing to a partnership.

Tracking and measuring ROI remains a top priority—and challenge—for brands investing in influencer marketing. 70% of brands now track the ROI of their influencer campaigns, a substantial increase from previous years, reflecting the growing demand for data-driven decision-making in marketing.

However, the complex nature of influencer marketing, with its mix of direct sales, engagement, and brand awareness, makes it difficult to establish clear metrics for success. Advanced tracking tools, such as UTM parameters, referral links, and AI-driven attribution models, are helping brands better understand the impact of their influencer collaborations across the funnel.

TikTok Symphony and the Future of AI-Driven Influencer Marketing

TikTok’s Symphony AI suite, launched in mid-2024, represents a major leap forward in the integration of AI and influencer marketing. The AI-generated avatars offered by Symphony have captured the attention of 51.9% of marketers, while 74.3% consider Symphony’s multilingual dubbing tools highly attractive. This AI suite allows brands to create personalized, scalable content that feels authentic and relatable, blending the efficiencies of AI with the human touch that audiences crave.

TikTok Symphony - The State of Marketing

Symphony’s impact is most notable in its ability to scale influencer marketing campaigns across diverse geographies and languages, enabling global brands to reach audiences in a way that feels personalized. Additionally, Symphony’s ability to predict content success based on audience interaction data is helping marketers optimize their strategies in real-time, making it easier to pivot campaigns for maximum engagement.

The Road Ahead for Influencer Marketing in 2024

As the influencer marketing landscape continues to evolve, brands must be prepared to embrace the growing influence of AI, prioritize authenticity through smaller influencers, and leverage platforms like TikTok for maximum engagement. The data shows that those who invest in technology, foster genuine influencer relationships, and prioritize UGC will be best positioned to succeed in this dynamic space.

Influencer marketing is no longer just about visibility—it’s about fostering meaningful connections that drive long-term brand loyalty. With platforms like TikTok leading the charge and AI revolutionizing campaign management, the future of influencer marketing promises to be as exciting as it is challenging.

Actionable Steps for Brands in Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing remains a powerful tool for brands to engage with their audiences, but the landscape is evolving. With AI playing an increasingly significant role and platforms like TikTok dominating the space, brands need to stay agile and data-driven in their approach. By prioritizing UGC, leveraging AI, and focusing on nano and micro-influencers, marketers can build successful campaigns that drive both engagement and ROI.

To leverage these insights, brands should consider the following steps:

  1. Adopt AI for Influencer Identification: Utilize AI-powered tools to enhance efficiency and precision in influencer selection.
  2. Prioritize UGC: Focus on campaigns that encourage influencers to create authentic content, as UGC drives engagement and brand loyalty.
  3. Work with Nano and Micro-Influencers: Smaller influencers offer higher engagement and better ROI. By targeting these creators, brands can tap into niche, highly engaged audiences.
  4. Measure ROI Effectively: Implement comprehensive tracking mechanisms to gauge campaign success and refine strategies.
  5. Address Influencer Fraud: Use AI tools to verify the authenticity of influencer metrics and ensure collaborations with genuine creators.

B2B Marketing: Key Insights and Strategic Opportunities

B2B marketing is in a state of transformation, with AI and automation at the forefront of this change. As businesses embrace data-driven strategies and invest in new technologies, they are better positioned to meet the evolving needs of today’s buyers.

However, with nearly 50% of companies still not fully leveraging AI in their marketing processes, there remains significant untapped potential in the market. Brands that can effectively deploy AI, enhance personalization, and make the most of digital channels will emerge as leaders in the future of B2B marketing.

The Role of AI and Automation in B2B Marketing

The use of AI and automation in B2B marketing is no longer a novel idea—it’s a necessity. In 2024, 65.7% of marketers anticipate increasing their marketing budget, driven by investments in AI and automation technologies. These technologies are transforming B2B marketing by allowing businesses to personalize campaigns at scale and optimize every step of the marketing funnel, from lead generation to customer retention.

AI Automation B2B Marketing - The State of Marketing

  • AI Deployment: Interestingly, nearly 29.3% of companies have deployed 1-2 AI use cases in their marketing processes, while 22% have more than two use cases scaled across their organizations. However, 48.8% of B2B marketers have yet to deploy AI at scale, indicating room for growth.
  • Cost Savings with AI: In terms of tangible benefits, companies deploying AI have seen notable cost reductions. 30.4% of respondents reported less than 10% savings, while 23.9% saw cost reductions exceeding 20%, underscoring the operational efficiency that AI brings to B2B marketing.
  • Personalization and Engagement: One of AI’s most significant contributions to B2B marketing is in enhancing customer engagement and personalization. 24% of respondents noted that AI improved real-time personalization, while 20% highlighted better customer engagement. Additionally, 24% of marketers observed increased conversion rates due to AI-driven personalization efforts, further cementing AI’s role in revenue growth.
  • Automation and Efficiency: Automation is driving productivity in marketing operations, but the level of improvement varies. 15% of B2B marketers reported moderate efficiency gains, while 12.5% noted substantial improvements due to automation. Despite these benefits, 40% of respondents admitted that AI had not improved their marketing efficiency, revealing a need for better implementation strategies.

Changing B2B Buyer Behavior and the Shift to Data-Driven Approaches

B2B buyer behavior is increasingly digital and data-centric. Buyers expect personalized experiences, and they demand that marketers respond to their needs in real-time. This has spurred a shift toward more sophisticated data-driven marketing strategies, as 70.4% of marketers use data analytics regularly to guide their decisions, while 57.4% feel very confident in their team’s ability to analyze this data effectively.

B2B Data-Driven Approaches - The State of Marketing

  • Data-Driven Marketing: Data analytics has become integral to B2B marketing, with 70.4% of respondents always using it to guide decision-making. Only 5.6% of marketers rarely or never use data analytics, reflecting the industry’s broader shift toward evidence-based strategies.
  • Personalization at Scale: Personalization is key in the current B2B environment, and it’s being driven by data. 36% of marketers plan to increase the use of AI and machine learning in the next 2-3 years, while 24% foresee higher investments in digital marketing channels. This emphasis on personalization helps companies improve customer engagement and conversion rates while maintaining relevance in a competitive market.

Content Marketing and Thought Leadership: Cornerstones of B2B Strategies

Content marketing remains a cornerstone of B2B marketing, though the landscape is shifting to accommodate new formats and channels. Traditional tactics like blogs, whitepapers, and thought leadership articles are being complemented by webinars, virtual events, and interactive content.

Channels B2B Strategies - The State of Marketing

  • Most Effective Marketing Channels: The top-performing B2B marketing channels remain diverse. 35% of respondents identified social media as the most effective channel, followed by account-based marketing (20%) and email marketing (17.5%). Content marketing (blogs, whitepapers, ebooks) remains essential, used by 12.5% of marketers, while 10% cited webinars and virtual events as key tactics.
  • Webinars and Virtual Events: As in-person events are replaced by digital alternatives, 10% of marketers highlighted the importance of webinars and virtual events in driving engagement and lead generation. These events provide valuable opportunities for thought leadership, enabling brands to position themselves as industry experts and engage with potential customers at scale.

AI’s Impact on Revenue Growth

AI is playing a critical role in driving revenue growth for B2B marketers. While adoption is still growing, those who have integrated AI into their operations are seeing significant benefits. The top AI use cases for driving revenue growth include:

AI Impact Revenue Growth - The State of Marketing

  • Creating Recurring Customers: 40.5% of respondents said AI-driven marketing has been instrumental in generating repeat business.
  • Automating Documentation: 26.2% of companies benefit from AI in automating routine tasks, allowing marketing teams to focus on higher-value work.
  • Automating Marketing Campaigns: 16.7% of respondents reported that AI’s ability to automate and optimize marketing activities has been directly linked to higher revenue growth.

The Budget Shift: Increased Investment in Technology and Programs

The allocation of B2B marketing budgets is evolving to reflect the growing importance of technology and automation.

B2B marketing budgets - The State of Marketing

  • Budget Allocation for Technology: 20% of respondents allocate between 11-20% of their total marketing budget to technology, while another 20% allocate 81-100%. This growing investment in technology demonstrates how crucial automation, AI, and data analytics are becoming for B2B success.
  • Budget for Personnel: Companies are also investing heavily in marketing teams, with 27.3% of companies allocating between 81-100% of their marketing budget to personnel. This reflects the need for skilled marketers who can navigate the complex B2B landscape, harness AI tools, and deliver data-driven insights.
  • Program Spending: On the program side, 17.6% of respondents allocate 81-100% of their budget to marketing programs, demonstrating the importance of direct marketing initiatives in driving business growth.

The Future of B2B Marketing: Trends to Watch

Looking ahead, B2B marketing will continue to evolve as new technologies and strategies emerge. According to the survey, the top trends expected to shape B2B marketing over the next few years include:

Future B2B Marketing Trends - The State of Marketing

  • AI and Machine Learning: 21.9% of respondents believe AI and machine learning will have the biggest impact on B2B marketing in the next year. As these technologies become more accessible and sophisticated, they will continue to transform how businesses approach everything from customer segmentation to content creation.
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM): 18.8% of respondents expect ABM to play an increasingly significant role in B2B marketing strategies, driven by the need for personalized, high-touch marketing approaches that engage specific accounts with tailored content.
  • Personalized Marketing: 18.8% also highlighted the importance of personalized marketing campaigns in the future, reflecting the ongoing shift towards customization and individualization in B2B buyer journeys.

Strategic Takeaways for 2024

2024 is a defining year for the marketing industry, driven by rapid technological advancements, shifting consumer expectations, and the increasing importance of data-driven strategies. AI is transforming every aspect of marketing, from content creation to personalization and campaign management.

Brands that can balance the efficiencies of AI with the human elements of creativity and authenticity will emerge as leaders in this dynamic environment. However, those that fail to adapt risk being left behind in an industry where change is the only constant.

The State of Marketing 2024 report offers a clear roadmap for brands looking to navigate the fast-evolving marketing landscape. Here are the key strategic takeaways for marketers:

AI Takeaways - The State of Marketing

  1. Invest in AI: AI is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for brands looking to stay competitive. Marketers should start small, with AI-driven tools that offer immediate ROI, and gradually scale their investments. AI’s ability to personalize marketing at scale will be a key differentiator in 2024.
  2. Focus on Authenticity and Community-Driven Engagement: The shift toward micro and nano influencers reflects the growing importance of authentic, relatable content. Brands that prioritize genuine connections with their audiences through smaller influencers and user-generated content will see higher engagement and brand loyalty.
  3. Adopt a Multi-Channel Strategy: Brands must leverage a range of channels across the marketing funnel, from TikTok for top-of-funnel engagement to YouTube for bottom-of-funnel conversions. A holistic, cross-channel approach ensures broader reach and more consistent customer journeys.
  4. Test and Iterate Continuously: Marketers should allocate 10-15% of their budgets to testing new platforms and features, such as TikTok Shop or YouTube Shorts. A test-and-learn approach will help brands stay agile and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  5. Measure ROI and Combat Fraud: With AI playing an increasing role in marketing, it’s essential for brands to implement advanced tracking mechanisms and fraud detection tools. This will help ensure that marketing investments are driving genuine engagement and measurable results.

Predictions for Next Year (2025)

In 2025, the marketing winners will be those that not only harness the power of AI to scale personalization and efficiency but also find ways to infuse creativity, ethical considerations, and authenticity into their campaigns. The failure to balance these forces will result in campaigns that feel cold or overly commercial, alienating the very audiences they aim to engage.

Marketing Predictions - The State of Marketing

  1. Deeper Democratization of AI: In 2025, as AI tools become more affordable and scalable, the barriers for smaller businesses will diminish. Expect to see widespread adoption of AI across businesses of all sizes, particularly as AI-driven personalization and predictive analytics become indispensable. The result will be a highly competitive market where AI literacy becomes a key differentiator among marketers. The companies that adopt AI early will see gains in efficiency and customer engagement, while those that lag behind risk becoming obsolete.
  2. Hyper-Personalized Marketing at Scale: AI will continue to drive hyper-personalization, with brands using increasingly granular customer data to deliver personalized experiences in real-time across multiple touchpoints. This will lead to a proliferation of micro-targeted campaigns, making every customer interaction more relevant and tailored. The challenge for marketers will be to balance this precision with authenticity, ensuring that personalized campaigns feel human and not mechanical.
  3. A Shift Toward Ethical AI and Authenticity: As AI use becomes ubiquitous, ethical considerations around its use in marketing will become a hot topic in 2025. Consumers and regulatory bodies will increasingly demand transparency and accountability in AI-driven marketing campaigns, especially regarding data privacy and the ethical use of customer data. At the same time, brands will need to guard against the over-automation of content to ensure their messaging remains authentic and relatable. AI-driven content, if overused or misused, may alienate audiences who crave genuine human connection.
  4. AI-First Creative Agencies: By 2025, marketing agencies that specialize in AI-powered marketing strategies will emerge as dominant players. These AI-first agencies will focus on using AI tools not just for analytics but for creative ideation, campaign management, and content production. This will disrupt traditional creative agencies, which may struggle to compete if they don’t integrate AI into their core services. Expect to see an industry-wide shift toward agencies that combine creativity with data-driven AI solutions.
  5. Micro-Influencer Ecosystem Expansion: The trend toward micro and nano influencers will deepen. Brands will increasingly seek out influencers who offer niche, engaged communities rather than those with broad but shallow followings. AI-driven tools for identifying and managing influencer collaborations will evolve, making influencer marketing even more data-driven and results-oriented. The ability to quantify the ROI of smaller influencers will improve, pushing more brands to invest in these relationships.
About the Author
Djanan Kasumovic, a dynamic force in digital marketing, leads as the Head of Growth at Influencer Marketing Hub. His distinguished career includes roles at high-profile companies like SnappCar, a leader in European car sharing, Travelbird, Kids Luxury Group and B&S. Djanan has been at the forefront of innovative digital marketing processes, mastering areas such as AI content production, AI marketing, and AI influencer marketing, establishing himself as a pioneer in these fields.